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November 5th 2009
Bishops Lennon Calls all Catholic Parishes to Opposition Abortion in Health Care Reform
National RTL and Ohio RTL say waiting until next week for action may be too late... Speaker of the House, Pelosi to push through a vote tomorrow or Saturday that would remove protection for unborn in Health Care Bill.
Cleveland, OH. Nov. 5th 2009
The Bishop of Cleveland, Most Rev. Richard Lennon, added his voice to the hundreds of Catholic Bishops around the nation in a call to action of all Catholics in his eight county diocese when he released a letter to all parishes urging them to participate in the USCCB's call to action to oppose the health care reform bill in its current form.    
Cleveland Right To LIfe has learned from Nation Right To Life and Ohio Right to Life that by Sunday Nancy Pelosi will have probably forced a vote that will slam the door shut on the pro-life Stupak amendment which will then open the door to federal tax dollars being used to fund abortion.  Ohio Right To Life (ORTL) has alerted us that there are at least four Ohio Representatives who are fence sitting and who need to hear from you right now.  Mike Gonidakis, ORTL's Executive Director said " This may be the moment of truth as it relates to national health care and abortion.  Right to Life has not received any commitment from Reps. Kaptur, Bocceri, C. Wilson or Driehaus to vote NO on the Rule on H.R. 3962." he went on to add "There is a war going on  in D.C. right now over these votes for the Rule Vote - It is not enough for a member to say he is against the bill -- the question is will Rep. X vote NO on the Rule on H.R. 3962?  Don't let him (or her)  fall for the phony pro-abortion Ellsworth-Waxman-Pelosi language or any new phony language the pro-abortion leadership comes up with."  Mr. Gonidakis was particularly concerned about Rep. Kaptur from our Cleveland Diocese and he reports that " Yesterday, The Hill newspaper had Rep. Kaptur in the "Yes or Leaning Yes" column regarding the bill.  This is not good"  He reminded us that Kaptur is a Catholic and that her own Bishop is opposed to this bill. 
We are asking every person who receives this email today to forward it to your email list urging your friends and family to take immediate action.   Please see the side bar for the full text of the NRTL alert. 
PLEASE TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION!  If you have already called or e-mailed your representative we thank you but ask that you continue to call until you get an assurance that they will NOT VOTE for the Rule on H.R. 3962.  Remember that you are their voices ... they have no one but you to speak for them! 
Nov. 4, 2009) -- Pro-abortion Democratic Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Ca.) is planning to try to ram the massive health care bill (H.R. 3962, previously H.R. 3200) through the U.S. House of Representatives this week. The most critical roll call will occur on a procedural vote -- called "the Rule" -- that is expected to occur late on Friday, November 6, or Saturday, November 7.

National Right to Life is urging every pro-life citizen to immediately TELEPHONE the Washington, D.C. office AND the in-district office of his or her representative in the U.S. House of Representatives with a clear and firm message: "I am a constituent, and I urge you to vote NO on the Rule on the health bill, H.R. 3962, because it does not allow the House to vote on the pro-life Stupak Amendment [pronounced STEW-pak]. The so-called pro-life language that Speaker Pelosi has put into the bill is completely phony. We are not fooled. A vote for this Rule is a vote to set up a new nationwide federal health insurance program, called the "public option," that will be authorized to pay for abortion on demand with federal funds. The only pro-life vote is NO on the Rule on H.R. 3962."

Even if you have already called and written your federal representatives about the health care bills, it is critical that you call again now. Pelosi's party currently controls the House by a margin of 256-177 -- but if as few as 40 Democrats are persuaded to vote with Congressman Stupak in opposition to the "closed rule," it would be impossible for Pelosi to ram the abortion-funding H.R. 3962 through the House. Time is short.

To read NRLC's November 2 letter to U.S. House members, explaining in detail the pro-abortion problems with the bill,
click here.TAKE ACTION NOW!

In order to register your opposition to Speaker Pelosi's strong-arm tactic, the "closed rule," that would allow passage of the pro-abortion H.R. 3962, please click the red phone above and then enter your zip code into the "Call Now" box. You will be shown the phone number of the person who represents you in the U.S. House of Representatives, along with specific suggested "talking points" for what you should say to the staff person who answers your call. NOTE: The best times to call the Washington, D.C., office of your representative is generally between 9 AM and 6 PM Eastern Time.

Encourage like-minded friends and family members to also make such calls.

After you enter your zip code, review the short talking points, then make your call. After the call, you will also be given the option of sending a short "feedback" report to National Right to Life by e-mail, telling us what response you received from the congressional staff person. These feedback reports are invaluable to the National Right to Life legislative team as they work day and night against enactment of this pro-abortion legislation. However, don't worry if you don't get an answer to your question - the most important thing is that your representative's staff registers that you want the representative to vote NO on the pro-abortion "Rule" on H.R. 3962, and that you INSIST on adoption of the real pro-life amendment, the Stupak Amendment.

NOTE: If you wish to also fax a letter to your representative in opposition to the "rule" that would allow passage of the pro-abortion H.R. 3962,
click here to reach the page that, once you enter your zip code, will lead you to detailed information about your representative in the U.S. House of Representatives, including (in most cases) his or her fax number. Faxed letters are an excellent way to register your opinion. (But do NOT rely on U.S. mail to communicate with your federal representatives, because time is too short.) This link will also give you phone numbers for your representative's in-district offices. For maximum effect, phone your message to the nearest local office, during local business hours, as well as to the Washington, D.C., office of your representative, between the hours of 9 AM and 6 PM Eastern Time. The same page will offer you information on how your representative has voted on the key pro-life issues that have come up in the past.

National Right To Life ACTION Alert
Click here for all the information you will need to save their lives!

American Family Association
releases powerful testimony and urges us to contact our representatives today:
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House Will Vote on Pro-Abortion Health Care Reform Bill on Saturday Evening
Washington, DC ( -- The House of Representatives will finally cast its first votes on the pro-abortion health care reform bill this weekend. After a fluid process that saw dates repeatedly pushed back, the first chance pro-life advocates will have to stop the abortion funding bill will come Saturday night. That means pro-life advocates need to continue turning out phone calls and emails to lawmakers every day until all of the votes have ben cast. Two steps remain before lawmakers will actually take a vote on the pro-abortion health care bill itself, HR 3962. First, the House must vote on the Manager's Amendment, which is an amendment to make changes to the bill, and it does not include any limits on abortion funding. Secondly, the House must vote on the Rule for debate and pro-life advocates are expected to vigorously oppose the Rule because it contains a fake amendment that does not actually stop abortion funding under either the public option or the affordability credits. House Rules Committee Chairwoman Louise M. Slaughter said Wednesday that the Rule will include the Ellsworth amendment that has reported on, which pro-life groups such as National Right to Life and leading pro-life Congressman Chris Smith have condemned. The rules committee will meet 24 hours before the Saturday debate and it is expected to approve the Rule for debate on a party-line vote. Then, the House vote is expected at 6 p.m. Saturday after what is likely to be a fierce day of debating with pro-life lawmakers underscoring how HR 3926 would become the largest expansion of abortion funding since Roe v. Wade. Full story at

Cleveland Right to Life
4427 State Road,  Cleveland, Ohio, 44109 
