Australian Terrier International

Meeting The Needs Of Aussie Owners Globally
� 2010 Australian Terrier International
August, 2010 - Vol 1, Issue 8
In This Issue
Education Night
The Netherlands
Dancing with Jake and Lil
Hal Wilcox
Rally with Ruthann
Junior Showmanship
Photos from Denmark
Subscribe to AKC Gazette
Champion de France
New Zealand
Grand Champions
Grand Champion Points
Eukanuba Current Top 25
Top Juniors
Cooking with Cheryl
Sebaceous Cysts
Oh Baby
Mutt Muffs
Bark Out
Written Critiques
Join ATI
Join Our Mailing List!

Dear Friends,

The summer in the Northern Hemisphere seems to be going too quickly. Here in the US many states  have had extremely hot weather and some states have had very bad storms with flooding. Luckily, I believe we have all been able to keep our dogs safe.

We hope wherever you are you are enjoying life.

ATI continues to grow thanks to all of you. Many of you have shared the newsletter with people who then go on to subscribe to the newsletter and become members. Thank you so much for spreading the word.

We are now in 26 countries:
Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Guernsey, Hong Kong, India, Ireland, Italy, Manila, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom and the USA.

Your stories and photos touch the hearts of Aussie owners all over the world. I want to thank all of you for contributing your photos and stories. You are all invited to send stories and photos of your dogs.
You can email them to us by clicking here.

This month we are sharing statistics that you may find interesting along with great photos and stories from ATI friends in The Netherlands,
New Zealand and Belgium. For fun and education read the story on written critiques. We hope you enjoy the photos and story about Hal Wilcox our second Lifetime member. Would you like to nominate someone for Lifetime membership from your country? Please click here.

Take a look at the first AKC Grand Champions, with many more well on their way.

Pamela Levy,

NOTE: MSN users, when there is a youtube video in the newsletter, MSN now puts it at the top of the newsletter. We are sorry and hope this is only affecting a few of you. Please let us know if it is happening and you are not an MSN user. Thank you.


Education Night

We have heard from several of you that you would prefer if we started the education nights again in September after many of your vacations and holidays are over.

We will have a September call-in with a panel of three long time Aussie breeders. You can ask any question you want. Please send your questions to me at: We will organize them and the moderator will present them to the panel. There will be additional time for more questions and answers at the end of the program.

This call-in is designed for the pet owner; however, we are sure it will be of interest to everyone. As always, a podcast will be made and you can listen to it at your leisure.


An Interview with Henny van den Berg of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Do you have many Australian Terrier breeders in Amsterdam?
In Amsterdam, (the capital city of The Netherlands), I am the only breeder.  In our whole country there are maybe a handful of breeders so the breed is quite rare here.

Do you have an Aussie Club?
No, the breed is far too small in numbers in our country to have our own breed club. We are part of the Scottish Terrier Club. Besides the Aussie, the Scottish Terrier Club also has the Scottish Terrier,  the Skye Terrier, Dandy Dinmont and the Silky Terrier.

Henny vd berg 1
Photo Courtesy of Henny van den Berg              "I Love You, Aussies"

How long have you been breeding Aussies?
This is my first litter!!  I am new to this breed.  I have bred the Irish Wolfhound (IW) and Yorkshire Terrier for many, many years.  I have also been around Brussels Griffon's since the 1980's. I bred under the Duke's Paradijs affix. I breed my Aussie's with the affix StripPoker.

I was asked to raise and train a Aussie puppy for an IW breeder friend a few years back and that was my first experience with Aussies.

I picked a puppy from one of her litters to train for her and she did not agree with my choice. I am happy that I am a very stubborn person and I decided to stick with my choice. This girl was exactly what I wanted to see in an Aussie. She also had the best temperament.
I fell madly in love with her and we called her Plumo. Within no time I was sure that this girl would never leave my house.

Ch. Pitlochry's Prue Plumo
Photo Courtesy of Henny van den Berg     Ch. Pitlochry's Prue Plumo

Plumo became my dog and this year she had her first litter by Silhill True Blue W09, a blue and tan boy imported from England by one of our famous terrier breeders, Jan Alberts, of High Flyer's Terriers.
Jan Alberts now owns one of Plumo's daughters from this litter.
One boy puppy lives with Tina Nordgren in Sweden, StripPoker's HipHop Kangaroo.

StripPoker's HipHop
Photo Courtesy of Henny van den Berg   "HipHop"

One puppy girl went to Spain to Deborah Peek Matar. She and I, co-own her.

One puppy is living with a family here in The Netherlands.
I kept two puppies; a red girl also co-owned with Deborah Peek Matar and a red boy. Their photo is below.

gympie & amber with Tony Groenendijk
Photo Courtesy of Henny vd Berg   Gympie and Amber with Tony Groenendijk
StripPoker's Amber Nectarine (co-owned with Deborah Peek Matar) and StripPoker's Gympie the Gold Digger .

Photo Courtesy of Henny vd Berg "Gympie"

Currently, we plan to show 5 of the 6 puppies in the future. Of course, they have to keep developing in the right way. You never know with puppies!

I feel very lucky that my first litter is of this quality.  I hope they turnout to be nice adult Aussies. Hopefully this will be a nice start for me to continue to breed healthy  Aussies with lovely temperaments.

The only thing I regret is that I didn't meet Aussies years before. This breed is very special in many ways. They are not complicated; they are healthy and strong as a horse. There is never a day that they do not make me laugh.

I hope to get my license to judge them in the future too. That would give me great pleasure and would make the circle of having, loving, breeding and then judging them, complete!

Do you have a favorite Aussie?
I have seen many beautiful Aussies.  For a breed that is not so popular, I must say there are many clever breeders around. There are some lovely Aussies present in different countries. Perhaps they are better in some countries more than in the others, in my opinion. My favorite Aussie is my own girl, Plumo. I do not want to trade her for any other Aussie but that is mostly based on emotions of course.
I hope you do not blame me for that!

Dancing with the Stars!!!!
A Conversation With Devorah Sperber, Jake and Lil

Jake and Lil Sperber
Photo Courtesy of Devorah Sperber     Lil and Jake, Practicing

In this video, Jake and Lil are practicing freestyle tricks; duet (together) and solo in Devorah's fabulous studio. I promise you will enjoy this!!!

How old are Jake and Lil?
Jake will be five years old in September.  Lil is almost 18 months old.

