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Dear  ,
There is a lot going on in the art jewelry world, and AJF will help you understand what is happening.

Jeweler Doug Bucci reports from Munich where he was one of a handful of Americans exhibiting at Schmuck 2010. Although not so well known in the US, Schmuck is the largest art jewelry event in the world, with dozens of exhibitions jammed into a few days. We also have a report from this year's SNAG conference in Houston. Talented newcomer Jillian Moore talks about the challenges of finding your place in a changing field. And finally AJF editor Damian Skinner interviewed jeweler and Droog Design co-founder Gijs Bakker about his work and influence and gets some surprising answers. Take a look.

Coming next month: AJF's sold-out tour of Collect in London, SOFA New York, and the Grey Area symposium from Mexico City. And if you haven't been yet, check out the sassy and informative AJF blog with observations and reports from all around the jewelry world.

Wear something good today!

Mike Holmes
In the past month or so AJF has released its invitation to emerging artists to apply for the Emerging Artist Award of $5000. The prize will be juried by Susan Beech, collector and originating member of AJF, Namita Wiggers, curator at the Museum of Contemporary Craft in Portland, Oregon, and lasts year's EAA winner, Sharon Massey. Please inform any maker who is just launching their careers about this helpful award.

We are also in the beginning process of launching another yearly award program for $5000, this one is aimed at institutions that have exhibitions and/or publications of contemporary art jewelry. The purpose of both of these grants is to encourage and promote activities consistent with the mission of the Art Jewelry Forum, to promote art jewelry to the broader community, and to encourage makers.

I am also happy to inform you that the London Trip is sold out and we are looking forward to having a great time there. Keep an eye on the blog for follow up photos and reports.

Which reminds me that some of our members, including Damian Skinner our blogger, are attending the Gray Area conference in Mexico City and so you will soon be seeing images and hearing reports from there on the blog as well.

We have also been working on building membership in the past months and encourage you to also think of people that love this field and would like to engage with us to be supportive and to participate in the lively programs. We need your help with this.


Susan Cummins
Chair, AJF Board

Schmuck ReportSCHMUCK 2010 
A report in two parts by Doug Bucci
Friday, 5 March 2010
Schmuck 2010 was the center of five fever-pitched days of jewelry and adornment held in Munich, Germany, from the 3rd to the 9th March 2010. Over 30 exhibitions were presented citywide, representing a variety of countries, academic programs and individual studio artists.Click here to read this article.
Snag ArticleWHAT'S IN A NAME?
by Jillian Moore
While attending this year's SNAG Conference in Houston, a chronic nagging question was amplified. What, exactly, is it that I do? In passing conversations I never seem to be able to explain it to any acceptable degree without endless digressive hurdles. Click here to read this article.

by Damian Skinner
Gijs Bakker is a well-known Dutch jeweler and the artistic director of Chi ha paura . . .?. Damian Skinner interviewed him on the occasion of Designers on Jewelry: Twelve years of jewelry production by Chi ha paura...? at the San Francisco Museum of Craft+Design in January 2010. Click here to read this interview.
AJF Website