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October 13th 2010

Democrat Candidate for Cuyahoga County Executive 
Ed FitzGerald is Pro-Abortion

Why Democrat Candidates No Longer Represent the Main Stream
See their Party Platform here
It is truly an enigma that the political party that says they represent the under-dog in society has continued to stubbornly refuse to "get it"  when it comes to destroying innocent human life in the womb.  More than 50% of Americans have recognized that human life begins at conception.  With over one million such young Americans losing their life each year including over 7,000 in Cuyahoga County, there is no argument that these Americans are the under-dog in dire need of protection!  And yet - if you click on the link above you will see the proud statement of the DNC on this issue!  In a technological culture such as ours, where ultrasound pictures of our children and grandchildren are sent via cell phone as soon as mom and dad get to see their little one, it boggles the mind to think that the Democrat Candidate for Cuyahoga County Executive, Mr. Ed. FitzGerald can proudly state that he is pro-abortion.  Ed FitzGeraldHow sad that this Catholic man from St. Luke's Parish in Lakewood is so morally mis-informed on this fundamental issue.  We wonder if the thousands of faithful Catholics throughout the County are aware of this disconnect!  Considering what the Vatican has said about Catholic politicians who openly support abortion there can be no doubt that Mr. FitzGerald's stance is at odds not only with the majority of Americans, but even with his own church.  In a forthright letter to the US Bishops in 2004,  Pope Benedict (then Cardinal Ratzinger) categorically stated that "The Church teaches that abortion or euthanasia is a grave sin."  The document goes on to quote Encyclical Letter Evangelium Vitae

In the case of an intrinsically unjust law, such as a law permitting abortion or euthanasia, it is therefore never licit to obey it, or to 'take part in a propaganda campaign in favor of such a law or vote for it'" (no. 73). Christians have a "grave obligation of conscience not to cooperate formally in practices which, even if permitted by civil legislation, are contrary to God's law. Indeed, from the moral standpoint, it is never licit to cooperate formally in evil. [...] This cooperation can never be justified either by invoking respect for the freedom of others or by appealing to the fact that civil law permits it or requires it" (no. 74).

We would like to invite Mr. FitzGerald to meet with us so we can show him the undeniable  personhood of the child in the womb and then ask that he support the rights of these young Americans.  Furthermore, from the statement below Mr. FitzGerald will be "making sure that there are adequate resources to prevent unintended pregnancy", as if pregnancy is some sort of disease and babies are a plague!  We need to ask just what his plans are, to achieve this goal.  If they are to introduce Education Tsar, Kevin Jennings'  "comprehensive" sexual education program into the schools, we say "Whoa there Ed!"  This social engineering program, which promote sexual activity of any kind - under the guise of "safe sex" and promotes abortion as a birth control option, needs to be thrown out of all Cuyahoga Schools, in fact parents need to insist that it is banned from the classroom.  Teaching our children about sexual activity is a family responsibility that must be taught in the privacy of the home - not by BIG BROTHER who does NOT know best! 

Here is Mr. FitzGerald statement from his campaign sent to a constituent who shared it with us. 

Mayor FitzGerald is pro-choice; like many of us, he believes abortion should be safe, legal and rare.  As I'm sure you are aware, this is not an issue that is likely to confront him very much as County Executive (or mayor) but he is on the record on this.  Most important to him, especially in terms of county government, is making sure that there are adequate resources to prevent unintended pregnancy in the first place. 

I hope this answers your question sufficiently.  Please feel free to e-mail me back for further information.
Wendy Leatherberry
Strategic Communications & Policy Director
FitzGerald for County Executive

In response, his constituent wrote this to Mr. FitzGerald's campaign:
"Thank you for letting me know how he stands.  I am very disappointed to hear that an intelligent man like Mr. Fitzgerald [sic] can convince himself that a woman murdering her unborn child is an acceptable action.  I know that Mr. Fitzgerald at one point, as a prosecutor, protected innocent life, too bad it does not extend to the most innocent of all." 

We say to this citizen -  "BRAVO - WELL SAID!"

Please be informed about the position of candidates on this fundamental question before you vote!   