Did you get them as puppies?
We got Jake as a 2 year old. He was bred by Sandra Weigle (Marble Arch).  His family did not have adequate time for him so they did the right thing and contacted Sandra to help find Jake a good home.  My husband and I instantly fell in love with Jake's photo on Sandra's web site.  We got Lil as a puppy, from Sandra, as well. We loved Jake so much, we just had to get another Aussie!

How did you get interested in Freestyle?
My interest in freestyle started with agility.  When we got Jake, Sue Sternberg (a friend and an amazing behaviorist) suggested we take him to some agility classes as a way to bond.  I become hooked early on and started training tricks (including Freestyle tricks) after reading Silvia Trkman's theory: on how to train a great agility dog. She wrote, "If you train your dog to do 100 tricks, you will have a great agility dog."   

How long have you been practicing?
I started training freestyle tricks with Jake nearly 2 years ago.  Here is a link to a video of Jake after about 6 months of trick training:

I started training Lil to do tricks early on.  Here is a link to a video of Lil doing tricks at 9 months old:

How much time do you practice a day or week? 
I do many short training sessions (2- 5 minutes long) with Jake and Lil most days. What we do varies greatly. We do agility, freestyle, and fun shaping games like putting a box on the floor and watching them find different (and often very funny) ways to interact with it.  Aussies seem to love short training sessions, which also works well for me since I take Jake and Lil to my art studio most days and they give me a fun way to break up my work day.

Jake Sperber
Photo Courtesy of Devorah Sperber Photographer Bruce Rosen

Are these your first Aussies? 

Do you find them easy to train? Yes. Yes. Yes. Aussies are so smart and they have great attitudes.  They (and I) like training sessions to be short, fun, positive, and without too many repetitions.

Jake Sperber 2
Photo Courtesy of Devorah Sperber Photographer Bruce Rosen

Can you tell us about yourself or your husband, Bruce?
I am a full-time visual artist.
My husband, Bruce is a physician. We divide our time between Manhattan and Woodstock, New York. Lately I've been spending all of my time in Woodstock with Jake and Lil competing in agility trials, taking long walks in the woods, going to the studio, and best of all... snuggling up with them every night.

Devorah Sperber and Bruce Dobozin

Lifetime Member Hal Wilcox

ATI is proud to welcome and honor our second Lifetime member Hal Wilcox. Hal recently turned 86 on July 19th. We wish him a belated and
Happy Birthday!

Hal moved to Long Beach, CA in 1929, when he was five years old. He met his wife, Alice, through his sister when Alice and his sister were in the first grade.
After he graduated from high school in 1942, he went into the Merchant Marines and after 13 months he joined the US Marine Corp.and spent four years there. He graduated from UCLA and taught school. He married Alice in 1949 and they were married for 56 years. Alice passed away July 4, 2005. They had three wonderful sons. Hal also worked for the Long Beach Police Department and was with the Los Angeles County Probation Department for 25 years. He also sold real estate for 12 years.

When Hal was a young boy he went to a show in Long Beach. He saw a famous movie actor at the time, Ward Vaughn, at the show.  Mr. Vaughn was showing dogs. In the back of Hal's mind he thought he would like to do that some day.

When Hal retired in 1980, he and his wife read and studied about dogs. They thought about Westies or Cairns until they saw an Aussie. Hal said, "There is my dog."  He bought a show catalog and found Carolyn Erickson and Roland Taub. They would not sell Hal and Alice a dog until they went to their home and checked them out.  In 1982 he got his first Aussie, Landlyn's Nancy. The kennel name came from the breeders names, Roland and Carolyn.

Caroline and Roland picked out "Nancy" for Hal and Alice. Hal attributes his dog show success to Carolyn and Roland.

Hal and Petie
Ch Ryba's Batteries Not Included "Mister" and Ch Ryba Halice's Travel'n Matilda "Tillie," Teresa Schreeder and Hal Wilcox.
  They are sister and brother out of Ch Ryba's Apple Annie and Ch Jana's Locomotion.

Nancy's mother
Nancy's mother the dog that started Hal and Alice's line.
Sprite Lea Leocadia (1973)

Ch Landlyn's Nancy
Ch Landlyn's Nancy, Hal and Alice's First Aussie

"Nancy" became a champion and had two litters. Hal and Alice kept "Willie" from the first litter. His litter mate "Joshua" went to Sue Bachman and Robbie Ryce. Sue and Robbie also got "Katie," Halice Ryba's Carefree Kate from "Nancy's" second litter. Those dogs were the foundation of the Ryba Kennel. Hal and Alice traveled all over showing Nancy and went to many shows in Canada.

Katie Wilcox
"Katie",  Halice Ryba's Carefree Kate

Ch Halice's Sleepy Willie
Ch Halice's Sleepy Willie (out of Nancy) and Hal Wilcox (1989)

"Willie" died when he was 9 years old and "Nancy" died at 13. They later got "Tillie," from their same line. Ryba's Halice Travl'n Matilda. "Tillie," had one litter. She just recently passed away in October, 2009.

"The greatest dog show moment I had and will never forget was in 1988. Alice and I were on our way home from Canada. We were in Clear Lake, at the Calistoga Campground. We called Sue Bachman who was at the National Specialty. She told me Katie went Best of Breed and Joshua went Best of Opposite Sex. There were about 105 dogs there.
Everyone in the campground heard me screaming for joy. It was a precious moment. I couldn't believe we, two amateur breeders, had bred both of those dogs!"

Hal served on the Board of ATCA for 4 years. He said he was told he was the "token male."

Nancy, Josh and Willie Wilcox
Dogs: Nancy, Josh and Willie

When asked how he would like to be remembered in the breed,
Hal said, "As someone who tried to breed good dogs."

He said, "I tried to improve the breed each time I bred."

Nedra, Jerry, Petie and Alice
Nedra and Jerry Adams, Teresa Schreeder and Alice Wilcox
Dogs are: Manny, Annie, Katie and Nancy
Annie is the Grandmother, Katie is the Great Grandmother and Nancy is the Great, Great, Great Grandmother (June 1995)

Hal still has an Aussie. After Jerry and Nedra Adams passed away, he took their older dog Taser, who is now 12 years old. "I remembered him from when he was born," Hal said.

Hal would also like the thank Sue Bachman, Robbie Ryce and Teresa Schreeder for continuing on with his line through the Landlyn line.

