Charlene Ann Baumbich

Charlene Ann Baumbich Newsletter

Finding the Happy MediumApril 2010
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A Book Club Thank You
contest winner!
 Fuchsia Hair
WHAT FUN I had reading about your hair adventures instead of reliving my fushcia debacle! (If you missed it, it's a doozy. Give a click.) To view the final STATS, click on HAIR! HAIR! HAIR!  To read some of your magnificent LOL personal answers (a few of my favs),go here.
The winner of the "Short pithy statement" describing your hair on the day of the survey is ...
KAREN FITZPATRICK, an Arizona Resident. Congrats Karen!  Please respond to my email so I can send your prize,  STRAY AFFECTIONS!  Karen's winning response:  "Bagger needed on aisle 9!"
"Suffers from 'post-"part-em" depression" submitted by lauredoremi@ ...
THANK YOU, everyone.  Don't forget to read some of your answers ! I think you'll enjoy the stories as much as I did.
Combining the most popoular stats, the majority of us sport straight, short, color-enhanced locks. WHO KNEW!  However, we wish we were curly, medium-length brunettes.  :)
Stray Affections 
Stray Affections
now available in ebook and large print editions (search the web and let me know if you cannot find it) and in audio book format--including, the cheapest audio I've found!  
I'd be happy to engage in a phone chat with your book club.  Send me an email to arrange the details.
DMYL Cover for Web
Don't Miss Your Life! is available any which way you want it from just about everywhere. I've received great feedback on the audio, which I had the honor to record. It's on sale at here.
Lots of great questions for you to chew on in the book.  You might want to get yourself a special notebook to work through them , make it an interactive experience.  Or, CLUB me! (Well, you know what I mean.)
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Divine Appointments Cover
EXCITING!  This is a look at the current (perhaps not the final) art work for the 2nd book in the SnowGlobe Connections series.  Divine Appointments is due to release September 21.  Mark your calendars!You can pre-order from Amazon by clicking the link below. That way you won't forget!
WaterBrook Press
 List Price:
Amazon Price: $11.19
OR, better yet, contact your local independent book store and encourage them to get some on order!
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It's a long story ... ;>)
Rainbow Me

SubscribeDear TwinkleGrammers
Whether you've been twinkling with me for 15 years or a few hours, welcome! Spring has sprung in my neck of the woods (color everywhere, including on my face ); the sound of the red winged blackbird (my fav) once again delights my ears.  Although we're still encountering chilly bouts, some days, NO JACKET!  Those who live in warm  climates already know the wonders of such pleasures, but here in the Midwest, that freedom is New All Over Again.
As usual, Today's Message erupted out of a real-life experience and demanded to be TWINKLEGRAMMED.  (Translation:  I must write until *I* understand it.)  Yes, finding the Happy Medium is a challenge, but in the end, I have determined it is easier to find it together. 
In keeping with the theme, this month's survey tests our extremes.  We'll see how we average out, what our Happy Medium looks like. Make sure to weigh in and let your voice be counted. 
If you need a good laugh, don't forget to check the results of our last survey about hair.  You folks gave some DOOZY ANSWERS!
Peace and grins,
365 Vietnamese Cover
-- If you are reading this online (say you came here from a Tweet) and don't want to miss future editions, go here to see what you're in for, then TwinkleGram yourself!--
Some days are just like this!
Rainbow Crossed Eyes
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 Who doesn't need a grin?!
Decide you might like to subscribe but forgot where that link was?

TodaysMessageWhile working with my webmail, rather than producing the required action I initiated (SEND, OPEN), twice today I instead received a  "loading..." status. So I waited.  And I waited. And waited. Watching.  Waiting.  Sighing. Staring out the window, back at the monitor, tapping my fingers.  "What are you loading?" I asked.  (Seriously.)  "The universe in a coin purse?  My message is only two sentences long!"   And then I waited some more.

