Assessing the Real Impact of Your Compliance Group:  A Quick Diagnostic
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I GLASS Field Based Monitoring Program™


This program proactively meets the requirements of recent CIAs for field force monitoring and is a comprehensive, solution for training, coaching, monitoring, and reporting compliant pharmaceutical sales excellence. 


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Rx for Compliance

 Aug 2011 

Overcoming the Pitfalls of Traditional Compliance Training for Sales Professionals 

Pharm Rep

Inspect What You Expect:   Field Based monitoring programs can help companies avoid problems before they start

To see additoinal Compliance Publications from WLH Consulting, Inc. please click here.

Ask yourself this question:  How does the Compliance group at my organization impact behavior?  Most bio-pharmaceutical companies provide training on policies and regulations, yet, many have still been hit with large fines and settlements. Why? Traditional compliance training focuses on policy education.  However, most compliance violations are due to behavior, and are not the result of a lack of policy knowledge.  Instead, compliance training should focus on creating and sustaining behavior change to reduce risk and avoid future violations. 


In order for training to affect future behavior, it needs to target behavioral skills and be relevant and applicable to the real world.  For example, a Sales Professional should know which sales practices are and are not considered compliant.  The Compliance group needs to work with other stakeholders to customize training and to ensure that the behavioral skills are applied and sustained. 


To help you assess the impact of your Compliance group on behavior, please use the questions on the left.  Use the best practice tips on the right to address defciencies.



To learn more about how your Compliance group can work effectively with other stakeholders to meet their goals, read the WLH article, "The Importance of Cross-Functional Alignment for Compliance Improvements" published in the Rx Compliance Report.  

Wendy Heckelman, Ph.D.
WLH Consulting, Inc.


WLH Consulting, Inc. has twenty years of experience consulting in the biopharm industry.  We combine this with our expertise in organizational and individual assessment, behavioral-based training, cultural change, and cross-functional alignment to provide recommendations and practical solutions to our compliance and commercial clients.
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