
January 9, 2011

How "They" Do It



I don't see how they did it.  And if I try real hard, I can give myself the room to not achieve something that they succeeded at regularly.  Perhaps you have a similar dilemma.

I write Listen to Life once a week (with a few exceptions), but this week I stare at a blank sheet of paper.  In the back of my mind are the journalists who cranked out work on manual typewriters on a daily basis, and the prolific writers who create novels, short stories and essays on a seemingly continual schedule.  Yet here I sit, mute.  Finally, I surrender...so be it.  And then a lesson is learned.

You probably feel the same way about something you feel you do less capably than "they" did it.  But the truth of the matter is that producing or creating (whether it is words, ideas, meals, etc.) can't be constant.  But learning can be, and sometimes you have to surrender. Even when you aren't being "productive," you can be learning even if you "aren't as good as they are."  Welcome to the human race.


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   Listen to Life is a free newsletter about learning and getting more from life by paying attention to our own stories and the stories of others, based on the presentations, writings, photography and workshops by Dion McInnis (www.dionmcinnis.com).  Copyright 2010 Dion McInnis.  All rights reserved.

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