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March 2009

Good news!! Art Jewelry finally hit the pages of Art in America. In the February 2009 issue, Janet Koplos does a wonderful job in "Pre-Bling: Three major exhibitions dramatize modern jewelry's shift from material values to visual expression" of describing the "Wiener Werkstatte Jewelry", "Calder Jewelry" and "Ornament as Art: Avant-Garde Jewelry from the Helen Williams Drutt Collection". In other words, jewelry as we know it made it to the pages of an art magazine. It's just one bit of good news we can celebrate.

Another bit of good news is that we have received many renewals and one new member- the curator Patricia Case from Geneseo, New York. I also need to correct an error in the last newsletter. Jennifer Shaifer is a MA candidate in the History of Decorative Arts at the Corcoran College of Arts and Design not at Bard as I mistakenly said in the last newsletter. Sorry Jennifer.

You may have noticed that we have a few other writers contributing to the newsletter. Pat Rodimer and Sally von Bargen and I have been working together on it for the past year and we still are, but now we have been joined by Ron Porter, Mike Holmes and Jennifer Cross Gans. Ron is working on a series of interviews with past Emerging Artists to see what they are doing now. Mike and Jennifer will be writing book reviews, which I hope you enjoy and find useful. They will also be working on other articles that we determine might be of interest to you. Thanks Ron, Mike and Jennifer. Please let us know what you are enjoying by send us a quick email addressed to [email protected]. We would love to hear from you.

Sergey accumulusNEW~ In this newsletter we feature an article by AJF member Ron Porter, who recently asked Sergey Jivetin, winner of the 2005 AJF Emerging Artist Award, to give us his thoughts on the award.

We have sent out our first calls for jewelers to submit to our 2009 Emerging Artists Award and to non-profits for our Grant Award. Please check the website for details and encourage those you know to apply.

depatta image

Announcement~ Do you have any Margaret de Patta's in your collection? The Museum of Arts and Design, New York, in collaboration with the Oakland Museum of California, is planning a retrospective of the works by Margaret De Patta (1903-64), scheduled to open in New York in the fall of 2010.  Co-curators Ursula Ilse-Neuman and Julie M. Mu�iz are presently looking for exhibition-worthy De Patta works. For information on certified De Patta works in either public or private collections, please contact: Ursula Ilse-Neuman at [email protected]

Susan, Pat, Susan and Sally
AJF Board
P.S.  We've updated the exhibition section of our website. Click here to see what's new near you.
 Marjorie Schick Chagalls Circles MEMBERSHIP
It's Time to Renew

Don't forget to send in your membership renewal if you have not already! We have just sent second reminder letters. Aren't those reminders annoying?  Please try to avoid getting another one by
clicking here and renewing now.
Image: Marjorie Schick, "Chagall's Circles"
Trip to PhilidelphiaTRIP UPDATE
It's Philadelphia in May

The AJF trip to the SNAG conference in Philadelphia is falling into place. It is going to be a great time to hang out with artists and hear some great speakers. We have already heard from some of you that you are planning to come but if you have delayed responding to our email letter please delay no longer. It is May 20- 23rd. To aid in our planning, please add your name to the trip list now if you are interested in joining us. As always, space will be limited. By clicking here you can send a quick email to let us know you want to be added to the Philadelphia trip list.

Sergey accumulusSOFA New York in April

SOFA New York is right around the corner- April 15th- 19th. .  The registration link for Art Jewelry Forum members to register for VIP passes is online and ready to go, click here  to register. This same link may be used to register for SOFA WEST: Santa Fe and Chicago.

Sergey accumulus
Sergey Jivetin: Thoughts on the Emerging Artist Award Then, Now and in the Future

Editor's Note: AJF member Ron Porter recently asked Sergey Jivetin, winner of the 2005 AJF Emerging Artist Award, to give us his thoughts on the award.

I remember when I got the news of the award it felt very special knowing that someone outside of academia, from the real art world, appreciates the work and illuminates the real path to doing what you like to become a professional in our area of art jewelry.

The AJF award is one of the very few geared towards helping emerging artists continue their endeavors at the most vulnerable point in their career. After finishing grad school, it is really important not to lose the momentum to make art. 
Continued on our website...
Image: Accumulus Brooch, 2008 .bird eggs, carbon fiber
Sergey accumulusBOOK REVIEW
Ed.  Florian Hufnagi
Arnoldsche Art Publishers, $75

by Jennifer Cross Gans
If there's one word I would disagree with in the title of this book it would be "madness".  This weighty (519pp) volume, with its black and white comic book style cover, is in fact an exciting tribute to the serious, fun, dangerous and voluptuously varied work of  77 past and present students of Otto K�nzli, Professor of  Jewelry and Holloware at the Munich Academy of Fine Arts.  

K�nzli's students have three things in common:  coming from all over the globe,  they are all fully trained gold and silversmiths, they all rise to the thrill and danger of complete artistic freedom, and are prepared to take the time (up to five years) of what amounts to a post-postgraduate course in ornament as an art form.  One student remembers this gem:  when her work temporarily stalled, K�nzli gave this terse advice:  "Imagine the opposite".    
Continued on our website....