Hal and his late wife Alice have made many contributions to the breed.
ATI thanks them for their time, love and devotion to Australian Terriers.
If you check your pedigrees and see a Halice or Ryba dog in it, you can thank Hal! He doesn't check his email very often but if you wish to email him, you may do so at:

Rally with Ruthann McCaulley

The information presented is this online column is a condensed excerpt from the electronic book  Doodle by Design, The Comprehensive Guide to Rally Obedience by Ruthann McCaulley and available at: as a download or it can be ordered as a CD.  
Many different breeds were used to illustrate things in my book, so you will see breeds other than my Australian Terrier Wally in this column.

Exercise 3: HALT - Sit

Goiffon pups 12 weeks

3. HALT - Sit - While heeling, the handler halts and the dog sits in heel position. The team then moves forward, with the dog in heel position. (Stationary exercise)
In the ideal performance of this exercise the dog sits in heel quickly and perfectly straight as soon as the handler halts. As the handler starts forward, the dog rises immediately and starts forward with the handler, avoiding any lag.
Deductions are most often Poor Sit (the dog sits crooked or too far away from the handler) or Slow to Respond because the dog doesn't sit immediately.

Halt sit rally

If the dog pops up from the sit before you begin to heel forward it would be Incorrect Performance (IP).
You do not have to pause after the dog sits, but you must be certain that the dog's little bottom is completely down on the ground. If the dog begins to sit and hesitates, be ready to immediately repeat the command. It may be a Slow to Respond deduction, but that is better than -10 Incorrect Performance (IP), or even having to do a retry.
This exercise requires the dog to know the "automatic sit at heel." That means the dog sits in heel position as soon as you stop your forward movement automatically sitting.
If your dog doesn't know how to sit, start by teaching that.
When you first start to teach this to the dog, click and treat immediately as the dog sits, the second their little bottom hits the ground. You aren't going to worry too much about the dog sitting straight and fast right at first; you just want them to learn to sit when you stop. Don't delay too long, however, before you begin to demand that the dog sit quickly and straight in heel position, no lagging or forging.

Baby wals sit

To help the dog learn to sit straight and close, and get a nice quick response to your command, put the collar way up under the dogs chin with the leash coming off the collar directly between the dog's ears. Have the leash taught but not "tight" so that the second you say "sit" you can pull up on the leash and cause the dog to sit immediately, and by holding him close and tight with the leash you also help him to sit straight.

good sit with tight leash

Have a treat in your left hand, ready to deliver by coming directly down from above the dog's head to his mouth so that he doesn't have to move or look to the side at you the instant he sits and you click and treat
Delivering the treat from the left hand this way keeps the dog from sitting crooked to see your right hand and watch for the treat to be delivered from there. When first teaching the automatic sit at heel, walk slowly to give the dog more time to react correctly. Help your dog succeed.

Exercise 4: HALT - Down Dog

sign #4

HALT - Down Dog- While heeling, the handler halts and the dog sits. The handler then commands and/or signals the dog to down, followed by the command to heel forward from the down position. (Stationary exercise)
In the ideal performance of this exercise the dog sits in heel quickly and perfectly straight as soon as the handler halts. When the handler commands/signals the dog to down the dog immediately goes straight down from the sit, remaining in heel position. As the handler starts forward, the dog rises immediately and starts forward with the handler, avoiding any lag.

halt sit down

Begin just as you did with exercise #3 but add the down when the dog is sitting. Click and treat and praise. You must work with your dog to train them to down exactly where they are (should be in heel position on the sit), and not to move forward, backward, or out to the side.
If your dog is going down crooked work along a fence or barrier of some sort (I use a PVC "baby gate" from J&J dog) to keep them straight and close.
Have a treat in your left hand, ready to deliver by coming directly down from above the dog's head to his mouth so that he doesn't have to move or look to the side at you the instant he goes down and you click and treat. Delivering the treat from the left hand this way keeps the dog from sitting crooked to see your right hand and watch for the treat to be delivered from there. This is not a good thing.
The dog must heel forward from the down.
If the dog should pop up from the down before you begin to heel forward it is an Incorrect Performance (IP). The dog has added an element to the exercise that isn't in the description. You must retry the exercise.
To retry an exercise, be sure that you repeat the entire exercise. Heel back and approach the sign again, then perform the exercise correctly. Retry of an improperly performed exercise will be -3 points instead of -10 for Incorrect Performance (IP). But, if you don't go back and retry the entire exercise, it is not a retry and will not erase that -10!


Junior Showmanship by Theresa Goiffon

Juniors and their Aussies
Photo Courtesy of Theresa Goiffon
Ellie Goiffon, Logan Huebing and Lydia Goiffon
Relaxing After The Show

This month I want to do something a different in my monthly Juniors article. Instead of an interview, answer a few questions about Junior Showmanship.
In 2007 our family started showing Australian Terriers in Juniors and Conformation. We are often asked, by kids and parents alike, questions pertaining to Junior Showmanship.  I thought it may be of interest to provide you with some of the questions recently asked by a 10 year old girl interested in Junior Handling.
What are the age requirements to participate in American Kennel Club (AKC) dog shows?
According to the AKC, Junior Showmanship classes are open to children from 9 to 18 years old and are divided into Novice and Open classes.
The classes are divided into:
Junior: At least 9 years old but under 12 years old on the day of the show.
Intermediate: At least 12 years old but under 15 years old on the day of the show.
Senior: At least 15 years old but under 18 years old on the day of the show.
Where do I begin if I would like to participate in AKC dog shows?
The first place to start is with the AKC.  The AKC has a link for kids and Juniors:  This is a great place to start. This web page covers the rules and explains how to participate in AKC dog shows.
The second thing you want to do is request a Junior Handler number.  The following link,  takes you to the web page to request your number.  This number is required to participate.
Since I don't have a dog yet, do you have any recommendations?

Of course I am biased towards Australian Terriers and think they make excellent dogs for Juniors. The choice of a dog is something the Junior and their parents will have to decide based on their lifestyle and how a dog size and type works for them.

