J.E. Wilson LOGO (sm) 

"Don't fight forces, use them."

-Buckminster Fuller (20th Century philosopher/architect)

STAT Newsletter                                                     2011\08b



Facilitating Financial Health

There are a number of similarities between financial and physical health. Both require some level of active effort. It is difficult to attain good physical or financial health unintentionally. While this may seem rational and reasonable, this truth alone creates an obstacle for many individuals. In our instant gratification society, if the malady can't be solved by a pill or a product then many have no further interest.

The ever present tension between short term returns and long term outcomes is a dilemma medical practitioners and financial advisors both share. The onslaught of media coverage of sensational healthcare "miracles" or financial "quick-fixes" dominate yet these are precisely the wrong avenues for most individuals to pursue.

I have gone through the Executive Physical service at Mayo Clinic a couple times. It has been instructive to watch how the entirety of the process is focused on the long term and the trajectory of current medical items into the future. This can also be applied to financial fitness as we often encounter trends with client savings or spending that, if permanent, can derail even the best financial plan. The idea is to correct the issue before it becomes a full blown problem.

My guess is perhaps 90% or more of the media coverage of financial /investment items every day centers around products (pills) and tactics (procedures) instead of longer term strategies. No wonder that most individuals stay focused on those things instead of making needed changes to position them for financial independence in the future. The attached article by professor Burton Malkiel reminds us that strategy is important and the short term market movements are not.

The cornerstone of our distinctively different approach is one that is both purposeful and strategic. Long term means years and products or ideas that aim to exploit something in the near term usually operate at very low odds of success. We are happy to visit with your friends, colleagues or family. Don't keep us a secret.


  - James E. Wilson, CFP�                       


 James Wilson Photo                                  My Blog


A Call to Action:   


In two weeks, we will discuss the Power of Perspective - how thinks look different depending on where you are.




Uncommon Confidence
As the oldest South Carolina fee-only financial planning firm, J.E. Wilson Advisors provides our clients with objective and independent financial solutions. The firm has developed a number of innovative financial planning tools designed to ensure that client values and objectives are well served.

Wealth RX LOGOWealthRx� is J.E. Wilson's unique wealth management process, designed with successful physicians in mind. Learn more. Contact [email protected].


J.E. Wilson Advisors, LLC
2431 Devine Street
Columbia, SC 29205

MD Preferred LOGO