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Feb. Issue:  Black History Online Book Fair 2010  

Join us as we celebrate Strong Families, Black Couples, Black History Month and the spectacular Sankofa Literary Society's  3rd Annual Online Book Fair.  Even though Black History Month focuses on the growth of African-Americans, it is important for all races to see the value within the month and throughout the year. At Black Pearls Magazine published, by EDC Creations, we honor all of the people in our society that have made positive changes in the lives of others with the written word!  
It's important for us all to celebrate that Black History Month is full of the many accomplishments displaying our literature,  intellect, passions and talents.  Even though we celebrate February as Black History Month, it is important to know that African-American history took place every day of the year and will continue to take place 365 days a year.  This entire issue of Black Pearls Magazine shines the spotlight on the history makers of today!  

Look inside Black Pearls Magazine for the latest book releases and author interviews. BPM is a free digital magazine committed to inspire, encourage and empower a international group of readers. Our mission is to provide information that is essential, enlightening and entertaining.  We believe in Giving the Gift of Knowledge!  Explore the wonderful array of articles, poetry, exclusive interviews and soul stirring books by entering the main salon of the magazine here

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Marriage Quote by Gay Hendricks: One of the first things a relationship therapist learns is that couples argue to burn up energy that could be used for something else. In fact, arguments often serve the purpose of using up energy, so that the couple do not have to take the courageous, creative leap into an unknown they fear. Arguing serves the function of being a zone of familiarity into which you can retreat when you are afraid of making a creative breakthrough.


Dealing With Infidelity - To Pardon Or Not to Pardon is the Question
By Emma Audley 
Dealing with infidelity is a major area of concern in any marriage, even when promiscuity, in several developed cultures is as commonplace as brushing your teeth. Some protagonists of extra-marital affairs say that infidelity is a great ego, confidence and performance booster, and it is perfectly acceptable, so long as you do not get caught!

Even when you know what to expect, infidelity, every time it happens, creates ripples around the people concerned, bringing shame and infamy to the families concerned. Of the people who are directly involved with infidelity, it is difficult to say who suffers most - as they are all dealing with infidelity in their own way, trying to bring sanity into their own little worlds.
Over and above the people who are directly involved in the 'affair', there are scores of others who try to barge in - giving advice, offering counseling help and so on. Of course, there are the inevitable other lot, who simply add their bit to the story and make it the juiciest topic for the next cocktail party in office.
You can either cheat or be cheated up on. While both the situations demand dealing with infidelity, the only change is in the perspective. In this article, let me talk about dealing with infidelity, when you have been cheated and now suffering from the eternal dilemma, which every victim of infidelity has to face: to pardon or not to pardon.
Though every individual has his or her own life story regarding how and why the extra-marital affair happened, etc., these hardly matter when it is ultimately a matter of making a choice. You too could be having your own rationale regarding dealing with infidelity. Nevertheless, you cannot deny that no matter whether you pardon or not, the 'affair' would impact your life in a number of ways in the future. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether you can handle the post-infidelity era of the relationship maturely and with grace. Here are some points to ponder, read them here now.



Marriage Self Help - When You Feel Like You're in it Alone
By R P Smith
Very few marriages exist without reaching a crucial fork in the road at some point and a marriage self help strategy can be very effective when this happens. Many marriages have reached the point where separation and possibly even divorce begin to seem like the only option. Often times, one spouse remains committed to the marriage despite his or her unhappiness and the other spouse seems ambivalent or even unaware that there is a problem.
The following marriage self help strategies can be extremely effective even if you feel like you are in this thing alone:
1. Heal your self - This is not a suggestion to enter marriage counseling. Often times these so-called "marriage counselors" are nothing more than licensed therapists with little or no actual training in how to save a marriage. I'm talking about individual counseling to help you sort through your own issues.
2. Worry about your self - Do not engage in personal attacks on your spouse.Do not be critical of them. Stay positive and worry about your own words and actions. Take ownership for what you do and say, regardless of what you may think or feel about the other person.
3. Make time for yourself - Do what you love! Engage in hobbies or activities that make you happy. Involve your spouse if it makes sense and he or she is interested but make time for yourself to pursue what you enjoy doing.
4. Take care of your self - Regardless of how lousy you may be feeling in this marriage, better diet and exercise are bound to help. You'll feel better and be in a much more resourceful state to handle the adversity.
Marriage self-help as I'm talking about here is about working on yourself to improve your marriage. This will pay dividends regardless of what your spouse's role is in all this. You can still save your marriage even if your partner is not willing to try. Improving yourself to save your marriage is just a beginning. I have so much more stuff I want to share with you Marriage Self Help that will help you make your marriage even better than it ever has been. And yes, even if your spouse wants a divorce, you can save the marriage!   Article Source  
We Appreciate YOU!
The Black Pearls Magazine family wants to take the time to thank each of you for joining us monthly in celebrating the best in literature and the arts.  Our team of writers, bookclubs and authors are so humbled that you have allowed us entrance into your life. It amazes me each month as I check our subscribers, how many of  you deem us worthy of your time and support. 

We appreciate each of you for telling 10 people about the magazine and for driving people to our site. YOU make Black Pearls the magnificent publication that it is, by sharing the gift of knowledge!
Please know, as we prepare each issue for you, we look for those stimulating conversations, the most thought provoking articles and most of all the best books on the shelves. We want each page of this magazine to add value to your lives!  Your comments and feedback are welcomed. Join our blog and share your news, advice and wisdom with the other readers. Tell us what you want to read too!   Follow our blog here, look in the left-hand sidebar. You can join our Facebook Fanclub from the blog site as well. Our goal is to gain 500 new followers each month; help us by telling friends.
Ella Curry, president of EDC Creations Media Group