I suggest researching breeds and once you narrow down your list of favorite breeds, visit a breeder or attend a dog show in your area.  Learn as much as you can about the breed or breeds you are interested in.  Make a list of what you are looking for in a dog.  Where you live will make a difference too.  Some dogs do well anywhere, others have special requirements that you will have to consider.
Should I start showing with a puppy or an adult dog?
That's a great question.  The answer is it depends on the individual junior and how much time they want to spend in training.
Many Junior Handlers in our area work with retired dogs who have achieved their championship. These dogs are usually well trained and it makes it much easier for the novice junior to begin. I think this is an excellent way to jump into the ring and have some fun with more immediate results.
If you are like my daughters you many want to start with your own puppy. This option is more challenging in the beginning; it requires more patience because both you and your puppy are learning at the same time. The good news is if you learn together you really become a team.  This gives you the ability to know what to expect from each other. Your efforts in the end will result in a very rewarding experience.
What dogs are eligible to participate?
According to the AKC rules regarding eligibility, each dog entered in a regular Junior Showmanship Class must be of a breed eligible to compete in the conformation classes (including Miscellaneous Classes) at the event. Dogs may be PAL/ILP, Full-, or Limited-Registered to compete in Junior Showmanship Classes. Additionally, spayed and neutered dogs are eligible for competition.
Any dog entered must be eligible to compete in dog shows or obedience trials. The dog must be owned by the child, a member of the child's family, or member of his household.
Where do I get help in my area?
Not all areas of the country have professional conformation training classes, but most have obedience training.  I have found that many obedience trainers have shown dogs in conformation.  If you cannot locate a conformation trainer, contact a local obedience trainer.  They should be able to help you or refer you to someone that can assist you.

 Will I need a new wardrobe to participate? Is that going to be expensive?
You will need to dress neatly and professionally.  Watch the handlers on a televised dog show and you will know the proper attire.
Your new wardrobe doesn't need to cost you a fortune.  My recommendation is that you visit your local thrift shop. You will likely find great suits or appropriate clothing for just a few dollars. 
Your shoes should be low heels with closed backs, preferably black shoes. With your shoe selection, go for comfort!
More questions and answers will be discussed in upcoming Junior articles.  If you have any questions you would like to see addressed, please e-mail me at:  All questions and comments are welcome.

Photos, Photos, Photos from Bethina Gade, Denmark

All photos courtesy of Bethina Gade
Puppy on a vacuum
"Bastian" as a puppy.  Santomay�s As Good As It Gets

Bethina dog 1
Santomay�s Catch Me If You Can, "Terry"

Bethina dog 2
Santomay�s Catch Me If You Can, "Terry"

Bethins dog 3
"Bastian"  Santomay�s As Good As It Gets


Subscribe to AKC Gazette

Go to this link to read the July AKC Gazette edition and subscribe.


"Champion de France" by Marie-Francis Petry of Belgium

I thought it might be of interest to some, as to how a dog obtains his championship in France.

To become "Champion de France" your dog needs to win the following three shows in France:
1. The Annual Championship of France or the National Breeder Show. (These two shows are difficult to win because everybody needs them for their title. There are only 2 winners a male and a female per show).

2. A main International Show. (This is easier for there are a lot of International Shows in France).

3. A Special Terrier Show held at another International Show. (There are a few Special Terrier Shows).

In addition you must also pass a character test at a Regional Show. (There are about 6 Regional Shows for all the Country).

You must also have DNA tested your dog.
The Character test is just to know if your dog has the right behaviour with other dogs and doesn't show fear or agressivity.
Here are the five points that your dog needs to do, to pass the character test.
1.  The dogs are in one line and one by one the dogs have to slalom (move) between the other dogs.
2. The dogs are in one line.  You walk in front of the other dogs and on the way back you meet the judge. The dog must sit down, while you talk with the judge.
3. The dogs are in two lines. You cross the field and go to the other line, shake hands with another owner and have a little talk.
4. All the dogs are coming to a cross point, where all the owners shake hands and have a talk .  As all the dogs are very close to each other they must not show any agressivity.
5. The judge comes to manipulate your dog. While he stands in front of your dog he suddenly shakes a box with noisy things in it. The dog must not show any sign of fear. Sometimes the judge will use an umbrella and open it for the same purpose, to make sure the dog is not fearful.
Not all dogs are able to pass that test.  A dog needs 12 points to pass the test.

Photo Courtesy Of Marie-Francis Petry

I am very happy to share that my dog, Cartoon, recently passed with a score of 15/15.

 Photo Courtesy of Marie-Francis Petry  "Cartoon"

News from New Zealand
An Interview with Andy Johnstone of Shandrys Kennel

Sandry's Hot Chocolate
 Photo Courtesy of Andy Johnstone      "Madonna"

Shandrys Hot Chocolate, "Madonna" wins the Sally Cup for Best Bitch at the Canterbury Combined Terrier Club Show 2010 under Aussie Specialist Judge Dean Freshwater from Sydney Australia.

What is the Sally Cup?
I had a little Aussie, Sally, who did not turn out to be a good show dog, although she did gain her Championship. Sally was very smart and performed amusing tricks and she even wrote a book: The Adventures of Sally. May The Paw Be With You.
I decided to keep her memory alive because of her great reputation, by bringing the Sally Cup to the Canterbury Combined Terrier Club each year. The dog that wins best bitch at the Annual Trophy show is awarded the Sally Cup. I started doing this in Auckland and brought it down to Canterbury when I moved here 5 years ago.

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your breeding program?
I was born in Cheshire, England and my parents, brother and I moved to Auckland, New Zealand in 1960.
I bought my first Aussie, Samantha, in 1988. Then I got Sally to keep her company.
Samantha was unable to have babies, so Sally started me into breeding.  I then brought in what I considered to be a "good" show dog, Ch. Culford Katina, and really started breeding and showing in 1990.  
I left home in the early 60's to do my nurse training and then my midwifery.
Most of my friends left and moved to Australia and I was quite alone in Auckland.  The only other people I knew were in Canterbury, so I made the move here and it's the best thing I've ever done.
I own my own home in a little country village and now work as a school bus driver.
I am home all day with my "furkids" except for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the afternoon.
They all sit on my bed and watch me drive away!!  Sometimes I feel they are glad to see the back of me for awhile.

They are not kenneled.   They are part of my family and 3 or 4 sleep with me. The rest sleep on the furniture and their own beds in the lounge/dining/kitchen area.
I have 10 bitches and 1 male, Ch. Shandrys Rogan-Josh.

Most of the girls are spayed. When breeding I alternate breeding the younger ones. I give them one season off and then they have one litter. Sometimes I do a back to back breeding and then spay them.  Pickles has just had her first litter and I'm hoping to mate Madonna next year.
I endeavor to start them on their second season (depending on their age at that time) and don't mate them after 5 -6 years of age. I don't place them either. I love them so much and I can't bear to apart from them. We are just a big loving family.

