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December 19th 2009
Social Justice Begins in the Womb
Cleveland Right to Life,
December 19th 2009
As news of the collapse of the last principled pro-life Democrat Senator breaks; and a government health care bill that will pay for abortion and support health care rationing as well as anti-life options in end of life care looks to be a done deal; Cleveland Right to Life is calling all Clergy in northeast Ohio to use their influence both in the pulpit and through website and bulletin announcements to fight this outrageous bill in these final moments.  The power of the pulpit has been proven in every social justice battle in America.  We call on the Church to again stand in the gap to protect the innocent unborn child from slaughter in the womb using our tax dollars to perpetrate this abominable genocide.  SOCIAL JUSTICE BEGINS IN THE WOMB! 
Please take a moment to read the press release by LifeSite news and to visit Family Research Council, National Right to Life, American Life League and the many other pro-life sources to gather your information.
We additionally call on all citizens in the region, who have worked so long and hard to give a the voiceless unborn child their first right - the right to life - to contact their churches to politely ask the clergy to vocally stand with you in an actionable way in the coming days. 
This is indeed a sad day in America.  However ... when we act together we have great strength - the strength that many believe comes from our Christian America roots. 
Please take action ... ask your Pastor to get involved in the battle ahead.

Nelson-Reid Abortion Compromise Doesn't Ban Abortion Funding in Health Care Bill

medical symbolby Steven Ertelt Editor
December 19
, 2009

Washington, DC ( -- Senator Ben Nelson announced today that he will become the crucial 60th vote that Democrats need to pass a government-run health care bill. Nelson has been holding out because of the massive abortion funding in the bill, but said today he will give the measure his support.

Nelson outlined his support for the government-run health care bill in a press conference Saturday morning after he reached a deal with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on abortion and other unrelated issues.

Under the compromise, Nelson said it prohibits abortion funding in a way that earns his vote.

"We have an agreement that the plan with not use federal dollars to fund abortions," he said. "I believe we have accomplished that goal. It's clear I wouldn't have voted for this bill without these conditions."

Correction to our October 15th e-News.

Please note that our reference to Jean Sammon a Network Lobbist as a Catholic Nun was incorrect.  Ms. Sammon  contacted us to inform us that she is not a  nun.  We apologize for this inaccuracy.  Ms. Sammon states that she was not in Cleveland during the 2008 election cycle - we are checking this assertion. 
Susan B. Anthony Commentary on the "Cave-in"
Betrayal of Conscience: Senate Bill Allows Abortion Funding
Washington, D.C. - SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser addresses the new Senate agreement on health care reform, and Senator Nelson's decision to support a bill that allows abortion funding.
Click here for the rest of the report
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Reid version of health care takeover everything we feared - and more!
"A 2074-page bureaucratic nightmare"

Does this latest news prove without a doubt the words of Archbishop Burke in this September release?    

VATICAN: Democratic Party = "Party Of Death" (CNS) -- The Democratic Party in the United States "risks transforming itself definitively into a 'party of death,'" said U.S. Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, prefect of the Vatican's highest court.....
Cleveland Right to Life
4427 State Road,  Cleveland, Ohio, 44109 
