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Freedom Through Radical Forgiveness

Do you ever say to yourself "I can't believe this is happening to me AGAIN!" or... "How many MORE times do I have to learn this lesson?" Or, perhaps you have felt as if everything in your life was going smoothly and you were in the FLOW, which feels great, and then bang, seemingly out of nowhere, stuff happens and your life feels out of control. For me, when that happens, it’s like God has a giant flashlight that shines into my heart, which enables me to suddenly see the unconscious (and usually false) beliefs I have about myself and the world.

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Inspirational Monday Moments

Teaching positive practical truths to help you integrate spirituality into your business and everyday life. Hosted by Bob Martinelli and Pat Hastings.

Every Monday from 8-8:30 AM


The Women’s Wisdom Series of inspirational eBooks has just released its first title in time for Mother’s Day. The Power of a Mother’s Love features my story "A Mother’s Love – From The Other Side" and other inspirational true stories of women just like you and I.

Click here to order: Power of a Mother’s Love

Stand in Your Power and Say YES to Yourself

Join the author of "Simply a Woman of Faith" in this fun, interactive workshop to gain the tools to stand in your power and have healthy relationships. When you say "yes" to yourself you will: create what you want, protect what you value, change what doesn’t work, and be supported. Spirituality begins with your relationship with yourself, is nurtured by your relationships with others, and culminates in a sense of purpose in life. Learn to be assertive without destroying relationships, take spiritual responsibility for your life, and practice the art of self-love and self-care.

What you will take away:
How to stand in your power
How to take spiritual responsibility for your life
How to love yourself by learning the art of Self Love and Self Care
How to be assertive and say NO without destroying your relationships
How to say what you mean, mean what you say, but don’t say it mean

WHERE: All That Matters, Wakefield, RI

WHEN: June 19, 2010 from 1-5pm

PRICE: $65

REGISTER: 401-782-2126


Join Pat at Brightview Commons' Summer Author Series

Pat Hastings is an international inspirational speaker, spiritual life coach, workshop leader, psychotherapist and radio talk show host. Pat provides powerful guidance and wisdom and helps women rediscover their Spiritual Self. Pat’s professional and spiritual background has equipped her to help facilitate transformation in all women, no matter what their spiritual beliefs. Her message of love, hope and transformation is universal.

WHERE: Brightview Commons, 57 GrandeVille Court, Wakefield, RI 02879

WHEN: June 22, 2010 7pm

Call: 789-8777


Discover Who You Really Are And Connect With The Divine Inside Of You

Are you ready to develop a relationship with your inner self and experience the freedom that comes from connecting with The Divine inside of you? In this workshop, you will discover and break free from the limiting belief patterns you have, which make you feel unworthy, keep you stuck in unhealthy relationships and careers, and limit who you allow yourself to be. You will learn how to face your fear and move through it, so that you can live from love, inspiration and faith, and attract more of what you want into your life.

An important part of this process is learning how to forgive yourself and others, and by the end of this workshop, you will leave with specific techniques you can use to practice forgiveness and soothe yourself when you feel angry and afraid, which is how you get disconnected from who you REALLY are. Once you reconnect with The Divine inside of you, you will develop self – love, acceptance and a confidence in your ability to use your faith to be a source of light in your life and in the lives of those around you.

WHERE: 59 Barlow Ave. Rose Point, W. Wareham, Ma.

WHEN: June 26, 2010

PRICE: $60

Call: Maryann Coelho @ 508-237-5232


The Power of Visualizing

My dream was to move to a bigger house and nicer neighborhood. For two years I searched and prayed for the perfect house, specifically one that had a finished walk - out basement for my cousin to live in. I visualized my new house and what I wanted.

When I finally found the house and neighborhood that I loved, I decided to wait and see if the price would come down. This was a big mistake because it sold shortly after I saw it. I knew the next time I found what I liked, I would move quickly ...

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Embrace Your Faith

My husband John was diagnosed with cancer in April, 1998. Ten months later, after a painful struggle and many up's and down's he passed away at home on February 18th surrounded by his loving family. John was a prominent physician and had a strong conviction in his faith. From the time he was diagnosed until he died, he never questioned his faith, but embraced it and looked forward to his next journey. ...

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