How did you get started?
When I lost my old "mongrel" Mister, I pined for another companion.  I was living with my friend Chris and her family and at the time I was told,  "If you MUST have another dog, you'll have to have one of Brenda's as they don't smell or molt (shed)!"  Brenda was a nurse colleague of Chris'.
The night I lost Mister, I had a dream I had a little dog named Sam and I still believe Mister gave Sam to me. She did however turn out to be a Samantha.  Brenda was a breeder and showed her dogs and suggested I go along with Sam one day. 
That was that.  I was hooked!!
Sam won 8 out of 8 shows to gain her Ch. and even beat a Ch. to gain her title.  She was an outstanding Aussie in my mind and went everywhere with me. She even came to work as a hospital dog.  When she was older, she still came to shows and sat on a chair and watched!!  She didn't need a lead. She just stayed put. Sally had to show at 26 shows to gain her 8 c.c's. Bless her. I remember the 26th show; she had gained 7 c.c.'s. The judge looked at me, then at Sally, and shook her head. I gave her the most pleading look with almost tear filled eyes.
She looked at me again and said,  "Oh, all right then!!"
With that Sally gained her 8th c.c. and became a Champion.
I've never forgotten that judge who sadly passed away a couple of years ago.
As for Sally, she retired a happy doggie and went on to learn new tricks.

What attracted you to Australian terriers?
Nothing.  I actually didn't like them when I saw them, but my living arrangements at the time demanded that an Aussie was the only dog I would be allowed to have.
I'm now eternally grateful to Chris!

Are you still allowed to dock tails in NZ?
After a long hard battle, yes, we are still allowed to dock.  Although I do object to docking as I think it is cruel and barbaric. The Aussie tail is simply snipped at a good length. I do this myself and never spill one drop of blood.  My way is 99% painless.

Do you have many dog shows in NZ?
They are seasonal and tend to follow summer around the country, starting off in the far North and ending in the deep South.  We don't have anywhere near the number of dog shows that Australia has. We have perhaps two or four a month for three months, then the odd one or two around the area.

Are there more Australian terriers and breeders on the North or South Island? I am unsure but I would guess the North Island has more.  

Do you have an Australian Terrier Club?

We did, but sadly it folded.  I used to be the editor of the Australian Terrier Tales, and when the club folded, I carried on with the magazine.  But, the number of subscriptions depleted over the years so the magazine also ended.  We have individual Terrier Clubs around the country, but no longer an Aussie club.

How does the quarantine affect your ability to import dogs?
When shipping dogs between Australia and New Zealand there is no quarantine.
Both New Zealand and Australia are countries that are rabies free.
I can send dogs to USA but there is a quarantine to bring dogs here, to New Zealand.

What is required for a dog to become a champion in your country?
I think it is easier here compared to some other countries.
The best dog and best bitch of each breed is awarded a Challenge Certificate.
You need 8 c.c.'s to become a Ch.
To become a Grand Ch you need 50 c.c's and 3 BIS. That's the hard part!

NZ has never had an Aussie Gr Ch, that I know of, although one or two have come very close.
I have had a few dogs with more than 50 c.c's and a few Group and Best in Group wins, but never a win in All Breed Championship shows.
I did take a Best in Show once, but it was a Terrier Show, so it didn't count towards becoming a Grand Championship.

I have always considered myself "half-dog" as I have a wonderful rapport with all dogs. I am unable to walk past a dog in the street as they tend to stop and wait for me to rub their heads. I love my Aussies and they are so devoted to me.
We are one big happy family and we hate to be parted from each other. Whenever possible we go everywhere together.
If you have questions please feel free to contact me.

 Andy Johnstone of Shandry's
Photo Courtesy of Andy Johnstone    "Andy and Her Dog Children"









Announcing Our First Grand Champions

ATI is proud to announce and congratulates the first two
United States AKC Australian Terrier Grand Champions

Zebulon Grand Champion

Photo Courtesy of Anne Mitchell   Photography: Winner Pix by Rick
First Australian Terrier Grand Champion.

GCH CH Kambara's Zebulon

Completed the requirements for GCH on June 27, 2010.
Owners/Breeders:  Anne & Craig Mitchell, (Fort Myers, Florida USA)
Handled by Kellie Dahlberg, Sarasota, Florida
Anne said she and Craig get asked the meaning of his name.
Zebulon means "God's precious gift."

 Zippy Grand Champion
Photo Courtesy of Cheryl Mechalke     Photography by Bill Kohler
Second Australian Terrier Grand Champion

GCH CH Nellyson's Mr Don't Skip the Zip

Completed the requirements for GCH on July 3, 2010.
Owner Cheryl Mechalke and Jim Mechalke Jr., (Colorado, USA)
Bred By Tina Nordgren, (Sweden)
"Tina is very happy and proud of Zippy's accomplishments here in the U.S.!

How do you become a Grand Champion?

To become an AKC Grand Champion your dog needs:
* Twenty five Grand Championship points
* Three "majors" (three or more points earned at a single show) won under
   three different judges
* At least one or more of these points won under a fourth judge
* Must have defeated at least one other AKC Champion of Record at three shows

The following list shows dogs working towards their championship. ATI wishes all of the dogs and owners, good luck.

Grand champ stats

Please go to the ATI website to see the ongoing current stats. These stats are courtesy and from the records of Janet Maas.

Eukanuba Current Top 25 Contenders

Current list of top 25 Aussies currently qualified for Eukanuba, processed through July 16, 2010. 

Qualifiers are chosen with the most breed points between
October 08, 2009 and October 10, 2010.
List is alphabetical.

