Ilona Selke
February 2007 On my way to Bali
Dear Readers....und liebe Leser!

Leider sende ich diese Mail nur auf Englisch. Aber da ich in Bali kaum guten Intenrnetzugang haben werde, denke ich es ist besser etwas von mir zu bekommen als gar nichts. VIELEN DANK!

The last few months I have been busy with visitors, the Tibetan Film Fest, finishing my book and now traveling to India and Bali with Don.
Before I am in the hinterlands of Bail, where Internet is a scarcity still, I wanted to send you and update on some important issues.
Saving Dolphins, Gender Issues and Radionics.

Dolphin Swimming may soon be a rarity.
IF you are interested in swimming with Wild Dolphins please check out our seminar coming up in Florida this July 2007 in English.
Und fuer unsere Deutschen Leser:

I wish you a great Spring time... as we leave India tonight and are traveling to Bali.

yours with love
Ilona Selke

Swimming with Wild Dolphins still allowed?
by Ilona Selke   Hawaiian Dolphin Update Dolphins Kahena
This February during a seminar in Hawaii we swam with a large pod of dolphins. It took 15 minutes to reach the area where the dolphins where jumping and playing and a feast for my heart and eyes unfolded before me.
Very skilled snorkel divers dove in unison with the dolphins creating a choreographed dance of human and cetacean.
Some of the swimmers had brought leaves in order to possibly play with the dolphins.

As one dolphins swam towards me I focused all my attention on the one leaf before me and ALAS! as I tried to catch the leaf, the dolphin got to it first.
But soon he let the leaf go, and allowed me to catch it.
Parading my catch with glee, I too eventually let it go, to allow the dolphin, should he still be interested in playing with this very slow human swimmer, to catch the leaf.
Guess what! He came back to catch the very leaf I had dropped for him to catch!
Gracefully he draped the leaf over his fin and swam off.
Where in nature do you find another being, other than human, one that still lives in the wild, INTENTIONALLY playing a catch game???

It was amazing to be part of this interaction. Not always will dolphins play, but when they do, you know you are dealing with an intelligent creature.
For one, they have to let us win, since they can outswim us 10 to 1.
For those who want to keep abreast with any suggested changes to no longer allowing human / dolphin interaction in the wild in Hawaii, please go to the following Internet site: NOAA Fisheries, Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO) official website.
It will allow you to check on any updates for yourself.

Male and Female Intelligence
by Ilona Selke   Is our world still run by men? Heads
I have been amazed, traveling and interacting with Asian cultures how much the belief is still prevalent here that women just ain't smart.
It is hard to fathom that such beliefs are still rampant. Biology gave brute force to one half of the species and love and compassion to the other half, in order to ensure survival.
Women have more abilities to tap both sides of the brain, but the physical power that men have had (in general) was taken advantage of throughout history. Men kept women from entering universities, and advance intellectually.
As I write, there are entire countries still trying to keep women out of school. The movie series "Planet of the Apes" is what comes to my mind.

To prove that men still, even in the West, get better treatment, and for updating your information bank, I suggest this great article in the Washington Post
It is a super super interesting article about the GENDER Issues and Intelligence....

Also here is a very very good summary of the history of education WIKIPEDIA: Women in Science: Let's all keep abreast of the research data, that is pouring in. Not that men and women think alike, but that men and women are equally capable..
Depending on the hormonal cocktail any one of the genders carry within, they will excel in different areas of life. Men with higher estrogen levels can communicate better. Women with more testosterone levels will have the added ability of spacial perception..

In the end BECOMING WHOLE BRAINED and using the intuitive side as well as the rational side is what we need to do to keep surviving as a species.
We actually need to become MULTI SENSORY Beings....not just 5-|Sense beings trapped in the 3 dimensions..
Once we are able to use our 6th sense daily we can no longer feel separated from others, and we will make choices that ensure a win win deal for all concerned.
It will allow us to enter the next evolutionary phase: being an enlightened human.
Our environment needs us to make that shift soon..

Save Japanese Dolphins
By Ilona Selke   please watch this film Japan massacre
I have been inundated by German readers with the plea to help the Japanese Dolphins
. A gruesome massacre happens 6 month out of every year in Japan.
I am very impressed with the very active participation of Germans in helping to protect these dolhpins!

But I would love to also see the English readership be this avid.
Please visit these sites.
Every vote counts. Please watch these sites.
More on Radionics
Ilona Selke   Don Paris Ph.D.
Don Paris, Ph.D. my husband, has written a number of easy to understand articles on the magic of Radionics. Remember the image of the seeds I had sent you not too long ago?
Radionics is a magical field of interactiing with the blueprint of life.
You can learn more about this field go to:
Our Health Site
  Blue Room
Do you wish to improve your health?

This winter Don and I have been super charged with the Far Infrared an affordable price. Muscle strains from working out too much....or swimming too much.... were healed in an hour!
Do read about it, you or someone you know might read about it.

Check out our new HEALTH web site

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