See Below For Pro-Life Cuyahoga County Executive Candidate Information

(Alphabetically by Position)

Congressional District 10
Peter CorriganPeter Corrigan - Endorsed by Ohio Right to Life 
Peter has strong pro-life credentials and will bring a new energy to the region that will not only reflect his pro-life position but will also  help to alleviate poverty and joblessness in the region.  In conversation with Peter and his wife, Cleveland Right to Life discovered a man with a deep conviction for doing what is right coupled with a firm grasp of the business and social environment in District 10.  Please click here to read an open letter from Peter to the Plain Dealer.  Peter will restore integrity to the region.  Please NOTE - Congressman Dennis Kucinich has a 100% approval rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America.  Dennis is NOT pro-life. 

Matt was elected three times to Ohio House of Representatives to represent the 98th District which represents Cuyahoga and Geauga Counties.  

Dolan has a 100% Pro-Life voting record in the Ohio House and was endorsed by Ohio Right to Life in his last contested election in 2006.  In conversation with Matt he stated that he strongly opposes abortion, cloning  and euthanasia.  While he does support limited access to Embryonic Stem Cell Research he is working with Cleveland Right to Life to further his understanding of our opposition to this destructive process 

Matt decided to run for County Executive "to pursue a vision for our County that establishes an honest and efficient government and a thriving, diverse and growing economy and population, making it great place to live for all generations."   Matt has the won endorsement of the  Cuyahoga County Republican Party and the Cuyahoga Valley Rep. Party as well as the Plain Dealer.  For more information about his endorsements please visit his website 
Matt has a history of working in a bipartisan fashion to accomplish legislative goals.  In his second term Dolan was Chairman of the Finance and Appropriations Committee. In this role he worked with Republicans and Democrats to pass a nearly unanimous $54 billion budget that lowered taxes and reduced the size of government.    

Matt is a graduate of Gilmour Academy, Boston College and Case Western Reserve School of Law.  He is a partner at the law firm of  Thrasher, Dinsmore & Dolan and is the Vice President of 7th Avenue Properties. 

Ken has lived his whole life in Cleveland and is a self made local business man with strong enterprenueal skills that he has used to turn dozens of businesses around.  His who comes from humble beginnings.  According to his website bio he "did not have a college degree and the economic deck was stacked against businesses trying to survive in Cleveland's struggling economy. Despite these odds, he founded Consolidated Graphics Group Inc. (CGG) in 1996 and started the Consolidated Technologies Group (CTG) in 2008. Today, the companies have 150 employees and $6 million a year payroll with sales approaching $25 million a year. As other firms shut down or migrated out of Greater Cleveland, he stayed put on East 40th Street."    
Ken has strong pro-life convictions.  He does support abortion in the case of rape or incest or if the mother's life is at stake.  He is against euthanasia - as defined by National Right to Life.  He opposes human cloning and does not support the deliberate destruction of human embryos for research.  Ken has been married to his wife Linda for 40 years and they have three children and four grandchildren.   
In discussion with Ken he told Cleveland Right to Life that he is in this race to make a difference in the county - bring businesses back to the region.  He is not taking any contributions over $250 so as to assure the voters that he cannot be bought.  He has committed to a $1 pay scale for the first year of service.  Ken survived a massive cardiac arrest (only 6% survival rate), and says that this experience made him stop and take stock.  
Dave Greenspan David Greenspan - Cuyahoga County Council District 1:         
Bay Village*Fairview Park*North Olmsted*Olmsted Twsp*Rocky River*Westlake
Dave is opposed to abortion except in the case of rape and incest.  He is opposed to euthanasia and cloning.  At time of publication we had not been able to verify his position on ESCR.   

Dave was a founding member of Sandy Springs City Council.  He is the only candidate running for any Cuyahoga County office with the elected experience of forming a new government.

Dave is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Green Elk Consulting Services.  He also is the Secretary of the City of Westlake's Board of Zoning Appeals. 

Dave has been endorsed by the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County, the Plain Dealer and the Cuyahoga Valley Republicans.  Dave is a married father of two. When asked why he wanted to run for public office, Dave said, "I want to use my energy and time to preserve sound, sensible representation for our county and our community.  It will give me great satisfaction knowing that I made a difference for my constituents and community and that I made a stand for what is right."


