Rural Student Services
Reach Out Newsletter
December 2010
In This Issue
Dec 2010 Happenings
RSS Student Spotlight
Congratulations Binky
Retirement Party
Scholarships & Internships
December 2010 Happenings at RSS

Dec 3
5pm PCN: Holiday Theme
Dec 4
1-3pm "A winning Essay workshop" with the IAC Upward Bound Students
Dec 7
1pm ANSEP Mtg
Dec 7
NABL Holiday Party
Dec 9
1pm ANESA Mtg, location TBA
Dec 13
Last day of classes
Dec 15-18
Final Exams
Dec 20-31
WINTER BREAK ~ RSS Offices Closed

All events in the Gathering Room are open to the public and we encourage all students to attend.  Stop by for more events posted every day at RSS!

 Different Student Clubs:
ANSWA=Alaska Native Social Workers Association

ANESA=Alaska Native Education Student Association

FNA=Festival of Native Arts planning committee

AISES=American Indian Science & Engineering Society

ANSEP=Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program

NABL=Native Alaskan Business Leaders

IYDG= Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group


See you in January 2011!
A few dates to remember:
January 18, 2011 Residence Halls open
January 19, 2011 Orientation for new students
January 20, 2011 First day of classes
January 20, 2011 RSS open House 5pm

RSS Student Spotlight ~  Denali Quyanna Qapvik Whiting
Denali Quyanna Qapvik Whiting is from Kotzebue and Sisaulik, Alaska.  She is a freshman at UAF and plan to double major in Elementary Education and Biology with a minor in American Sign Language.  Denali has been the vice president of the Kotzebue chapter of National Honor Society, involved with student government since elementary school (holding positions as class representative, treasurer, historian, secretary, and vice president), captain of the Kotzebue chapter of youth leaders, varsity cheer captain for three consecutive years (winning 1st runner up at the state level and receiving the team GPA award), and participated in cross-country.  She was in choir for two years attending the regional music festival and ranking to go to the state music festival.  Denali has been a part of the sivulik media group in Kotzebue for about five years where they complete media training including interviewing, filming, audio recording, still photos, video editing, and explore personal expression.  She has also served as photographer and page editor for the Kotzebue high school year book.  Denali quotes "You truly do get back what you put in, the harder you work, the greater the reward will be even if it is  just a greater feeling of self-esteem and knowing you tried your best."  She is motivated to do well in school knowing that she is representing her family, high school, region, and heritage.  She wants to set a good example for her peers and the younger generations.  The biggest challenge Denali has faced while attending UAF was the transition from high school to college.  She is an only child so she has a strong connection with her parents.  Denali quotes "we are like the three musketeers!"  Denali keeps going strong by staying busy with school work, being active and practicing healthy habits such as exercise and eating healthy, and getting involved with volunteering.  Denali has supportive family members in Fairbanks that makes the transition easier on her.  Denali has used scholarships to pay for her entire first semester of school.  Denali suggests "Even if you don't think you are eligible for certain scholarships or if it is passed due, APPLY! It doesn't hurt to try, the worst that could happen is they will say no!  Research scholarships opportunities early so you can begin the process and won't be rushing to make deadlines.  Also think outside the box, apply for local scholarships offered through UAF but also keep in mind there are scholarships nationwide that you could be eligible for!"
Denali had the honor to be crowned Miss Teen Arctic Circle 2008 which is a traditional pageant held in Kotzebue available to young Alaskan Native women.  That year she also received the Most Photogenic Award and Most Traditional Award.  She is currently reigning Miss Alaska Teen USA 2011.  This is her biggest accomplishment to date.  She is excited to represent Alaska and especially young Alaskan Native women through this title.  She will be competing at the Miss Teen USA pageant, which is part of the Miss USA and Miss Universe organization.  Denali quotes "It is important to be aware of your roots and embrace your culture."
Congratulations Binky!

Anderson is a graduate of Mount Edgecumbe High School and a junior at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks majoring in communications.

The Alexie Isaac Memorial Scholarship was created in 2006, in memory of Isaac, a long-time employee of Bethel Broadcasting, who worked as a television producer, cameraman, editor, translator, and radio announcer.  The board of directors of Bethel Broadcasting awards two $1,000 scholarships each year in his memory.  For more information about applying for the 2011 spring semester scholarship, visit or call 907-543-0222. The application deadline is Tuesday February 1, 2011.

Binky has been a great ANSEP Peer Advisor for the past year and we will greatly miss her when she leaves in December.  We wish her the best in her future endeavors.
If interested in applying for the ANSEP Peer Advisor position, please go to the link below for more information:
Retirement Party for Andy Angaiak
Past RSS Director 1978-1979, currently Upward Bound Director retirement party at the Wood Center December 7th from 4-6pm.
Scholarships & Internships

Intertribal Timber Council Scholarship Announcement

For Native American/Alaskan Natural Resource Students

The Truman D. Picard Scholarship Program is dedicated to the support of Native American students pursuing a higher education in Natural Resources.

Required Materials:

1) Letter of Application

2) Resume

3)Three Letters of Reference

4)Evidence of validated enrollment in a federally recognized tribe or Alaska Native Corporation.

5) Transcripts

All requested information MUST be received by the close of business (5:00 pm) March 18, 2011.  For more information, please visit the website Fax (503) 282-1274 and email [email protected]


Law Enforcement Academy Scholarship Opportunity!

Doyon Foundation is pleased to announce a scholarship opportunity available to Alaska Native students wishing to attend the Spring 2011 Law Enforcement Academy at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Community and Technical College (formerly Tanana Valley Campus). The scholarship is generously funded by the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company Alaska Native Program. The next academy will be held February 14 - May 13, 2011 in Fairbanks, Alaska. For more information on the academy, visit:

To apply for a scholarship, download and complete the application located at  All applications must be RECEIVED by Friday, January 7, 2011.  For more information, contact Doyon Foundation at 907-459-2048, 1-800-478-4755 or email [email protected].

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company

Alyeska Pipeline Service Company seeks applications from highly motivated college students currently attending an accredited university. Specifically Alyeska is looking for individuals who are seeking more than just a summer position, but a future career pathway by participating in a 12 - week paid internship program on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS).

The Application Packet Must Include The Following For Consideration:

o    Internship Application

o    Current Resume

o    Copy of Official College Transcript(S)

o    Two (2) Letters Of Recommendation

o    Personal Statement

o    EEO Form (recommended)


Incomplete Applications Will Not Be Considered