Path in Field
Pioneer Pathways 
Leavenworth County Republican Party Official Newsletter May 2009
In This Issue
What's going on around town?
Connie's Corner
Tea Parties
Under Attack
Who should I contact?
What's going on around town?
KS GOP logo
May 14
Sunflower Republican Club Meeting from 6-9pm at the Smokehouse BBQ in Overland Park, KS.
May 18
Republican Women's Club Luncheon from 11:30am-1pm at the Riverfront Community Center in Leavenworth, KS
May 19
Hope for America Coalition meeting from 7-9pm at the Antioch Branch of the Johnson County Library.
May 26
Kansans for Life Monthly Meeting from 7-9pm at the Church of Christ on 10th Avenue in Leavenworth, Kansas.
June 1
Town Hall Meeting at Lansing Community Center from 7-9pm.
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June Town Hall Meeting
The Town Hall Meeting for June will be held from  7:00 - 9:00 PM on June 1 at the Lansing Community Center. You will not want to miss this event. We are fortunate to have both Jim Denning, Chief Executive Officer of Discover Vision Centers and Senator Jeff Colyer to discuss the looming Health Care Crisis in America. With the large numbers of retirements in the medical field and the low out put of our physician training centers combined with the rapid approaching nationalization of our Health Care system, changes are on the way. Our speakers will present facts that will personally impact every one of us, regardless of our political affiliations. You will want to attend this meeting and bring your friends and neighbors as well.
Candidate TrainingWhat Kind of Change Do We Want?

All throughout the Presidential campaign we heard about "Change". Obama had a plan to drastically change forever the very core structure of America from a free-enterprise based republic to a socialist nation based on the European Style of government. (This was not the change he was publicly campaigning on.) Very few Americans really understood his message as he cloaked his real intentions very well. 

Now that he is in full control, his change is coming at such a rapid pace, that few individuals are able to fully comprehend the full magnitude of what is happening right in front of our very eyes. Many of my thoughts are summed up in a blog which I want to quote (in part) which was posted by Steve Kellmeyer on April 22, 2009; entitled "Not with a Whimper, But a Bang".
"As many commentators have noticed, Barack Hussein Obama is inflicting change upon the United States faster and harder than any previous president. We have seen alliances that were built up over decades being systematically attacked over the space of days, terrorists have become respected diplomats, economics has been turned on its head.
Today we discover that Barack Obama has never called himself a constitutional law professor, that the members of the previous administration might be indicted for having prevented attacks on the United States, that terrorist aren't really terrorists no matter what the evidence says, and that anyone who accepts the constitution at face value is a right-wing extremist/militiaman/terrorist.

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

I have argued over and over and over again that Barack Hussein Obama is implementing the same agenda used by his predecessors, men like Lenin, Stalin and Hitler.  Revolutions work by changing the situation faster than anyone can follow.  By the time you step back to take a breath, you're in a different world and there's nothing you can do about it. Rapid change installs learned helplessness in the people upon whom it is inflicted.

How quickly can massive change be implemented?
�        French Revolution :  7 years (1786-1793)
�        Russian Revolution (Lenin):  4 years (1914-1918)
�        Russian Revolution (Stalin):  5 years (1924-1929)
�        Nazi Revolution: 3-10 years (1923-1933)
�        Cuban Revolution: 3-6 years (1952-1959)

Everything can change in the space of just a few years if the horse is whipped mercilessly enough.  The one taking power needs a scapegoat. Lenin had the Tsar.  Stalin had Trotsky and the kulaks. Hitler had the Jews.  Cuba had the Americans. Barack Obama has George Bush and capitalism.

Why put the nation into trillions of dollars of debt? It makes sense if you want to break the piggy bank and fundamentally change the society. For Lenin and Hitler, the bank had already been broken when they got there.  Stalin and Castro deliberately destroyed the economy in order to accomplish what they wanted. If Barack pushes a weak economy as hard as he can, it may well fail and allow him to really get to work.

Why release memos on waterboarding while redacting the information on the lives saved? This makes sense from a short-term political perspective. But it also makes sense if you want to discredit capitalism and its associated government so as to engender in people desire for a different form of government. 

Things are changing fast. In four years, we will be living in a different country."
Left unchecked, the U.S. Government, over the next 4 years, will be in firm control of our banks, automobile industries, airlines, the housing/mortgage markets, our heath care and our education system to include mandatory government servitude of all youth. The President and the Treasury Secretary now feel at ease with firing and hand-picking corporate CEO's (a job normally performed by the Corporate Board of Directors and shareholders). Free enterprises are fast becoming an endangered species, as is Capitalism. 