Brookpark*Lakewood*West Park 
John Zappala is a small business owner who decided to run for County Council so as to implement a movement toward fiscal responsibility in the county.  He will also return the county to ethical political and professional behavior.  Zappala ties these goals to building strong healthy families so as to reduce the need for costly county social services.  John says that the family is the first institution, then the church, and then the government. He believes that promoting core family values which recognize that the best solution to social problems is one that looks to the family first.  
Zappala is 100% pro-life.  He is opposed to abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, and human cloning.  "If you don't have life, there are no other issues" he stated in a conversation with Cleveland Right to Life.  Zappala is 100% pro-life.  He is opposed to abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, and human cloning.  "If you don't have life, there are no other issues" he stated in a conversation with Cleveland Right to Life.  

John and his wife of 23 years Holly, have 3 children, Jonathan, Heather and Brad.  He grew up in a working class Lakewood family, graduated from Lakewood High School and paid his own way through Cleveland State University.  He credits his parents with teaching him fiscal responsibility. 
John states that he will bring this principal to the county position.  "As an owner of a home restoration business I know that spending money on the wrong things not only breaks the budget, but gives you a poor return on your investment.  It is time for taxpayers to receive a quality return on their tax dollars.  

Patty Gascoyne Patty Gascoyne - Cuyahoga County District 3: Includes: City of Cleveland Wards 13;14;15;16;17 

Patty is 100% pro-life opposing abortion (except if the life of the mother is at stake) euthanasia, embryonic step cell research, and human cloning.  During a discussion with Cleveland Right to Life Patty stated "Life is precious no matter where you are in your journey.... as a pre-med student I know that science proves beyond a doubt that human life begins at conception.  At the same time having taken care of my great aunt I see the value of life even as we face the last chapters of our lives.  Neither the government nor as a society, do we have the right to play God - the final decision as to ending life is His alone."  When asked what she would do to promote this fundamental value if elected she stated that she would work toward enforcing  "freedom of conscience" for all medical workers that allow them to refuse to participate in any anti life procedure in the cause of their duties.     
As the mother of 6 children and a cancer survivor, Patty brings a can-do attitude to the district.  She is not afraid to work for what she feels will be the best format for county government - even if this means that she will be term limited out of this position.  She states this view on her Facebook Page:
" The duty of the County Council when it meets, January 2001, will be to abide by our charter, to propose amendments for the good of our county, to make decisions that ensure the best interests of our future .... I've read the charter.  There are no term limits and no campaign finance guidelines within it.  To achieve the accountability in county government ... term limits for office holders and campaign finance guidelines ... must be imposed.  As a conservative with a strong belief in limited government, address these two issues is a high priority."    

malley christmas Jack Schron - Cuyahoga County Council District 6:                   Bentleyville*Grecksvielle*Broadview Hts*Brooklyn Hts*Chagrin Falls*Chagrin Falls Twp*Cuyahoga Hts*Gates Mills* Glenwillow*Hightland Hts*Hunting Valley*Independence*Mayfield Hts*Mayfield Village*Moreland Hills*Newburgh Hts*Oackwood Village*Pepper Pike*Solon*Valley View*Walton Hills

Jack  is a strong pro-life supporter at all levels of the issues who has always been committed to the cause of Life.   In conversation with Mr. Schron he stated that in instant of rape or incest he might consider abortion as an option.  He is appalled at the use of abortion as a means of birth control and expressed his dismay over the loss of more than 50 million lives that have been ended as a result of legalized abortion.   
Jack has been endorsed by the Republican Party of Cuyahoga County, Cuyahoga Valley Republicans and the Plain Dealer.  Jack is a married father of three grown children and two grandchildren.  Jack was on the Chagrin Falls School Board for 12 years.  His experience also includes 28 years in the Army.  He retired as a Lt. Colonel.    Regarding his decision to run Jack stated "This is my home and I want to take a leadership role so I can give back to the community that has meant so much to me and my family.   I have the leadership experience and the history of success and look forward to being able to restore, rebuild and renew Cuyahoga County."
Jack is the President and CEO of Jergens which exports products that are manufactured right here in Cuyahoga County.  He also is the President and Co-founder of Tooling University which is the largest on-line manufacturing education company with 80,000 students.

