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" Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work."
-H.L. Hunt (1889-1974), American oil tycoon
STAT Newsletter                                                     2010\10b

Mis-placed Priorites- What Matters Most?


The past 3 years have provided investors ample opportunity to fret, re-examine and re-jigger plans and priorities. Next to the discipline to stay invested for the long term, the most important component to financial well-being is proper management of debt. Debt that is reasonable and aligned with specific purposes or assets is one thing, but much of what we see doesn't fit that description. Take a look at this debt prioritization chart (linked here) that categorizes different types of debt.


For individuals nearing retirement or already retired we treat the regular portfolio withdrawals as a liability against the investment assets that generate the withdrawals. When viewed through that prism, the underlying reason and rationale for investment risk becomes clear.


Much has been written about U.S. investors paying down their debt at a faster pace than typical over the past couple years. In the aggregate, however, this does not appear to be true. Many, if not most, Americans are still too heavily laden with debt of all kinds. Twenty years ago, we rarely saw clients nearing retirement with mortgage debt (or any other debt for that matter). Today, it is rare to have these folks without significant mortgage debt. Attitude towards debt has shifted significantly over this timeframe. Debt that is not properly aligned creates inflexibility in an environment that places a premium on maintaining flexibility.


Everyone likes to focus on investment returns and that is indeed important. Sometimes, however, the most effective manner to improve overall financial health is found in the proper management of debt. Our purview as an unbiased holistic financial advisor allows us to provide honest and value added advice on debt to our clients at this critical juncture.


  - James E. Wilson, CFP 
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Prioritizing Liabilities
This pyramid is designed to help you think about current and future liabilities, while deciding how to prioritize and fund them.
A Call to Action:
Once you view your future stream of withdrawals as a debt with your investment portfolio as the matching asset, we work out the math to determine if these match. Our next STAT in two weeks will address the often muddled math when matching liabilities to assets. 

Uncommon Confidence
As the oldest South Carolina fee-only financial planning firm, J.E. Wilson Advisors provides our clients with objective and independent financial solutions. The firm has developed a number of innovative financial planning tools designed to ensure that client values and objectives are well served.

Wealth RX LOGOWealthRx� is J.E. Wilson's unique wealth management process, designed with successful physicians in mind. Learn more. Contact kstokes@jewilson.com.


J.E. Wilson Advisors, LLC
2431 Devine Street
Columbia, SC 29205

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