Charlene Ann Baumbich
Celebrating the Grand Opening of my new
365 Vietnamese Cover
click on above logo to go straight to the store
Special deals
on personalized and autographed
out-of-print products,

and a coupon code for TwinkleGrammers--
just in time for Mother's Day!
Kornflake and me
Kornflake is
EXTREMELY happy about this whole launch since it means he'll finally get more of my attention. I've spent the last several days trying to figure out how to build the store, so ...

Me stretching tambourine ribbons

what we both need now is a NAP!

Kornflake and me dressed up and cuddling

Trust me, I was not dressed up while growling at my computer. :)

As a treat to Kornflake, you can watch him play with his bunny HERE!

365 Vietnamese Cover
Retail price $14.99
CharStar Store price
Take me to the STORE

Products like:

HARDCOVER editions by Guideposts Books, circa 2002

(Yes, we are cleaning the garage.)

List Price: $10.00 and up
CharStore Store Price: $5.00
Special Value Set: books #1 and #2 for $9.00
S & H: See CharStar Store for details
Wow, how the covers changed with Penguin's repackaging!
Dearest Dorothy #2 GP
Save $5 on $25 purchase
by using the coupon code---->
Code applies just before final check-out click

COUPON CODE: twinkle

Offer VALID -- until I change my mind, but at least through Father's Day.
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I will soon begin work on a REGULAR TwinkleGram (if you're new, this TwinkleGram is not "regular") to hopefully send by the end of next week, but I want to get this out to you NOW since all orders received by midnight Thursday, April 15, will be shipped by April 20, in time for Mother's Day Giving, and Father's Day too. 

After that, I'll be on the road for awhile, so not sure about deliveries.  Could take a week or two to get them personalized, signed, packed up and out the door.

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In case you haven't filled out the "It Is All About The Hair" survey yet, here's the link! Let your voice of experience be heard!