Includes Cleveland City Wards  3*7*8*9*12 
This candidate has worked for years with the pro-life community and is currently active with "40 days for Life Campaign", "Silent No More", and has joined prayer vigils outside both PreTerm Abortion Clinic and Cleveland SurgiCenter.  Phyliss is 100% prolife on all issues.   Her experience includes: Assistant Director of
Law for the City of Euclid for seven years under Mayors Paul Oyaski and Bill Cervenik and as such provided legal advice to City Administration, City Council, Board of Control, and other Boards and Commission :  Assistant Public Defender in Stark County: Guardian ad litem and assigned counsel in Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court: Private general law practice:  Member of the Board of Trustees for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cleveland for over ten years:  Member of the Old Brooklyn Community Development Corporation Green Space Committee   
Phyllis says "I want to rebuild public trust in Cuyahoga County government. I am a candidate with education and experience, and I am dedicated to honesty and integrity. I am confident I can help rebuild that public trust and revitalize our county.  Let's build on the assets we have and strengthen  our county with a commitment to excellence in economic development and health and human services"  

No Image Available:  Kathleen A. McGervey - Ohio School Board District 2
Includes Lorain, Erie, Huron, Lucas, Wood, Part of Ottawa, Part of Seneca counties


Kathleen, who is a professional engineer and surveyor with more than 15 years of professional engineering experience.  She was raised in Avon , Ohio and has been tutoring math since her college days.   Her education and her love for helping children drew her to this position.  Kathleen is a longtime supporter and volunteer for the pro-life community and is 100% in line with all our pro-life teachings.   

A common sense approach to school funding;  accountability for all publicly funded schools; a broad range of educational opportunities to ensure student success; Increased use of educational technology; empowering parents and local districts to make critical decisions within the community.

The recently passed healthcare legislation includes federal grants for school based health centers.  We need to ensure that Ohio Schools are not counseling for abortions or funding organizations which provide abortions (i.e. planned parenthood.)

Kathleen is endorsed by Ohioans for Educational Freedom



See Ohio Right to Life Ballot Card for thier Endorsed Candidates

ORTL Pac TabORTL Ballot Card Tab


Note: The following Candidate contacted us to discuss his pro-life position - we share this with you to help you in your voting decisions. 


 Ohio State Attorney General


Robert OwensRobert Owens

Mr. Owens holds degrees from Ohio Wesleyan University, and Captial University Law School and studied and played Football at Ocford Universtiy (UK).  He worked for a Fed. Judge and practiced law with a private law firm in Columbus.  In 2003 he served as prosecutor in Sunbury, Ohio.  He served on the City of Delaware's 2008 Charter Review Commission and is an active leader in Kiwanis.

In discussion with Cleveland Right to Life, Robert stressed his pro-life commintment stating that he does not believe that there are any exceptions to justify abortion.  He is opposed to euthansia and human cloning.  He is opposed to embryonic stem cell research but support adult stem cell research.   

Mr. Owens is endorsed by the Ohio Tea Party  

Click Here for a list of Victory Centers - and Here to volunteer for CRTL:
Remember that without volunteer support and assistance, pro-life candidates will be unable to change the landscape.  Volunteering is always rewarding... Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of the democratic process.

Our Mission Statement recognizes that all human life is worthy of protection and support; from conception until natural death.  This means that we focus on several of the most important civil rights issues facing our region such as: Abortion; Euthanasia; Embryonic Stem Cell Research (ESCR) & Cloning.  We are working closely with Ohio Right to Life, and we will link you to their website for State and Federal candidate information.   The information we provide below is not an endorsement of the candidates - it is intended to help you understand where each candidate stands on these most important issues.     
We strongly support the mission of many pro-family/Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) groups in our region such as Northeast Ohio Value Voters,  (NEW VOTER INFORMATION ON THIS SITE)Ohio Christian Alliance  (NEW VOTER INFORMATION ON THIS SITE) and Citizens for Community Values and encourage you to use these links  to check out the candidates' stance on these most important issues.   We urge you to educate yourself about the values that each candidate represents.  
Any candidate who would like to discuss their pro-life views with us please contact us at [email protected] or call 216.661.3000 x 11




The Candidates  
Cleveland Right to Life
Protecting all human life from the moment of conception until natural death. ...
Human Rights Begin When Human Life Begins
Contrary to popular belief among Christian Pastors - you can and must educate your members about candidates who hold pro-life views. 
See our attachment for clarification
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