CH Abq San Isidro Christhill
CH Aka Inu Story Teller
CH Aussome Dragon Of The West
CH Benayr Clay Tucker
CH Benayr Just For Kicks
CH Benayr Nessun Dorma
CH Benayr Rightly So 
CH Benayr Wild-Eyed Philosopher
CH Blue Moon Call Me Irresistible
CH Cochise Living Treasure
CH Dreamtime's Latin Lover
CH Harringtons Red Hook Of Figaro
CH Kambara's Bella Macchina
GCH CH Kambara's Zebulon
CH Marble Arch Lady From Castile
CH Match Point Edwyre Morgan
Mysticstar's Lucky Penny
GCH CH Nellyson's Mr Dont Skip The Zip
CH Outbackreds N Tygers' N Bears Oh My
CH Redwing Licensed To Thrill
CH Ryba's Licensed To Shop At Redsky
CH Ryba's Matinee Idol
CH Ryba's On A Clear Day
CH Shastakin Bush Ranger
Temora Ri Diercc
CH Tera-K's Parson Brown


Top Juniors Showing Australian Terriers

 Junior handlers

Cooking Corner with Cheryl Mechalke

Prince cooks corner
Photo Courtesy of Cheryl Mechalke

Cool-as-a-Cucumber Gazpacho
Makes 2� to 3 cups

1 cucumber
1 small tomato, seeded and coarsely chopped
1/2 bell pepper, seeded and coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh parsley
Salt and pepper (for people portions)
Recipe from Every Day with Rachel Ray
Copyrighted to Every Day,

Neoplasene for Tumors: What is it?

Reprinted with permission form Hawthorne Vet Clinic Newsletter

Neoplasene is the name of a concentrated extract of the herb bloodroot made in Montana by Buck Mountain Herbs ( This remarkable product is used to treat skin growths and tumors by causing tumor cells, or neoplastic cells, to die off, without affecting the nearby normal tissue. We have used this product with great success on many tumors of dogs and cats, often avoiding surgery. Neoplasene is usually applied as a salve at home by the client, so treatments are relatively inexpensive. Some tumors can be treated by using an injectable form of the product, which is usually done with the animals under sedation. In other cases the Neoplasene can be used in conjunction with surgery on larger more aggressive tumors to help prevent them from regrowing after surgery.

If your dog or cat has a growth or tumor that you are concerned about, make an appointment. Our doctors will examine your pet, perform any necessary diagnostic tests, and advise you on the various treatment options, possibly using Neoplasene.

Jeffrey Judkins, DVM
Dr. Jeffrey Judkins grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas, and graduated from the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine in 1984. Since then he has practiced small animal medicine in Austin, Texas, and Fairbanks, Alaska, and had a holistic house-call practice here in Portland before opening Hawthorne Veterinary Clinic in 1995. He was certified by the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society in 1994 and has a continuing interest in the study of acupuncture and herbal medicine.

ATI recommends you take any dog with a problem directly to your vet. We are not recommending any product or veterinarian. Our mission is to educate and inform you of the latest in research and different options that we learn of.


Sebaceous Cysts In Dogs by Dr. Erika DePapp
Cornell University, College of Veterinary Medicine

A sebaceous cyst is a small sac containing an accumulation of secretions produced by the sebaceous glands. Sebaceous cysts are also known as epidermoid cysts, epidermal inclusion cysts, epidermal cysts, and wens.

The sebaceous glands produce an oily substance called sebum, which lubricates the skin. The ducts of the sebaceous glands empty into hair follicles. The development of sebaceous cysts is thought to arise from an obstruction of the follicles, leading to abnormal accumulations of sebum.

Sebaceous cysts are common in dogs. There are no breed, age or sex predilections with respect to formation of the cysts. There is no significant impact on your pet, as these are benign, non-painful growths.

What to Watch For
Smooth, round firm to fluctuant growths, roughly 5mm to 5cm in diameter. They may have a slightly blue color to them.
Release of a grayish white or brown discharge with a cheesy consistency.
Development of cysts on the head, neck, body and upper legs.

Diagnostic tests
Fine needle aspiration. A diagnosis can often be made by placing a small needle within the cyst and suctioning some cells out of it with a syringe. Microscopic evaluation of the cells will often be suggestive of a sebaceous cyst.

Biopsy.  A definitive diagnosis may require a sample of tissue that has been surgically removed.

In most cases no treatment is necessary. If the decision is made to biopsy the cyst, complete surgical removal is usually performed. This is curative.
Home Care
At home, monitor the cyst for changes in size or evidence of irritation. Although these are benign growths, fine needle aspiration does not always provide a conclusive diagnosis. For this reason, rapidly enlarging masses should be surgically removed and biopsied to ensure there is no evidence of malignancy (cancer).

Legal Disclaimer
If your pet is showing any signs of distress or you suspect your pet is seriously ill, CONTACT YOUR VETERINARIAN immediately.

For more information on Skin Growths, Lumps, Swelling or Masses In Dogs please refer to this article written by Dr. Mark Thompson from the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine.

All of the information presented on this ( website was developed by Intelligent Content Corporation staff members and is the sole responsibility of Intelligent Content Corporation.
See the legal terms on the website for additional legal terms. is the definitive web destination, with over 1,000,000 visitors per month, for Pet lovers. They know that your number one priority is your pet's health and well being.
More than 85 veterinarians, including many veterinary specialists, have written for With a library of over 10,000 veterinarian approved articles they offer the largest and most complete source of pet information available anywhere.

They not only offer the most comprehensive resource for Pet Health and Wellness, but they also have over 4,000 heartwarming "Pet Stories" that you can enjoy.

Please take a look at this wonderful site and bookmark it for your future use.
You can also sign up for their newsletter.


Oh Baby!

Goiffon puppies
Photo Courtesy of Theresa Goiffon

A Breeding Nightmare by Pamela Levy

This could also be titled, What Happened On The Way To Making Puppies.

I had a request from a breeder to use Ringo as a stud dog on their female.
It was not possible to fly the dogs to each other due to the extreme heat.
That meant we needed to send fresh chilled sperm.

I drove with Ringo to The Brighton Reproductive Clinic, which is about 4 1/2 hours from my house to have him collected. That is the closest reproductive clinic to my home.
I wasn't feeling terrific so it was extra difficult driving there and back in the same day.
The progesterone test on the female showed her perfect for breeding the next day.
We paid extra to have the sperm delivered first thing in the morning by Federal Express.
The AI (artificial insemination) was scheduled for 1:30 pm. I called and spoke to the receptionist to confirm the FedEx had arrived. She confirmed it had.

About 1:35 pm, I received a phone call form the breeder asking if I knew where the sperm was. I explained to the breeder what I was told by her vet's office. While she was on the phone I called her vet's office only to learn they had received a FedEx but not the "sperm" FedEx. Receptionist error. Sorry!

Luckily I had the tracking number and started trying to hunt down the package.

On the computer I could see it was sitting in Indiana. I called Fed Ex. Apparently it was their error and it had missed the plane. They were sorry!

