Charlene Ann Baumbich

Dear TwinkleGrammer,


On April 1st, a day celebrated with trickery, our youngest son sent us an email with the subject line, "Enjoy the simple things."  




A quick look at the short missive revealed a website link.  




~Oh, man. Is this a joke? What fun foolery might I find if I click on that link? *excited*


~Oh, man. Was his account SPAMMED? If so, and if I click on the link, might it unleash a sinister something that invades and destroys my computer, thereby invading and destroying my thus-far happy day, perhaps even a huge chunk of my life and bankroll? *fearful*


~Oh, man. What has the invention of the internet taught me besides, "Be afraid. Be very afraid  of unknown links. *chastises self*


~Oh, man. Give your calculating, imaginative brain a rest. Read the email carefully. Are there any signs of the TRUTH within? *sanity prevails*


"Eagle watching... Check it out!" wrote he.


~ Brian loves eagles. Our whole family loves sharing nature. Charlene, you are a dork. Click the link.


And so I did. And so was born an addiction to this wonderful, mesmerizing, LIVE miracle.  


And so was also born Today's Message.  


Don't forget to participate in the Simple Things survey and check out the CharStar Store sale. 


Peace and grins,

Charlene's Signature 



The 24/7 LIVE CAM was positioned right above the eagles' nest built high in a tree in a pastoral farm setting, Decorah Iowa. A pair of eagles took turns sitting on three eggs. I learned via notes in the side margin that the first egg, laid February 23, 2011, was due to hatch that very day. (No fooling.)


The first few times I checked in, Mom and Pop Eagle took turns sitting on the eggs, checking the eggs, and checking on each other. Not too exciting, still .... I kept the site launched in the background and listened for "action." The moment I heard something, like the flap of wings or squawking, I tuned in. (Writer at work. Please interrupt. :-)  


Then I discovered that the camera usually zoomed in whenever the eggs were uncovered.  


Heightened expectancy.


Then, "GEORGE! LOOK!" First a tiny crack, then a teensy hole, then, after much hard work by a miniscule creature of the Creator, by the end of April 2, there appeared two eggs--and one scrawny eaglet.


And so it went, one egg hatching every three days. Such a "simple thing," yet so complicated. Mom and Pop clenched their talons so the sharp claws didn't do harm. After feeding time, they gently rocked back and forth before settling over their keep, making sure all were safely tucked beneath them.


I made sure to check in last thing before I went to bed too. The night vision camera sometimes caught Mom or Pop nodding off. I would yawn, then head to bed myself. 


I had no doubt where the term "eagle eye" came from. One close-up look into their eyes when they're scanning their area and you know.


At one point, more than 198,000 people were watching with me. LIVE "viewers" numbers ebbed and flowed.

Eaglets in a next
From the live site using my PrintScreen key, morning of 4/16


Mesmerized, I witnessed these three balls of fluff do nothing, squirm, unfold like fragile origami, try to stand, stretch their necks, open their mouths, eat a bite of this or that from their parent's beak, then fall over like drunken cartoon characters from the exhaustion of it all.


"GEORGE! LOOK!" "GEORGE! LOOK!" "KORNFLAKE! LOOK!" "GEORGE! LOOK!" I Tweeted, emailed, Facebooked and talked about this wonder with anyone who would listen--or not.


Eagle parents banning together to keep babies warm after a spring snow.
Mom and Pop work together to warm their three eaglets, beneath and between them. From the live site the morning of 4/16 using my PrintScreen key. 


Mom and Pop took turns doing everything. With majesty, they delivered meals, most comprised of fish, birds or squirrels. I shall kindly refer to the meals' state of being, at their time of arrival, as limp. Very. The meal "preparation" process was, and continues to be, incredibly fascinating to this old farm gal. 



And now (as I type on my desktop computer, I watch them out of the corner of my eye on my laptop ), feathers sprout. Siblings rival. Parents scramble to keep their demanding family alive and thriving. I laugh, squeal, cry, ooo and ah, pray and yell. I fret that the last born isn't getting his due of food. Nature can be brutal.

eaglet feeding time
Again, the live site using PrintScreen key, afternoon 4/16

I have read many articles on eagles, how they build their nests (one nest can weigh a literal TON), what lousy housekeepers they are (burying the muck in their nest under new layers of "fresh leaves and plant parts", an idea I found inspiring :-), and how the couples stay together, returning to the same nest.


I think of my own "baby" boy, how we waited, watched, prepared our nest. Then rocked, fed, scrambled, nurtured, and kept him safely tucked under our wings.  


Watched him fly into the world. Have children of his own.


Send us an email about "simple things." 


Now, Dear TwinkleGrammers, I send you The Link. Please do yourself a favor and just click it. As you watch this cycle of life evolve, take stock of the "simple things" in your life, which are, in the end, usually not simple at all, but often simply grander than any amount of words can express. 



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Should you, too, become addicted to this live cam, let me know. Even though I am currently watching along with 80,116 other viewers (WAIT! Make that 83,403), it's nice to hear from one of them. :)




Thanks to the Raptor Resource Project,  

for this wonderful gift. Please consider donating to their efforts.



If someone forwarded this TwinkleGram to you and you would like your own subscription, go right here to see what you're getting into.


NEW survey

Do not pass go. I wanna weigh in! 

All about

Simple Things.

Hope it makes you think, smile,

and maybe even

take action.


Yes, Charlene,

take me away


TAKE The Simple Things Survey   


On May 10, I'll conduct a random numbers drawing from survey participants. FIVE winners will receive a random book.

**You must be a TwinkleGram subscriber to win. Click here if this was forwarded to you and you are not a subscriber.** 




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Use Special TwinkleGram coupon code

TGtwobucksoff (expires 5/1/11)


additional savings on orders over $20.


Current SALE prices only guaranteed through 5/1/11.

Orders received before then will not ship until the week of 5/9/11.

I'm sorry this will miss Mother's Day. Still, lots of birthdays. Father's Day and "just because" days ahead of us. Maybe even something just for YOU!


Thank you again for Twinkling with me.  I love to hear from you, so give me a shout, if ya feel like it.  If you'd rather not receive future missives, please use the SAFE UNSUBSCRIBE link below.

If you'd like to change your email address, there's a link for that too. SOooooo easy.