Charlene Ann Baumbich

Charlene Ann Baumbich Newsletter

The Joy of Second Chances
March 2012
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Charlene's NEW BLOG about WORDS
SURVEY on ... Sssssh
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Finding Our Way Home Cover 
From the moment Sasha began to murmur in my ear, to The End, the process of writing this story felt ushered by the hand of God. Every time I needed something, there it was. When I needed a dancer to vet the book, Tresa Mott "accidentally came into my path" after a gas station pit stop in an unfamiliar town. Not only did she own a book store, but a dance studio! When I longed for someone to lend credit to the premise, my neighbor who grooms dogs--who groomed Mr. Kenneth Von Heidecke's dog--gave me his number. When I needed sound advice about a certain type of injury, the moment I began to Google, I found a chat board and approached a stranger, who lavishly shared her story with me about the pain of coccyx injuries.
But most of all, the surprise entry of Evelyn Burt was unmistakable Divine, for at her appearance, the story shifted to one of Grace, Amen, and the beauty of uncommon friendships.
If you're in a book club, discussions questions at the back of the book are ripe with things to chew on.
I cannot express enough how much the writing of this book blessed me. I hope it does the same for you.
I've written extensively in several different venues about the writing process for this book. Please check my website calendar page for posts. There will be a new post April 11. It's noted on the calendar. The piece is about trust in writing. TRUST.
Charlene's new 
Words to 
Help You Twinkle

Sssssh-factor SURVEY
This month's survey is All About ... Sssssh, it's REFLECTION TIME. Do you crave quiet? Become uneasy with too much stillness, too much time to think? Have to fill those long gaps of silence with words? Lock yourself in the bathroom to catch a few moments alone, to think things through? Is self assessment a scary thought?

Spend a few quiet moments pondering 
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Fuchsia Hair

Dear TwinkleGrammers
Welcome newbies, and thank you SO MUCH for the loyalty of those who've been with me for a loooong time. 

As I ride life's rollercoaster, it feels like the clock ticks faster and faster. (In the case of my "fuschia hair debachle from 2010, thank goodness, since hair grows with time. Some of you may remember that episode.) 

While some things about aging frustrate me (like discovering I'm wearing three pair of glasses on top my head), I often find pondering the long view a time of  gratefulness. Even the rough times render lessons, if nothing else in what never to do again. (Stay out of the Walgreen's hair color sale aisle, Charlene!)

Thus, the topic of Today's Message: Second Chances, the Art of Reflection. Get yourself a cup or glass of your favorite beverage, read along, then move on to the survey. As always, there are no right or wrong survey answers. This isn't a test. The questions are created to help you think about your life, which too often passes by without consideration.
Also, please help me celebrate the March 13 release of FINDING OUR WAY HOME! I am incredibly excited about this story. The characters grew so very dear to me, and taught me a lot about second chances, friendship and grace. FINDING OUR WAY HOME is available everywhere, in stores and on the web, in trade paperback, large print and eBook editions. The audio is not quite ready, but keep watching It'll come, if that's what floats your boat.
To start the celebratory party, I have conducted a random drawing from my TwinleGram subscriber list. If your email address is listed in the WINNER box of this correspondence, I'll be getting in touch. Congratulations!
Peace and grins,
365 Vietnamese Cover
-- If you are reading this online (say you came here from a Tweet) and don't want to miss future editions, go here to see what you're in for, then TwinkleGram yourself!--
Second Chances, the 
Art of Reflection


I'm in a good, but complicated pocket of time. While there is the joy of celebrating a new book, the loveliness and hope in my grandgirlies' eyes, spring blooming all around me, and a run of good health for hubby and myself, there is also a lot of hard stuff happening to many whom I love. Things are so good for me right now, but wowie, all the hurt....


And so life goes. Sometimes we're up; other times we're lost to trials and tribulations. Ebb and flow. Good and bad. Rise and shine, sink or paddle.


Just this morning, I spent hours online and on the telephone, researching and networking to find information that might be helpful to pass along to several loved ones in crisis. Prayer and information. Sometimes it seems that's all we've got. But thankfully, there is more, and we carry it with us:  We have the long view--behind us. The lessons learned. The knowledge that even "that", too, did pass.


I remember well those times my trolley slipped off the track. How could I ever forget when three people I dearly loved and needed died within three weeks of each other. When I burnt myself out and didn't speak to anyone for weeks on end. When sensible parenting skills eluded me. When I'd done or said such terrible things that made me ask myself, Who ARE you, Charlene. When others behaved with such careless cruelty I felt gutted.


And yet, these experiences--these moments, these regrets and horrors and growing spurts--remind me, here in my current shiny time, that life is more than the good. But so too, life is more than the bad. Life is often the dubious. 


But always, life itself is grace.


In my current mix of chaos and goodness, I am reminded how much we really do need each other. To lift and hug. To comfort, encourage and sometimes scold. To share with each other our ridiculously small golden moments, bountiful bouts of laughter, quiet dreams, and especially our past's long-view perspective.


Life's circumstances slam-dunk is into moments of clarity. It's all we can do to hold on and concentrate on one thing at a time, take one teensy step forward. Focus on the brave achievement, the next lung-clearing, shoulder-dropping exhale. 


But it is often while reverently beholding the long road behind us that peace and hope begin to settle, ease us back into the cradle of all we have survived, the hearty stock of which we're made. Reminders of our very own grittiness and survival can rekindle our energy enough to propel us forward one more minute, one more minute, one more. We moan our prayers, and then we remember, I am not alone. Ever.


In life's bright pockets, it's good to celebrate. To gather or call or write friends and neighbors and say, "I have something wonderful to share!" Our uplifting news is a reminder to those in a dark valley that there is more, that the song of life still sings, even though we feel deaf to its rhythm.


So today, Dear Twinklegrammers, I encourage you to take stock. Whether you're up or down or sideways, take some time to consider the long behind-you view. To let its truths, our God and your grittiness usher forth glitters of grace. For with these lovely things, together we march on, giving what we have to give, reaping what we need to reap, sowing what we need to sow. Living one day at a time, asking for what we need and giving thanks for second chances.


Grace, amen.


 Who doesn't need a reminder?!


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Thanks for twinkling with me.  Shine on!  And don't forget to participate in the survey.  

Check the In This Issue box at the top left of this TwinkleGram to make sure you haven't missed anything.

If you're looking for the survey results from Stranger Danger vs. Good Samaritan, I'll double up next time. This TwinkleGram is long enough! :)