Over the last 2-3 months we have seen many ordinary people ban together at Tea Parties, rallies, and other gatherings to protest what they deem as unwanted change, and things which go contrary to the very fabric of the Constitution. These people come from all walks of life and represent all political parties and ethnic races. For the most-part, they have never participated in such events previously, but now feel that if they continue to sit idly by, the results may be catastrophic to both the current and future generations of Americans. We must all get active in the political process if we want to retain America as we know it. The days of sitting idly by and letting others do the heavy lifting are over. Over the next few months with more Tea Parties, and rallies being planned, there will be numerous opportunities for everyone to find their niche and do their part. As demonstrated by the recent rallies and Tea Parties, this issue is no longer about partisan politics. It is about saving the Constitution and America as we know and love it.
We will also commence active campaigning in the next couple of months for the 2010 Elections. A lot is on the line in the 2010 elections and there will be room for everyone who wants to assist in whatever way they are comfortable.
John Bradford
Connie's Corner              by: Rep. Connie O'Brien
Candidate Training
 Major Decisions Await Kansas Legislators
The Kansas Legislature reconvened on April 29 and legislators began addressing some major issues that must be resolved during the wrap-up session. At the top of the list is balancing the state's budget. Legislators hoped that recent cuts in spending would have been enough, but continuing revenue shortfalls have required the Appropriations Committee to revisit the budget. There are always a few legislators who suggest raising taxes to solve the budget deficit, but the majority of House Appropriation Committee members are focused on spending reduction, budget cuts, in an effort to confront the projected $328 million budget deficit. This legislative session has seen legislators do their best to minimize cuts in education, but when you consider that education spending consist of 65% of the total budget, that's 65 cents of every tax dollar, and calculate in the size of this growing deficit it's unrealistic to expect that education cuts can be averted. The initial House Appropriation proposal makes additional cuts to K-12 of 3.8% while other government programs will see cuts of 5%. Appropriation Committee members are also considering a proposal to furlough non-public safety and direct care state employees at least one day each month over the next year. Supporters of this idea say that it would save tens of millions while preserving employee jobs and benefits, but another proposal is a straight 5% cut in the salaries of state employees. During the regular session House members voted to cut their own salaries by 10% but Senators did not concur. This new proposal for cutting salaries by 5% includes legislators salaries as well. One thing is obvious, the state is facing hard times financially and that means that everyone must make some sacrifices.
I am not a member of the House Appropriations Committee but I understand what it means to control spending and balance a budget and I intend to work with my colleagues to do just that. It's interesting! When I hear from those on the receiving end of tax revenues they don't want to see any of their resources cut, it's always cut somewhere else or use revenue enhancements, their way of saying raise taxes. On the other hand, taxpayers overwhelmingly oppose tax increases. The Kansas budget is 13 billion dollars, almost double what it was in 2004. Our population has not changed significantly during that same time, but the tax burden on Kansas citizens has. I personally believe that raising taxes will not solve our budget problems. Higher taxes are not in the best interest of Kansans consumers or our economy. We simply must bring state spending under control.   
There is another extremely important issue that legislators must resolve. Will Kansas let the opportunity to expand our energy resources pass us by? The Comprehensive Energy Expansion Bill was vetoed by Governor Sebelius. Kansas now has a new governor, Mark Parkinson, and some believe that having a new governor improves the chances of a veto override.
What's at stake?  
If the veto override attempt fails Kansas will loose a 3.8 billion dollar private investment which is desperately needed to stimulate our fragile economy. This would mean the loss of thousands of high paying jobs that would be producing much needed revenue for the state "without raising taxes". Private investment dollars that would fund the development and expansion of alternative energy sources will be lost. If the veto override fails this, state of the art, power plant expansion capable of producing clean and affordable energy for Kansans will not become a reality. 
I do serve on the House Energy and Utilities Committee and I have heard the discussions, both pro and con, on the energy expansion proposal. I have also heard from many of my constituents and we are in agreement, the energy expansion should go forward. Failure to develop our own energy resources nationally has been a factor in our economic decline. I don't want to see that happen here in Kansas.  
These are just two of the many issues that legislators will decide during the veto session. I would like to thank everyone from the 42nd District who has taken the opportunity to contact me with their concerns. Please keep our Kansas legislators in your prayers as they tackle these important issues.  
Tea Parties                                   by: Mary Brigg
I attended the grass roots tax protests (Tea Party) on April 15 at the Liberty Memorial in Kansas City. Like most of the approximately 5,000 attendees, this was the first time I had ever attended a political protest. However, my first protest was an awesome experience. The protesters represented all age groups and all political affiliations (Libertarians, Democrats, and Republicans, conservative and independent). No political party sponsored the event and the workers were volunteers. The crowd was enthusiastic, courteous and well informed. The speakers were brief but effective. When the party was over, everyone left quietly and no litter was to be found on the lawn of the Liberty Memorial.
Despite the jaundiced coverage of the pseudo-reporters of the Obama news media, this is a movement that is just starting but will grow very quickly and have a powerful effect on American politics. Patriots who believe in the Constitution need to support this movement. There needs to be strong resistance to many of President Obama's proposals, especially his 10-trillion dollar budget deficit which will bring about virtual servitude for our children and grandchildren.

