UAF Rural Student Services
Reach Out Newsletter
October 2010
In This Issue
October 2010 Happenings
Positive Connection Nights
RSS study hours
Tutor labs
October 2010 Happenings at RSS

Oct 1
5pm PCN: Video Games
Oct 5, 12, 19, 26
1pm ANSEP Mtgs
Oct 7 & 21
1pm AISES Mtgs
Oct 5, 12, 19, 26
1pm NABL Mtgs in Brooks Rm 104A
Oct 15
5pm PCN: Alcohol Awareness Panel
Oct 18-23
AFN in Fairbanks @ Carlson Center
Oct 17
5pm Welcome Dinner for Winter Bear cast & crew @ RSS
Oct 18
7pm Winter Bear Show @ Pioneer Park
Oct 19
4:30-6:30pm RAHI Reunion Dinner @ RSS
Oct 20
AFN Potluck @ the Big Dipper, Time TBA
Oct 29
Deadline for withdrawals

All events in the Gathering Room are open to the public and we encourage all students to attend.  Stop by for more events posted every day at RSS!

Different Student Clubs:
ANSWA=Alaska Native Social Workers Association

ANESA=Alaska Native Education Student Association

FNA=Festival of Native Arts planning committee

AISES=American Indian Science & Engineering Society

ANSEP=Alaska Native Science & Engineering Program

NABL=Native Alaskan Business Leaders

IYDG= Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group

PCN=Positive Connection Night

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The Rural Student Services and

Rural Alaska Honors Institute staff want you to SUCCEED at UAF!

Success includes academics, professional development and making sure that your college dollars stretch enough to get you to that graduation goal line!  We are here to help you "make the grade"-watch every month for this newsletter where we will feature important deadlines, new scholarships, internships and visitors to UAF that can offer you career opportunities.

Your first upcoming progress marker is October 8thwhen freshman progress reports are due to the registrar.  As your mid-term grades are posted you will be able to see them on your account.  Select the "Student Services & Account Information" tab and then "Student Records" and then "Mid-term Grades".  Check out your grades and schedule to meet with your advisor if necessary. 

Thank You to Chief Andrew Isaac Health Center (CAIHC) staff members for coming to RSS to assist students with registration on Sept 9 & 10th.

If you have not activated your university email or logged on to blackboard please make an appointment to see your advisor.

Watch for fliers at the RSS front desk or display case for events or important information happening on campus.

RSS Student Spotlight ~

Marjorie Tungwenuk Tahbone

Marjorie is from Nome, she is in her 4th year at UAF majoring in Biological Sciences with a minor in Inupiaq Language.  Marjorie has been working as an intern for the Norton Sound Fisheries Research & Development in Nome for the past four summers.  She recommends all students to apply for internships that may be of interest to you.  She has been involved with Inu-Yupiaq Dance Group, ANSEP, & AISES student clubs.  Marjorie gets her motivation to do good in school from family, peers, & community members. Her school expenses are paid through scholarships, she encourages all students to apply for as many as you can and its best to do them early and not wait for the deadline. 

Congrats to Marjorie on becoming the Miss WEIO 2010 and Miss Arctic Native Brotherhood.  RSS continues to support you in all your efforts.

RSS Alum Spotlight ~ Percy C. Avugiak

Percy is originally from Chefornak, Alaska.  He now lives in Anchorage, Alaska.  His parents are John and Arlene Avugiak of Chefornak.  His grandparents are Percy and Elizabeth Agloinga of White Mountain, and Willis and Anna Avugiak of Chefornak. In 2006 Percy received a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Alaska Fairbanks.  Percy recollects "when I was at UAF, I met a lot of friends at RSS.  Friends from different parts of Alaska like me to receive a college education.  RSS provided services and guidance to us all.The student club that I was involved with was the Inu-Yupiaq Dance group.  I would strongly suggest current students to be part of this club because it's where students get to share their culture, traditions, songs/dance, stories and art.  My early challenges was being homesick and getting stressed.  But I felt better every time when I visited RSS or being part of the Inu-Yupiaq dance group.  First thing is to always check your Native corporation if they provide scholarships and grants.  And ask your RSS advisor.  After receiving my college degree, I've been working on my artwork by having my artwork in exhibitions, events and festivals, with some interviews and reviews.  I taught art at the Alaska Native Heritage Center.  In the past few years I have gotten a lot of commissions to paint my abstract paintings. One commission was for the new Target store grand opening in Wasilla, Alaska. It was later donated to the Alaska Native Heritage Center.  One large commission painting is at the new Veteran's Affair clinic building in Anchorage, Alaska.  Most recently my painting was selected for the 2011 National Indian Welfare Association 29th Annual "Protecting Our Children" National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, which will be held in Anchorage April 17-20, 2011.  Every year I have donated my artwork to annual art auctions in Alaska.  Donating to the KAKM channel 7 art auctions gave me the opportunity to talk about my artwork live on TV, and having me in their short art preview commercials.  The KNBA art auction gave me the opportunity to talk on the radio about my artworks, and meet many high profile people throughout the state of Alaska.  Since my mom and wife are Bering Straits shareholders, I also donated to the Bering Straits Native Corporation to help the scholarship fund.  I sell my carvings, jewelry, paintings, originals and prints at arts and crafts tables in Alaska throughout the year.  In Anchorage I sell during Christmas Bazaars, Alaska Federation of Native crafts fair, Fur Rondy crafts fair, Arctic Slope Regional Corp. monthly crafts day, Alaska Native Heritage Center, and at the Alaska Native Medical Center.