SORRY!!!! There were 1.1 billion sperm just aching to be anywhere but Indiana.
I convinced FedEx this was an urgent matter and they needed to put the package of sperm on a plane to Portland. They did, but due to weather delays the package arrived after the clinic closed that night, at 8pm.

We arranged for them to be delivered to the breeder's home. She had to make space in her refrigerator for this large parcel because the Reproductive clinic told us NOT to open the box.

FedEx called back and said that plan wasn't going to work. The sperm was on it's way to Seattle and would make it's way to Olympia the next day.

The vet performing the AI visited several clinics and was coming back to this clinic as a favor to do the AI at 9:00 am.

I think I may have been screaming when I told FedEx it had better be at the Clinic before 9:00 am.

Thankfully it did arrive at 9:20 am and the vet waited to perform the AI.

If there are actual puppies delivered, they will have already seen the entire US before they are born. They will all have to have the word MIRACLE in their names.

Who said breeding is easy?


Mutt Muffs

Mutt Muffs
Photo Courtesy of Michele McGuire of Mutt Muffs "Jack" and his mommy, Terri.

Before you say, "Now I've seen it all" you need to read about these ear muffs.
They are great if you fly frequently with your dog and on commercial airlines they would be great for take-off and landings. They are great if you own or fly your own plane and your dog comes with you.
They have goof reviews for fireworks; however, they have mixed reviews with thunderstorms. They are really useful to protect your dogs hearing, if your dog does search and rescue work.


Bark Out

Dear ATI,

I found the opinions on stud dogs very interesting and thoroughly enjoyed reading them. While I agree with much of what was said, I would like to share how I came to my conclusions on the most influential stud dogs and begin a philosophical discussion.

The following is a list of the top ten sires of the last 10 years.  It shows the number of champions produced and the number of breeders who used that sire. 

Influence, as defined by Webster's Dictionary, is "the power to affect others."  It would seem logical that a dog who is used by a wider group of breeders is in the position to influence a breed more than a dog that is used by only a few.  Please realize I AM NOT attacking any dog here.

The number one dog produced 20 champions and was used by 7 different breeders while the number two dog was only used by 3 breeders.  Which dog will have the most impact?  The other thing we must look at is not only how prolific a dog is but how prolific his get (offspring) are.  If a breeder completes the championship on the puppies but they are not used in a breeding program then is that sire really impacting the breed?  With such a small gene pool we need to diversify for the health of the breed. I have also included the top producing dogs in history (USA.)
Respectfully,  Janet Maas;  Akiba Australian Terriers

Top Ten Sires Of The Last 10 Years
(taken from Janet's personal statistics)
RankName# Champions# Breeders
1Ch Lodiah Red Hawk207
2Ch Tanamier's Jonny Be Good183
3Ch Ryba's Tom Foolery146
4Ch Wismiss Aka Inu Figaro146
5Ch Ryba's Diamond Jim132
6Ch Wattles Wildest Dream 136
7Ch Tineetown Mr Sandman124
8Ch Akiba's The Go To Guy 112
9Ch Benayr Done That101
10Ch Aka Inu Zu's Petl T'The Metl 96
11Ch Benayr Master Of Surprise91
12Ch Benayr Reckless93
13Ch Besteba Ransom of Red Chief 95
14Ch Crestwoods Contender95

Top Producing Sires in Breed History - United States
(taken from Colorado's pictorial with additional AKC records added)

RankNameNumber of Offspring
1Ch Crestwoods Crackerjack58
2Ch Sprite Lea Rajah Dhaja54
3Ch Tineetown Talkbac46
4Ch Taralee For Fame40
5Ch The Farms Freestyle35
6Ch Redberry Comrade31
7Ch Redberry Comrade30
8Ch Taralee Ripcord25
9Ch Jeralen's Christopher Tobin23
9ACh Yaralla's Rock The Ring23
10Ch Taralee Sekelutu22

Photos, Photos, Photos by Ulla-Britt Norgren

Ulla Britt puppy2

Ulla Britt puppy

Puppies dinign


More Thoughts On Food

Quality Kibble or Healthy Homemade by Mary Kennedy

      Our canine and feline companion animals are carnivores. Since they digest protein derived from animal sources better than grain, why do we continue to feed them a cereal-based diet?  When I fed my dogs a kibble that listed grains as the first ingredient, their coat was flat and brittle. They shed abundantly and got a bit chubby. When I switched to a diet in which meat was the focus ingredient, their coats shined up, their shedding stopped and they became quite lean and muscular. Why the difference?  Although the label on the food may say 24% protein, if a dog can't digest it, then their body is not getting 24% protein.

    There is great value in taking the time to learn to read food labels. You will know the quality  of the food with the first five ingredients. Let's discuss meat first. You do not want animal by-products. You also do not want grain by-products, fillers or grain ingredients that "pump up" the protein content to replace the use of meat protein. These could be listed on the label as wheat glutens, rice protein, soy flour, brewer's rice, corn glutens, beet pulp or peanut hulls.

Wheat, corn and soy are three hard to digest ingredients used as filler and protein enhancement. Wouldn't you rather pay for meat?

     Raw bones are an excellent source of calcium and other nutrients however, make sure the bones are not cooked. If your dog is not used to bones, give one to him for 10 minutes a day for about a week in order to build a digestive tolerance. Raw bones are not for all dogs. If they gulp their food, keep an eye on them to see if this is right for your dog. When the bone is down is in small pieces, throw it away.  Remember, if you are making homemade food, be sure to add some form of calcium. Below is a very basic recipe, including bone meal calcium.

I feed each of my 50 pound dogs about 2.5-3 cups of this a day. I tend to go 50% on the protein with less grains and vegetables. The meat can be cooked previous to mixing, if preferred. When switching to homemade or raw, use enzymes such as Optigest or Prozyme (follow directions on bottle) and change over slowly to avoid gastric upset.

35%-50% Protein
Fresh or Raw: You can use turkey, chicken, lamb, buffalo, venison, beef or ostrich.
Organ Meats: include 1 part to 4 parts muscle meat ratio, 2 times a week. I prefer organ meats cooked.