Despite the implied threat in Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security's recent memo to the U.S. law enforcement that "right-wing groups" need to be kept under surveillance for possible terrorist activities, no one at the rally was intimidated. Napolitano considers the following to be suspects: those who are pro-life, pro-gun rights, pro-states' rights, anti-illegal immigration, etc. She even specifically included "veterans recently returning from Iraq and Afghanistan." This memo provides a very chilling picture of the way the American people are viewed by members of the present administration.

Far-left liberals/Marxists have taken over our country and it is time to fight back. Join the silent-no-more party of patriotic Americans who are rising up to return our country back to its Constitution-based values and attend the next rally, and the next one, and the next one.

For a greater understanding of the threat looming over our country, read Mark Levin's bestseller - "Liberty and Tyranny".
Under Attack                                by: Greg Beck 
Candidate Training
No, you aren't just imagining things, you and your way of life ARE under attack.  I'm not the only one noticing. J.B. Williams from Canada Free Press writes: "Washington DC is currently dismantling America, individual right by individual right, in an unprecedented massive multi-faceted assault on all things American. "
Like me, he's observed that people for the most part remain silent outside of the widespread, but proportionally to the population small Tea-Parties. Washington, now entirely controlled by the Democrat Party, along with a cheer-leading, fawning media continue to interpret that silence as broad-based consent and continue to make whole-sale plans for such things as amnesty, government controlled healthcare, cap and trade environmental/energy tax increases, and even more wealth re-distribution and debt.
Clearly, they either don't have a clue how to fix the economy or worse--DO; and are purposely driving our country to collapse and fear so they can permanently change America to a socialist style of government. After all, as they say, "no crisis is too good to waste" and they are creating and using as many as they can, as fast as they can.
Current opinion polls show the President's popularity split almost entirely along party lines--34% (Republicans) think his policies are bad, 32% (Dems) think they are good, and 34% (Independents) don't know, don't care, or are still giving the President the benefit of the doubt to see if things "turn around". This, despite over a 100 days of un-abashed liberal policy/law/debt enactment.
Our un-involved fellow citizens can be partly forgiven. After all, most of them are attending to daily life, working for a living, sending kids to school as they should just as we are. They're oblivious to the liberal left's full-out and fully-funded assault on America now under way. Then too, NO previous administration has EVER moved so quickly or had the ability (or inclination) to move so quickly on so many fronts, nor imposed such levels of future debt on its citizens and their great-great grandchildren as this one. As much as Democrats AND conservatives complained about big-spender George Bush adding a trillion dollars to the national debt, certainly the way
to solve the problem is not to add ANOTHER $3 trillion in immediate outlays. That's before the Dems even get started with national healthcare and the proposed cap and trade system that could take debt to $10 trillion by 2010 (next year). Most Kansans intuitively know that the first step to getting yourself out of a hole is to STOP digging it deeper.
I don't know what it will take to wake up my fellow Americans and sway them, but EVERYONE reading this newsletter needs to be on the front Iines of defense and educating your neighbors and friends. I HOPE (rather I PRAY) that it is NOT already too late. Your friends and relatives will likely be either in ignorance or denial of what is happening, but they need to be made aware. They will likely be leery of getting involved or aligning with "right-wing" Republicans and frankly that's OK--focus their attention on the issues not the party. They need to know what is happening first.
Two of the many, many sites you can educate yourself and them about are the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the Democratic Socialists of America sites. These two groups are in the lead in pushing the liberal agenda being enacted in Congress (along with many others) and are quite upfront, unabashed-even brazen, in stating what they are seeking to do and they are very well funded. We will not be able to take our country back without putting these 2 organizations out of
business to say the least of the ACLU and ACORN type organizations. The longer we wait, the tougher the battle and the higher the cost will be. Don't lose heart, don't give up, don't lose focus, and don't get frustrated. The left is counting on all that to happen to us-it's part of their game plan. We can't let it.
Who should I contact?
Leavenworth County Republican Party Leadership
John Bradford...............................Chair
Connie O'Brien........................Vice Chair
Theresa Mast...........................Secretary
David Chartier.........................Treasurer
First District
James C. Tellefson.................913-651-3853
Second District & Board Chair
Clyde Graeber......................913-682-4514
Third District
John C. Flower.....................913-634-0061
State Representatives
Kansas House of Representatives, 39th District
Owen Donohoe.....................913-484-1152
Kansas House of Representatives, 42nd District
Connie O'Brien......................913-369-2933
National Representatives
US House of Representatives
Lynn Jenkins.........................785-234-5966
US Senate
Pat Roberts..........................202-456-1414
Sam Brownback ....................202-224-6521
Feedback or suggestions for future issues? We'd love to hear from you. Please send us your comments.
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