Charlene Ann Baumbich
Charlene Ann Baumbich Newsletter
From Pity to PARTY! September 2009
In This Issue
Nifty Idea
Survey on Pity Parties
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And away I go!  My tour schedule is up and it starts with a Minneapolis TV appearance THIS FRIDAY MORNING!  (9/18) Click on a car to check it out.  Please come and see me, and tell all your friends who live in one of the neighborhoods.  Support your local bookstores.  Support a perky author.
Red Automobile 
Stray Affections
Kornflake Ponders Contest 
To celebrate the release of Stray Affections, and in honor of rescue dogs everywhere, Kornflake is pondering a REALLY FUN new contest.  Watch for an upcoming TwinkleGram with the subect line KORNFLAKE FUN. You won't want to miss this one!  If you take the Pity Party survey, you'll find a hint at the end. And another hint: study his picture above. It might help you with the contest.
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One of my TG followers started a Don't Miss Your Life! club!  Readers/clubbers are discussing a chapter each meeting.  They recently transformed themselves into CROWNED BEAUTIES! Their pictures were wonderful.  I cannot wait to see how they "visualize" the chapter on Spiritual Constipation.  ;>)
If you'd like to gather a group together, please know that each segment/chapter includes great discussion questions to Ask Yourself.   
For those who would rather listen, DMYL is also available in audio format. You will hear it in my Real Voice.
Crying face
Since I've been talking about pity parties, I've grown curious as to the nature of other people's versions.  So, JUST FOR FUN (reread that), please come weigh in.  Ten quick questions and a chance to speak your mind--even if it's pitiful today.  Just click on the girl's screaming mouth and away you'll go! 
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Dear TwinkleGrammer,

SEPTEMBER! SEPTEMBER! SEPTEMBER!  This month Big George and I celebrate our 40th wedding anniversary (20th) AND I turn 64 years old (23rd).  Happy everything to us!
Fall is also my favorite season, so thank you, September, for ushering it in.  But to make this month even more magical this year (Charlene, is that humanly possible?!), Stray Affections, the first book in the Snowglobe Connections series releases--TODAY!  YAY!
However, in the midst of all this September Excitement, my day got off to a self-induced bad start, which spawned my TwinkleGram topic.   I hope the message speaks to your heart.  It did mine.
365 Vietnamese Cover
This is me shortly after I awakened this morning: busy little bee, head down (deep down) working. Buried in work, if you will. 
Since writing is my labor, a labor I *LOVE,* this isn't a bad thing.  It is good to HAVE labor!  But today--a special day (book release day), a day I should be CELEBRATING and not working--the whole forecast for my "moment in the sun" feels gloomy. 
ME:  My new book comes out today and I am alone. Writing. I don't even have a lunch date. (Sniffle.)  After this long, strenuous countdown, the ball finally drops, and ... Silence.  Nothing. Work, work, work.  
(Ever been there?) 
Lost in the shadows. Buried in busy.  Poor me. 
Today, head down (deep down), pity party grabbing hold, I barely remember the GLORY of the past week.  Stray Affections was on a fabulous pre-publication blog tour, complete with lots of "stops" and preparations by the dedicated and hard working folks at Waterbrook, my ab-fab publisher. The book received dozens of accolades written by gifted bloggers. 
No, I don' think about that incredible gift this morning.  I dwell on the pity party that swells within as I continue to feed The Pathetic every morsel of poor me I can manufacture--until the gi-normous beast finally erupts out of my eyeballs in a crying meltdown.
Snot. Blurred vision. High-jacked brain. Can't write. 
I physically and mentally step away from my manuscript and moaning (cease and distract) and decide to spend a few moments flipping through the dozens of digital photos I shot this week of the morning glories outside my window.  I've never seen a more magnificent display.  All different colors and sizes, each bloom vying for its brief moment in the sun. 
I stop at the picture of the pink flower (above) with the bee buried in the center.  As I study its silky bright fragileness  and ponder the bee's diligent determination to dive down (deep down) into its mysterious pollinating forces, a spiritual quickening catches my Whaaaa-ing breath.  I recognize anew (again and again and again):  I am not really alone. I AM is here in the midst of this outlandish beauty, Divinely blessing the fruits of even the tiniest endeavors.  
I sniffle, smile.  Give a shout out to the cows that just lumbered up the hill.  I check my email and .... OH!  I find several CONGRATULATIONS! messages from my agent, my editor, friends, readers ...a beautiful, tender, sweet CONGRATULATIONS note from my husband, each arriving as a direct tap on my shoulder from God. See.  The Great I AM, here in the midst of the labor, the beauty, the love and the friendships, the seen and the unseen--the pity party.
Thank you, Lord.
Right after my prayer of gratitude, the phone rings.  It is a friend who wants to know if I can do a last-minute lunch. (Yes! Oh, YES!)  She is unaware it is book release day.  She said she was just thinking about me. 
And this is how God works.
Throughout my years as an author (and before that as a den mother, wife, mom, friend, daughter, and now as Grannie B), I have received countless notes and words of encouragement.  (Think about the times you've received a card or call, or a hug or a smile, just when you needed one the most.)  I keep them in files and boxes, or simply tucked away in my Memory Portfolio.  (Today's experience is a fabulous new submission.)  I sometimes pull them out and allow their affirmations to wash over and through me. (...glad you're my mom, it cracked me up when ..., happy birthday, happy anniversary, congratulations, in sympathy, just thinking about you ...) 
Yes, Book Release Day is "something," but it is not the sum total my LIFE.  Neither is a momentary pity party.  So right now, I am taking time to declare the magnificent Presence and community of God, beauty, friends, TwinkleGrammers, relatives, and strangers who have or will one day smile at you and me, and I shout at the top of my lungs:  The lame pity party is OVER!  (Declare it along with me, if you're in a pity party yourself, but perhaps quietly, if you're at work. ;>)) I herewith remind you of the happy news that we are in this life together.  No one is alone.  No moment is all of it.
Like the busy bee, I shall now spend the rest of my day head down (deep down) amidst beauty and story, and the cross pollination of love and insight they render when we are wakeful enough to receive it.  I AM is on duty and life's party rocks on!   
Know someone who's party is currently pitiful? 
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Stray Affections (A Snowglobe Connections Novel)
by Charlene Baumbich by WaterBrook Press
Paperback ~ Release Date: 2009-09-15
List Price: $13.99
Buy Now
CHARLENE ON YouTube talking about the birth of a book idea! 
 Stray Affections
 Click here and you'll go right to it.
There is also a wonderful Publisher's Weekly review posted on my website at
"Stray Affections is a story so joyous and so magical that it should come with a warning label: Do not pick up this book unless you, like Cassie and the unforgettable characters who are part of her world, are prepared for a journey that will change your life!"
                      -Cassandra King, author of The Sunday Wife
Thanks for twinkling with me.  Shine on!