
September 19, 2010
Miles to Go
This weekend, I watched a television show about people in Louisiana who hunt alligators.  I watched the fathers teach the sons; I listened to the Cajun language spoken with all its richness; I could almost smell the swamps in which they navigated their boats in search of their prey.  My immediate reaction was not to write this column about them, but to wish I could meet them, talk to them and join them for the experience.  And it hit me; I miss experience.  The allure of words too often distracts me from actions.  That is not a good excuse though.

The Czech photographer Josef Koudelka said that he didn't make a lot of prints of his photos because he would do that when he got older as his health diminished to the point where he could not create the type of photographs he loved which demanded a mobile, Spartan-esque lifestyle.  The time for doing is when things can be done.  "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven."  Ecclesiastes 3:1

I love to write.  To photograph.  To present topics and lessons.  I love conversation, and learning and listening. I love solitude and discernment, adrenalin rushes and hearty sweat.  There is much to do and...experience.  I am blessed in those regards, and I must keep the promise to myself to accept opportunities fully. 
Robert Frost concluded his poem Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening with:

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

There are miles to go, and along the way there are lessons to learn and share, conversations to be had, stories to listen to, images to create and words to write.  There is much to be done, and miles to go.

Listen to Life may exhibit a few changes as I look to fulfill those promises, learn to be a grandfather (no, she isn't here yet!), and tackle new challenges of living. Join me in the miles.

Listen to Life is a  
free ewsletter about learning and getting more from life by paying attention to our own stories and the stories of others, based on the presentations, writings, photography and workshops by Dion McInnis (www.dionmcinnis.com). copyright 2010 Dion McInnis.  All rights reserved.

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Recent Citings of Dion 
Dion McInnis
Celebrating All People in Images and Words 
A Guide to Seeing ...
By Dion McInnis

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