

Announcing the Dance of Earth and Spirit Tour 2011

      SF Bay ~ Harbin Hot Springs ~ Maui ~ Stockholm ~ London ~ Basel ~ Los Angeles       

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   We have been quite busy these past few years here at  Kahua Insitute,  which is why  we are so  pleased to announce  that  we will  be  travelling  across  Europe     and  the U.S.  to share  our passion   for   Embodied Spirituality & Sustainability  with  you!   

raphael and kutira spinning


   Please  join  us  at any  of our tour locations  as we screen  our  new film  'The Dance  of Earth and Spirit', and celebrate  body,  mind  and soil  through our creative workshops and community gatherings.   


   Kutira is also very excited to  share with  you  her transformational new book-  'The Lightness  of Body       and Being'.  We look   

forward to growing with   



with love,  

Kutira and Raphael 


Kahua Logo Featured Reading





We are so proud to announce the launch of two of our new websites:


EmbodiedSpirituality  and




 A new look,  


   a new feeling,


     a new vision...   



... of green homes and spiritual teachings.   


We are deeply grateful for your support in sharing our offerings  

with your friends and family. 


Lets stay connected!



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Ayurvedic/ Naturo-pathic Lifestyle Consultations 


April 9 - 29, 2011, Maui HI


Dr. Nibodhi is a certified Traditional Naturopath & Ayurvedic Health/ Lifestyle Consultant and licensed Doctor of Alternative Medicine. 


for more information contact Andrew/ Udaya at: 808-573-4959


vimeo still

A message from Kutira and Raphael    



  SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA     April 28 - May 1

  HARBIN HOT SPRINGS              May 5 - May 8

  MAUI                                            June 15 - June 19

  LONDON                                      July 25 - July 28

  STOCKHOLM                               Aug 3 - Aug 5

  BASEL                                          Aug 6 - Aug 7

  LOS ANGELES                            Aug 13 - Aug 21 



Reserve a spot as soon as possible by calling our office toll-free:

877-524-8250 or 808-572-6006 


Keep an eye out on our TOUR WEBSITE, or


Find us on Facebook


for regular updates on tour information! 


Maui Retreat - A Place of Happiness Movie Screening: The Dance of Earth and Spirit

A feature-length movie directed by Matthew Ferguson, documenting our 20-year journey into sustainability through spirituality- where ancient traditions meet cutting-edge science. A blue-print for generations to come! Original soundtrack by Kutira and Raphael.


kutira veil Ageless Spirit ~ Awakened Body:  Weekend Workshop

    A shamanic journey of self-awareness into the body, mind and soul. Cultivating inner peace and happiness while deeply nurturing ourselves using ancient and modern  healing traditions from  our embodied spirituality sacred school.  

    Singles and couples welcome.   


Spirit in the Body Concert 


    An evening of tribal sounds, magic,  

ritual and love stretching the boundaries

of  contemporary  music, where  ancient traditions inspire future visions from Bach

to Bhutan.

Bookcover Evening Talk: Into the Lightness of Body and Being

    Kutira invites you to experience the revolutionary Body/Mind Morphing HCG Program that transforms, rejuvenates, and reshapes you on EVERY level, connects you to inner wisdom, and reveals your most vibrantly beautiful and powerful self.  Join us for an inspiring evening in celebration of Kutira's up-coming book release, 'The Lightness of Body & Being' - A Ground-breaking Approach to Weight Reduction and Ageless Living.




March 11-14 @ The Kahua Institute


A Celebration of the Arts:  

Music, Poetry and Painting



with Kutira, Raphael, Wendy Grace,

and our talented students:


Alex Bishop, Tommy Brown, Sergio Garzon,  

Mardy Joy Kidwell, Nick Nortier, Paul Shaw  

and  Josephine Tempongko


 Workshop Tuition: $250  (food not included) - bring your own medium. Details will be sent to you upon registration and full payment.



Our land has a long history of miracles and is an ideal setting for gathering artists of all kinds for the purpose of soul expression. We have invited a collection of profound artists, musicians and poets to come together and create from the heart, with a deep level of freedom and mature love.


We are surrounded by 2000 miles of ocean and free from thought pollution, hence it is easier to create from nothing- from God, and from your own heart. If you're looking for a place to find your own unique genius in expression and creativity, this is it! Miracles happen!


Kahua means "The Wisdom and Power from Within" in the ancient Hawaiian language. In this time of great change on our planet, we are aware of the importance of honoring the totality of who we are and our connection to mother earth. "To heal is to make whole."