Rural Student Services
Reach Out Newsletter
April 2011
In This Issue
Happenings at RSS
RSS Alumni Spotlight
RSS New Employee
2011 Fall Registration
2011 Spring Fest
Student Clubs
Scholarships & Internships

April 2011

Happenings at RSS


April 2

Lapgame competition @ SRC 4:30-6:30pm

Team Colleen vs. Team Carol 

April 5,12,19,26 

1pm ANSEP Meetings

April 7 & 21

1pm AISES Meetings

April 4   

Fall 2011 Registration Begins

April 7

5-7pm Festival of Native Arts volunteer dinner

April 14 & 28

1pm NABL Meetings

April 15

Doyon Foundation Scholarship Renewal Application DUE 

April 22

3pm ANE Leadership Panel

April 29

UAF SpringFest (NO CLASSES) BBQ luncheon @ RSS, 2pm

Different Student Clubs:   ANSWA=Alaska Native Social Workers Association

ANESA=Alaska Native Education Student Association

FNA=Festival of Native Arts planning committee

AISES=American Indian Science & Engineering Society

ANSEP=Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program

NABL=Native Alaskan Business Leaders

IYDG= Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group

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RSS Alumni Spotlight ~ Matthew Berlin
Matthew Berlin is from Buckland, Alaska.  His maternal grandparents are Kalila & Olinka Slim(Biological) and Irvin & Leona Brink(Adoptive).  His paternal grandparents are Nicholai & Olinka Berlin.  Matthew graduated from UAF with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education and minor in Yup'ik Eskimo.  While attending UAF, Matthew was employed as a peer/tutor counselor with RSS (when RSS was located on the fifth floor of Gruening). 
All the years of attending UAF, RSS was a central point of campus and a useful resource such as advisors, colleagues, friends, native organizations, and equipment for Matthew. 
While attending UAF, Matthew participated in the Alaska Native Education Student Association(ANESA), Native Student Organization, and the Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group(IYDG).  Matthew encourages "current students to become associated with the various native student organizations and/or any other organizations that may interest you - since the time spent with like-minded groups of people will get you to know many others.  You never know - many doors of opportunities will open when you get to know people." 
A challenge Matthew faced while attending UAF was to quit being shy and voice out his concerns, opinions, questions, and suggestions both with colleagues, instructors, and others.  His motivation came from himself, although his grandparents and parents were always on his mind with every decision that he made.  Matthew recalls "what an Inupiat lady (Dorcas Rock) once told him, you are never too old to learn!  You know she is right!  Keep on with your schooling, career, and life - you are the only one who can make something out of yourself."
All throughout Matthew's college career he applied for all the scholarships and grants he could get a hold of that pertained to his major and/or minor.  Matthew recommends, "Always keep researching for scholarships and grants FIRST before thinking about getting any types of LOANS!  Remember, scholarships and grants do not require you to PAY BACK, but LOANS DO!  Keep copies of your letter of recommendations and keep your ORIGINALS on file, so that you make pick and choose which letter or recommendation to use for certain applications.  Also, keep copies of your personal essay that is required on some applications, so you may reuse for different scholarships/grants."
With earning his Bachelor's Degree, Matthew has been teaching for the past four years and within these four years he have worked with the Rose Urban Rural Exchange Program, teaching Inupiat and some Yup'ik Eskimo dancing, and is currently the Senior advisor at the local school.
Matthew's father has been encouraging him to pursue his Master's Degree, so he may look into it, but he loves to teach and will continue doing so. 
Matthew shares, "For ALL current students: do not be too shy to correct, suggest, answer questions, or ask questions to either your colleagues or instructors.  Let your voice be heard.  Remember, there is no such thing as a dumb question, except for the question that is/was never asked!  You pay a lot of money for your education, so make the most of it! Take some classes with relatives or good friends to help each other out and join some study groups with your colleagues."


RSS welcomes Charlene Church (woman),

RSS Peer Advisor/ Student Spotlight 


Waqaa! My name is Charlene Church, I am known by many as Woman (may seem odd or weird to call me by it but I don't mind, it's my nickname). I was born and raised in Quinhagak, Alaska. Quinhagak is situated on the Kanektok River and near the Arolik River, approximately a mile from the Kuskokwim Bay of the Bering Sea Southwest of Alaska. My parents are Bobby and Carol Church, they are also from Quinhagak.

My hobbies are beading, picking berries, helping others (I consider it a hobby because I love helping anyone), and rod-and-reeling on the Konektok River. I have recently been addicted to making earrings. I also have been addicted to playing my Wii lately. My favorite sport is volleyball, and all-time favorite color is green. Green is the color of life I think. It's so beautiful and lively.

