Charlene Ann Baumbich
Dear TwinkleGrammer,

Today I shall chat about Holiday Survival and present a few helpful tidbits.  As always, I'm talking to myself too.  And I am seriously trying to listen. :)

Yesterday I began writing our personal 2010 Christmas letter.  I focused on gratefulness.  Mining a year for blessings was good for my soul; I highly recommend it.  However, I avoided becoming "that" gaggy-sappy letter by interjecting just enough of life's duh-er moments to keep the missive fair and balanced--and real. After all, we are who we are.  =:-/ 

George serves as my in-house editor. "You know I don't have an English degree," he reminds me.  Well, I don't have a college degree in anything either.  Nonetheless, we stumble along, fake our knowledge (HA!) and do our best.   Today, I tweaked the letter, readjusted the pictures (the funnest part of the letter, of course), and have now moved on to a scrutinization (hm, spell check says that's not a word, and would like me to possibly change it to suburbanization) of my card list.

Since finances are tight (relatable?), we continue to find ways to not miss an ounce of life's joy while trimming pounds off spending.  So this year, the ever growing list is receiving special pruning attention.  Since I keep the master  table in my computer, it's easy to highlight and delete. 

     *They live next door; give them a hug instead! (gone)
     *I can't even remember who they are. (gone)
     *Move to work e-mail list? (thinking)
     *Think they died two years ago. (really gone)
     *General grumble factor. (why were they ever on my list?)

Highlight and delete.  Zap and they are extinguished from my holiday cheer.

Deleting became so easy, I once had to force myself to revert back to my original file, just to make sure I hadn't accidentally axed any of my favorite friends and relatives, or one of my children!  I'm letting the list settle before I check it one more time.  Then I'll merge it with the address labels. No sense spending money printing labels for cards I'm not even sending. (I'm using up all those orphan cards this year too!)  Plus, I'm sure they'll be one or two folks I'll add back in, warm and ancient memories already tugging at my heart.

This year the Big Christmas celebration won't be at our house, which means we're only putting up the small tree.  The year I bought that tree, I was already stressed heading into the season. In a moment of clarity, I announced:  we are simplifying this year!  "Do NOT bring the thirteen boxes down from the attic, George" I said as I headed out the door to Walgreen's. (Oh, Dear Walgreen's, how do I love thee?  Let me count the ways.)  I returned  with a pre-lit $9.99 table top tree. (George, how old ARE we?!  A TABLE TOP!  But this is so easy-schmeasy!)

What an eye opener!  We were surprised how few decorations it took to make the house feel like Christmas.  I think we've only drug the big tree down once since.  (We are that old.)  We'll get to work on the rest of our minimal  decorations as soon as I'm done with this TwinkleGram.

For a month, it's been my heart's desire to offer TwinkleGrammers a super duper holiday special on my books, especially The Twelve Dazes of Christmas.  But alas, a plague of health issues have otherwise occupied much of my time the last few weeks.  Of course I thought about just doing it anyway.  (My M.O.)  You know, crunch the time, buy the shipping envelopes, make it a short turn-around, spend a few days signing and packing and shipping, burning the midnight oil ....

Then I came to my senses.  Charlene, you need to work on lowering your stress level (doctor's orders), not adding to it!  Thus, I have made the healthy choice to save that sale for the first quarter of 2011.  I'm sorry I can't help you get your shopping done, but here is my next tidbit to help you move happily and well through the season:

What does that mean?

     *How about shop within your means.
     *Get enough sleep. Don't just try to, DO it!
     *Inform everyone you're cutting back, or save yourself the announcement and just quietly do so. Nobody who really matters really cares. Be selective
     *Give a gift of time coupon for a phone call, a McDonald's, an ear.  Time. 
     *Allow yourself to skip one Big Holiday Thing each year, whether it be cards or decorations or a party.  It's a magnificent revelation to discover that whether you do "that thing" or not, the season still arrives and passes -- and  perhaps you'll even be more wakeful to family, friends, neighbors, and shopping strangers around you, each who could use a smile.

Speaking of the people, right now, I'm focusing on YOU, Dear TwinkleGrammers.  Your very presence on this list helps encircle me with encouragement.  The fact you take time to read, engage, jump in with my whacky surveys, maybe even read my books, is HIGH on my grateful blessings list.  Be good to you, please. You are valued.

If you know someone who could use a dose of this type of wisdom, please forward using the handy dandy link.
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This season, if you feel yourself slipping down the Holiday Crazies Trail, STOP and take a deep breath.  Copy my helpful tidbit list and put it in your wallet.  Bow your head, give thanks and let something goAmen.

Peace and grins and Merry Everything!
Charlene xo

Survey Results
nail and polish
(No, that is not my hand, but it sure could be my mom's. )
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Christmas Bullwinkle
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  Paperback ~ Release Date: 2010-09-21
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