50%-65% Veggies and Grains
(These can be mixed � and �.)
Raw Vegetables: You can use zucchini, carrots, green beans, yellow squash, broccoli or pumpkin. Do not use ONIONS.
Grains: Cooked barley, rice, oatmeal, rye, quinoa, spelt, millet

In a food processor, mix your ingredients until you have a consistent batch. Food can be kept in refrigerator for 2-3 days. Freeze the remaining mixture in serving portions in Ziplock baggies.
While your dog may be designed to handle a small amount of salmonella people cannot. When using raw meat make sure you wash your hands, all utensils and surfaces in hot soapy water.

Add at Each Meal

1/2 tsp. oil for 25 pound dog
Oils you can use include flax, fish or hempseed. (Fish is preferred.)
Approximately 375-500 mg calcium per 25 lb. dog.
Bone meal powder, or a supplement specifically to be added to the raw food diet, can be purchased at any holistic cat/dog food store.
If adding an enzyme powder, use according to directions on package
If there are any digestion issues, especially in changing to new food, use enzymes to assist in digestion. This can be purchased at any holistic dog/cat food store.

Commercial pre-made, frozen raw foods can be bought at a natural pet food store to get started for your convenience.

Mary Kennedy can be contacted directly at:

While ATI is here to inform and educate we do not endorse or recommend and product or diet.  Please check with your vet before changing your dog's diet.

Education: Written Critiques for Conformation

In America, when you are trying to figure out your ringtime, there is a saying to allow 2 minutes a dog. That does not work in other parts of the world as the Judges give each dog a written critique. Most of us in the US do not know what that looks like.
This is the written critique done on all the dogs that showed this year at Cruft's 2010 by Judge Sheila Stoddart.
The names of the dogs were removed so you could focus on the critique.

How can this be of use to you? Evaluate your dog as if you are the Judge. Does your dog have the characteristics this Judge finds to be nice? How is your dogs' grooming? How is your dogs' movement? Enjoy and have fun!

Australian Terriers
It is some time since I last judged the breed and there are times when I wonder if Breeders ever do read the standard. On the whole dogs looked nice standing but hind movement in quite a few was awful and must be looked into and dealt with in the breeding programmes. One or two elbows were sticking out on the return to me and this could be helped by careful grooming but fronts were certainly better than rears. Again quite a few round eyes when the standard calls for nowadays that they should be relatively small and of dark brown colour. There were too many light eyes and this is not acceptable even in the reds. With a round eye health issues may develop and indeed one or two dogs had eyes that were slightly bulbous and watery. I was very disappointed to pick up mouth faults in at least 3 of the dogs. I did not penalize this severely but did take it into account with my placings. I was delighted with my main winners and noted there were no absentees.

Dog #1-A well made blue and tan male with a good harsh coat and the blue starting to come through well. Eye a little on the round side and a little lighter than I would have liked. Excellent front and rear movement, which was impeded slightly by his handler not letting him, move as freely as he wanted!

Dog #2-Sandy dog who was a bit short of coat today but as a result was not hiding anything. He is maturing well, nice length of body, good mouth with strong jaw and
moved out and back the best in this class. His eye shape could be better as could the colour.

Dog #3-A well-constructed blue and tan, nice colour and well presented. His hind movement let him down.

Dog #4-Litter brother to 2 and of a similar type. Coat was not good and perhaps would have looked better taken out altogether. Again hind movement let him down.

Dog #5-Blue and tan dog who has taken a long time to mature but is all the better for that. He moved like a dream and as an Aussie should, keeping his topline on the move at all times. Lovely arched neck and was alert and watching what he was doing. Did not put a foot wrong and well deserved the CC and BOB. I heard that made him up for the day. He looked well in the Group ring too and was an excellent ambassador for the breed.

Dog #6-This red dog is a son of the CC winner and was as you would expect, beautifully presented and handled. He moved well too but did not have the presence of his father today. He was my RCC for the day.

Dog #7-A nice dog to go over with a correct mouth and perhaps of a finer type than the other two in the class. His hind movement was not good today and I have seen him move better than this.

Bitch #1-This blue and tan bitch has won do much in the Veteran classes for her owner and I could see why. At 12 years old she could move out and back like a youngster and her mouth was perfect. She has developed a slight dip in her back but that was all I could fault her for. I wish her a long and happy retirement.

Bitch #2-A well known red bitch who got her title last year and was well deserved. Today she did not sparkle like I have seen her do and was probably carrying a little too much weight which made her look a trifle stuffy. With a bit of work on this I think she will do well as a Veteran and perhaps we shall see her in the breed classes again.

Bitch #3- A sandy bitch with a good harsh coat (coats tend to soften with age). She is a daughter of my winner in this class and it is not often you have mother and daughter together in the Veteran class.

Bitch #4- A very raw blue and tan puppy. She is 13 months old but looks younger so will obviously be slow to get it together. I would like to see her grow a bit. She has a lovely coat colour and moved well going and coming.

Bitch #5 -The biggest class of the day and this was a lovely young red bitch who had everything going for her. Beautiful coat colour, good dark eye and pigment as a few of the reds were lacking in pigment, and excellent tail, which was correctly held on the move.

Bitch #6-Another well turned out red bitch, whose movement was excellent. The only thing to separate her from 1 was the shape of her eye, but on another day could have won the class.

Bitch #7-Again a very nice bitch with a lovely red coat and excellent pigment. Movement was good both ways. To be critical I would have left a little more hair on her tail to balance her up.

Bitch #8-Very stylish red bitch. Well turned out with a lovely head and expression and nice placed even ears. Moved well and the handler got the best out of her at all times.

Bitch #9-A well constructed blue and tan bitch who can be difficult and headstrong in the ring. Good blue colour and harsh coat and well turned out. Movement was ok when she decided to do it properly.

Bitch #10-This blue and tan bitch was head and shoulders above the other bitches today. Her coat was harsh, tailset perfect, correct eye and movement to die for. She got the RCC last year and this was a well-deserved CC for her. I am so glad I had the chance to go over this lovely bitch. She did seem to tire in the challenge but she and her owner had had a long journey to get to Crufts.

Bitch #11-The first time I have gone over this bitch and she did not disappoint. Good eye and pigment and moved well. This bitch dogs not have the glamour of her litter sister but I have always preferred her as I think she is so typical of the breed. She was my RCC for the day

Bitch #12-Again another nice bitch with a good eye and moved well. Well turned out and handled.

Bitch #13-Blue and tan bitch who looks lovely standing but moves a little close behind. Not much to criticize but could lose a little weight perhaps. She is always turned out well and is a bitch I have liked before



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Pamela Levy
Australian Terrier International