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June 2009

There is just too much going on to try and squeeze everything into a newsletter. So this month we have focused on publishing all the news on our website and loading the newsletter with "quick links".  We invite you to spend time exploring our site every section has been expanding and updated.
AJF awarded a grant this year to Rowan University to produce a catalog for the exhibition called "Decorative Resurgence". Click here for a little peek the show.  Also, be on the look out for a copy of the exhibition catalogue which we are sending out soon.

As always, thanks to my newsletter team: Jennifer Cross Gans, Mike Holmes, Sally von Bargen, Anna Marie Seymour and Ron Porter as well as those of you who sent in comments and photos from the trip.
Happy Summer Days,
Susan Cummins
AJF Chair
PS. We have added something new! The newsletter pictures are linked to our website, just click a picture to read the  full length feature online. 
2008 Graduate Work Photos
Each year around graduation time we sample graduate student work from university and art schools around the country. This month we've received images from students studying with Iris Eichenberg at Cranbrook and with Bob Ebendorf and Linda Darty at East Carolina University and finally with Curtis Arima and Marilyn da Silva at California College of the Arts. You're invited to take a look.
2009 trip
Philly Trip Review and Photos Posted Online!
Several of us are just recovering from our trip to Philadelphia where we tried to take lots of photos for all of you who couldn't make it.
Check out the trip photos and trip review.
TAM Worden

Three Blockbusters Opening in the Seattle Area 
At the risk of leaving you panting at the furious pace of related events, we have another jewelry happening to announce in this newsletter. Three major jewelry shows are opening in the Seattle area during the last weekend in June.  "Ornament as Art: Avant-Garde, Jewelry from the Helen Williams Drutt Collection" and "Loud Bones: The Jewelry of Nancy Worden" will open at the Tacoma Art Museum and "The Miniature Worlds of Bruce Metcalf" opens at the Bellevue Art Museum. There will be studio visits, lectures and parties organized around these, which we are sure you won't want to miss. We will get more information to you via email and posted on our website as soon as we have the specific schedule.
If you plan on being in Seattle for the openings email Sally von Bargen ([email protected]) and she will make sure you have all the details.
Hot Links to Jewelry News
This past month was also one of those extraordinary times when several people sent us links to articles about jewelry and related items of interest that showed up in the mass media or unexpected places. Click here to explore more.
A Golden Book Reveiw
Mike Holmes does it again, we've just published his new book review on our website. It's a must read review.