This is my 2nd year at UAF and I am currently in the Bachelor of Science program in biology. My goals in life are to further my education and become a physician assistant.  It's going to take a couple years to finish but I believe that I can do it.

For all those attending UAF and future students, just work hard and do your work. It may seem so much fun to skip class and hang out with friends instead of doing your work, but in time, the work will catch up and you will drown in unfinished school work. In my first year here, I never hung out with anybody, I was anti-social pretty much. And I lived off campus, so, I wasn't influenced to skip class and not do homework. What I am trying to say is: school is very important and everyone should take advantage of their time by doing homework. Doing your work and finishing it keeps you moving and gets you closer to your goal and degree.

"RSS is excited to have you as part of the staff!" 


Fall 2011 Registration
Fall 2011 Registrations begins Monday, April 4th.  The class schedule and registration forms are available online March 28.  Please schedule or call for an appointment to see your advisor for classes for Fall 2011.


RSS Spring Fest BBQ
Join the staff and peer advisors for a spring fest BBQ luncheon on Friday, April 29th at 2pm in the RSS Gathering Room....come one, come all, and enjoy!
We encourage all 2010-2011 graduates to attend so we can celebrate your success.


Student Club updates

NABL~ April 14th 1pm Mtg ~ discuss business plan

        April 28th 1pm Mtg ~ prep for Dennis Demmert awards

  Dennis Demmert Appreciation and Recognition Awards     

  Luncheon, May 5th @ 1pm in the RSS Gathering Room  


Alaska Native Leadership Panel featuring Native elders~ Theme "Never Stop Learning" ~ potluck luncheon on  

Friday, April 22nd from 3-5pm.  


AISES~Tutor schedule~Mon 1-2pm; Tues 9:45-11:15am, 11-2pm, 3:40-5:10pm; Thurs 10-1pm, 2-5pm; Fri 1-2pm,  3-5pm 

Scholarships & Internships

American Indian College Fund

The American Indian College Fund provides scholarship support to each tribal college. They also administer several scholarship programs offered to American Indian students attending tribal colleges and state and private universities.

Award: Varies by scholarship

Eligibility requirements: American Indian students attending mainstream and tribal colleges pursuing undergrad, graduate and professional degrees.  A recent digital photo and four documents are required to complete this application. The required documents include:  

  • official college transcript
  • tribal enrollment verification or proof of descent,
  • one recommendation letter; and
  • financial needs analysis form (this can be found on the online application)  

Criteria for awarding scholarship: Tribal Enrollment Verification - Please provide scanned copies of proof of enrollment into a federally recognized tribe. A copy of a Tribal Enrollment Card or Certificate of Indian Blood is acceptable for this field.

  • If you are a descendant, you must provide a copy of Tribal Enrollment information for the family member that is an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe and birth certificates linking the student to the enrolled member to complete this requirement.  

How to apply:

Scholarship deadline: May 31st (see website for further details)

Contact information: 

American Indian College Fund
8333 Greenwood Blvd.
Denver, CO 80221
Toll Free: (800) 776-3863
Phone: (303) 426-8900
Fax: (303) 426-1200

Category: For high school seniors, undergraduates and graduates


The UAF Interior-Aleutians and Chukchi Campuses are recruiting for Fall 2011 Veterinary Science Certificate and Associate of Science Programs.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) funds will cover twenty rural Alaskan/Alaska Native students who apply to this program. Students can earn a Certificate in Veterinary Science or an Associate of Science at NO COST!

To apply to this program, contact Amelia Ruerup, Student Services Outreach Coordinator at

(907) 474-6764 

or toll free at





Icicle Seafoods is offering an exciting internship opportunity to students seeking experience working as a vessel engineer.  The internship is intended to provide students with valuable training and hands on experience working in the field of marine engineering from the unique perspective of Alaska's seafood industry.


Current enrollment in or completion of a relevant technical degree or certification (preferably one involving electrical systems, refrigeration, or mechanical engineering).  Some work experience demonstrating a general maintenance and repair background.  Welding and fabrication ability with aluminum and stainless steel preferred.  Must be able to work seven days a week, overtime and various shifts. 


Near shore seafood processing vessels in Alaska (Bristol Bay, South Central Alaska, and Southeast Alaska) 


Chris Pugmire 206-331-1249 [email protected]
Tom Swanson 206-281-5344 [email protected]
Complete an online application at and send a current copy of your resume to [email protected]
DEADLINE: April 30, 2011