I waited until it finally occurred to me that nothing was loading but my impatience, which ran out, so I closed the browser and started over.  The second go-around, everything went bada-bing, bada-bang smoothly.

            It's not the first time I've received that "loading..." status message, and usually the email program actually meant it. After a few moments, voila! ACTION!  But those times when it took me way too long to figure out that it was never going to load--that something had gone technically askew which would not be fixed by years of waiting (and I'm talking more than electronic fails here)--I felt like a gullible moron.  How many times will it take, Charlene? 

The one I'm talking about was light blue
Buick Roadmaster Wagon


Other times, no matter what the endeavor or message, I simply tripped my trigger. No waiting for anything. Like the time I finished a speaking engagement and was told the same kind folks who shuttled me from my hotel that morning were scheduled to pick me up outside the church and take me back.  When I saw the distinctive, old, boxy panel-sided blue Buick Roadmaster station wagon pull up, eager to get back to my hotel and crash, I was uber relieved.  I opened the door, hopped in and said, "Boy am I glad to see you!"

            The elderly gentleman driving the vehicle craned his neck and, as I was fastening my seatbelt, with very wide eyes said, "Really?"

           Wrong car. 

Who knew two such unusual vehicles traveled the same circuit at the same church?!

            Somewhere between waiting for nothing and getting ahead of everything resides the perfect tempo and judgment.  Sometimes engaging a brain before assuming a circumstance is helpful. However, if one thinks too long or starts tallying every single possibility (as if!), it's easy to chicken out or say NO to something that would otherwise make one's life so much richer.

            Discernment.  Getting "it" right.  Paying attention.  Listening to the gut.  Researching the possibilities.  Applying caution.  Proceeding with fearless abandon.  So many choices, so many critical impasses and ways to go wrong. 

So easy to let fear or impatience stop us and call it a day.

            And yet, so much serendipity, so many perfect gusts of grace, so many times "coincidence" saves us from ourselves or launches ridiculous joy.  So many people to step up and step in, just when we're about to make a mistake.

What I'm going to say next is nothing new, but sometimes the obvious is worth a repeat.  After 64 years on this planet, I have concluded that our job is to show up and do our best, one day--one loading (or not)-- moment at a time.  Our responsibility is to squeeze the gusto, let go the anger, batten the hatches, man the ship, grab onto the tail, ride the wave, compromise the difficut ... whatever it takes.  And if at first we don't succeed, we can move onto the next procedure and the next, until we get it right or realize it's time to give in, move on, cut our losses (which might actually be gains), take the other path, ring another bell, turn it over to the next guy or gal who's better equipped to handle the circumstance, or realize that maybe, just maybe, we were wrong in the first place. 

"Always question your assumptions."  Heard it at a conference. Wrote it down in a notebook.  Branded it in my heart. Wrote a whole chapter about in Don't Miss Your Life!

            That, dear TwinkleGrammers, is the beauty of us. One can step up when another falls short.  Yin and Yang.  Dark and light.  Tall and short.  Alpha and Omega.  If we stick together until we find the right balance, sha-zaam!

If we share our honest stories, admit our dumbest failings, spill our terrible grief and keep our arms open, together we can laugh at our human failings and foibles until we cry, and cry until we at long last can laugh again.  Together, balanceing life out, we can make it.

          No, we won't always agree, but we should never stop counting on the us of us, for therein lies the very clich�d, yet utterly true, happy medium.     
Short. Easy. No study necessary; Knee-jerk answers requested.  Let's see how TwinkleGrammers average out!
(Or not.)
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In case you missed the special notice, I have opened an online  CharStar Store in which I sell, VERY CHEAP, autographed and personalized (if you wish) out-of-print books.  
to save $5 on a $25 order.
Offer Expires: After Father's Day
Thank you to the "No Rules Book Club"
for "clubbing" Don't Miss Your Life!  I was honored, and thoroughly enjoyed, the opportunity to chat via Skype with a fun, lively, thought-provoking group of crown wearing (literally) women who blessed me to the hilt.