            My artwork can be seen at corporate collections: 

            Alyeska Resort, Girdwood, Alaska

            Alaska Native Heritage Center, Anchorage, Alaska

            South Central Foundation, Anchorage, Alaska

            Bering Straits Native Corporation, Anchorage, Alaska

            Calista Native Corporation, Anchorage, Alaska

            Chugach Alaska Corporation, Anchorage, Alaska

            Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Anchorage, Alaska

            Doyon Limited, Fairbanks, Alaska

            BP, Anchorage, Alaska

            Cook Inlet Regional Inc., Anchorage, Alaska

            Veteran's Affair Clinic, Anchorage, Alaska

I will continue working as an Alaskan Native Artist.  Through my work I hope to attract an audience to new forms of Native art, especially youth whose contemporary culture includes comic books, movies, and video games. Although the subject matter is new, my work will reflect a Native humor found among villages in rural Alaska for decades.  The knowledge I learn in college has combined with the knowledge I have in my Eskimo culture and heritage.  Many of my experiences are reflected in my work, and it continues every day.

Congratulations Percy! You are a mentor and role model for many Alaska Native youth and RSS is proud to know you. 

Positive Connection Nights

Take the opportunity to meet other students who are interested in a weekend of healthy choices and partake in a fun activity with supper!!

The different events occur within the RSS

Gathering Room in the Brooks Building, they begin at 5pm on the below listed evenings.  Bring a friend and have fun!

Upcoming dates are as follows:

Oct 1 Video Games Night

Oct 15 Alcohol Awareness Panel

Oct 29 Halloween Celebration

Do you need a place to study?
Come to RSS for
When? Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
from 5-9pm
Where? RSS Gathering Room
Bring yourself and your thinking cap!
*Computers will be available.

UAF Help/Tutor LABS:

Using the many campus learning resources is the key to not only getting help when you feel you need it but also just improving your grade to strive for the best!  Your first step is to meet with your advisor and map out a success plan for the semester and look ahead to future semester goals.  Check out the following:

Writing Center: 4 days a week (Mon - Thurs) RSS Gathering Room

Mondays: 12pm-4pm

Tues - Thurs: 2pm -4pm

Math Lab: 6 days a week (Mon - Fri & Sun) 406 Gruening

Mondays: 8:30am-12:30pm & 5pm -10pm

Tuesdays: 1:15pm-5:15pm & 5:30pm-9:30pm

Wed: 8:30am-12:30pm & 2:15pm-10pm

Thursdays: 1:15pm-5:15pm & 5-10pm

Fridays: 2:30pm-5:30pm

Sundays: 4-8pm

AISES is offering free tutoring in the Gathering Room, for more information see the schedule @ RSS or call Olga Skinner at 474-5152 or [email protected]

DECEMBER 2010 Graduation:
For any students planning to graduate this semester (Fall 2010) you must submit a formal Application for Graduation by Oct 15th with the $50 fee.
MAY 2011 Graduation:
For students planning to graduate in May 2011 (Spring 2011 semester) the new policy for Graduation Services is for students to apply one semester BEFORE they plan to graduate so that the official degree audit can be completed well before the student registers for Spring 2011 semester and they can ensure all requirements can be met for a May 2011 graduation.  Apply now with the $50 fee to:
UAF Graduation Services
P.O. Box 757495
Fairbanks, AK  99775
For the application and more information go to their website at .

Scholarships& Internships
BP Internship application deadline is Sept 26, 2010 for students to work at BP this coming 2011 Summer.  Students must apply online at

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is the second largest  Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIAID is recognized worldwide for cutting edge medical and scientific research.  Our research programs aim to improve diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of immunological, allergic, and emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.
Applications deadline: October 15, 2010. 
To learn more about INRO, to check eligibility, and to apply, visit:

RurAL CAP is recruiting for our 2011 BIRCH (Building Initiatives in Rural Community Health) and RAVEN (Rural Alaska Village Environmental Network) AmeriCorps teams.  To learn more about these programs and to download the application and forms, go to or call 1-800-478-7227 and ask for Charlie Ess at ext. 7355 (RAVEN) or Margaret David at ext. 7361 (BIRCH).
Americorps Members are recruited locally and work to address your community's needs.
The program year begins January 16, 2011 and requires a commitment to one year of service.  Members receive living stipends, an education award, childcare benefits, on the job training, and much more. 
Applications deadline: November 5, 2010