Welcome to my world this hot July. I've been working away on TWO NEW BOOK PROJECTS (too early to talk about them, but stay tuned!), so I've been busy. But in all honesty, when I don't get to talk to you for a long while, I miss you. I miss knowing there are people out there waiting for a funny or inspiring word, and I dearly miss hearing back from you. So today, I'm taking time off to look for a few funny or inspiring words for all of us.
JUST KIDDING! I have some! As usual, it's a story I lived a month or so ago, one I can't forget--which always indicates: TWINKLEGRAM MATERIAL! If you've tired of fighting some of those outside elements that make you insane, this one's for you.
Since we're all busy with Summer Fun (or the same old work grind), if you're in a rush, don't get overwhelmed with the length of the TwinkleGram. Just read Today's Message, then call it quits. If, however, you're enjoying a leisurely break in your air-conditioned room, check out the results of the last TwinkleGram Survey Says. It produces a great list of Books We Love (and no doubt some you'll want to read), and some info about how we read.
If you still have some time (or maybe you can come back to it another day), please share your opinions in our new survey. And isn't it nice to have a place to give somebody your opinion who won't yell back?! Today I'm curious how you feel about cosmetics. If you're a guy, I have a couple weigh-in questions for you, too.
Peace and grins,
After an all-day writing stint up at The Farm in MN (only a short break for dinner), I finally declared it was time to turn off the computer, stretch out my squished body and relax for the evening. I made a bowl of popcorn, poured an iced tea, piled the pillows and a blanket on the couch, grabbed the TV clicker, then rooted down into the middle of my perfect nest. I patted the skinny space between my body and the back coushions. On cue, the ever agile Kornflake, my lanky red dog, leaped up and cuddled in with me, resting his head on my chest. Since George was back home in Chicago, I was free to click on the TV and land my own show. Ahhhhhh. Life was grand. Within moments, a somewhat muffled thwap grabbed our attention. The noise sounded like it came from the front porch. Please understand this: The Farm is up in the bluffs of Winona MN. It's very dark at night. Beautiful, close stars . . . . Did I say it's very dark? And that we don't have a front porch light? Kornflake reared his head and perked his ears, as did I. We waited and listened, stared at the front door, but no more sounds. After about a minute, we oozed back into spongedom. THWAP! This time Kornflake blasted to a half-sit and emitted a low, throaty growl-something he rarely does. The hair on both our necks whipped to full attention. Although the front door is visible from the couch, as usual, I'd drawn a curtain over its big window for the night, and yet . . . we couldn't take our eyes off it. Silence. The wind was blowing-not howling, but blowing-and I chalked it up to maybe . . . twigs falling from a nearby tree? Grrrrrr. Or something. We both eventually settled back down into the couch, but there was no doubt we were on full alert. THWAP, THWAP! Kornflake pole vaulted over me toward the door, then stood staring at it. GRRRRRRRRRRRR. I, too, got up off the couch. It was time to explore. Emboldened by Kornflake's presence-and a bout of severe irritation that my Chill Time was anything but that-I whipped open the front door (take that, Mr. intruder, for ticking me off!) and walked out onto the porch. Nothing. Maybe the wind had been rattling the grapevine wreath hanging on the side of the house. Maybe a critter was lurking about. I removed the wreath and laid it on the porch, pushed a couple lounge chairs back (maybe they were blowing?), and then, back to the couch. THWAP! This time both Kornflake and I STORMED ONTO THE PORCH--right after I almost killed myself launching out of the thick of covers! I brought the grapevine wreath in, along with anything else that wasn't nailed down. I stood out there for a long while, waiting for the sound to repeat. Nothing. Back into the house we came. Back onto the couch, to a cold bowl of popcorn and a growing frustration, since before we were even burrowed back into the covers, THWAP! GRRRRRRRRRR! This time it was ME growling! We both stood by the door, determined to wait it out until it happened again so we could THWART THE CAUSE-whatever that might take. Then we heard the THWAP. Since we were standing by the door, it became clear that the sound was not outside, but rather it was echoing down the interior stairway. After a short amount of investigation ("Kornflake, get up there--in front of me!), I found I'd left a window open upstairs, and when the wind blew, it caused the open door to swing and bang against the door jam. The source of my alert, irritation and ongoing troubles came from WITHIN. I keep thinking about this incident. Why? Because it caused me to take a look at how often I'm out there ready to pound down WHOMEVER or WHATEVER is causing me to feel stressed, on alert, irritated and/or ready to blow. However, far too often, I discover it's something inside me! Like holding a grudge, or withholding forgiveness. When I don't get enough sleep, my nerves are on edge. If I'm engaging in too much "windmill fighting" rather than letting go and letting God, all the world seems against me.
- - - - Take a moment here and examine your most recent bouts of GRRRR. Are you looking for answers and resolutions from the outside or the inside? Perhaps your "outside" annoyance needs nothing more than an inside attitude adjustment. Then again, maybe it's time you had an honest chat with someone--whether that someone is on the other end of a phone line, sitting across the table from you, or appearing in your mirror.
WHAT WE READ - TwinkleGram Survey Says Results
If you'd like to just view the percentage results, view 'em! You might be surprised to learn that you're FICTION readers--by a LANDSLIDE! If you want to dig in a little deeper and study some of your favorite titles, personal answers and reading habits, READ ON! I've selected a few of my personal favs., or things I want to look into because the have intriguing titles. Recommended reads are not "safety" rated. You're on your own.
*A few favorite "Other" categories to read:
Children's picture books
Anything I can get my hands on, even shampoo bottles
Crime/forensic science
International Spy novels
*I choose books by:
Depends on my mood, really (same with me)
Selling/locale are important to me
Southern authors
I guess I'm a little sideways because I very seldom read any of the newer books. (How could I not post the answer of someone who's "sideways?")
*Favorite childhood books (I'm listing those with multiple answers, or ones I never heard of)
Nancy Drew (many)
Angus by Marjerie Flack
Anne of Green Gables (many)
The Kitten Who Thought He Was a Mouse
Little Black Sambo (this was MY fav, too!)
Boxcar Children (several)
Black Beauty (many)
Secret Garden (many)
Winnie the Pooh (of course!)
*The last book I raved about
Dearest Dorothy series -- y'all get no extra points, but thanks!
Outsmarting the Midlife Fat Cell (how fast can we all Amazon?!)
Jumping in Sunset by Dawn Ringling
Costa Rica for Dummies
Eat, Pray, Love (several entries)
Haven Kimmel's books (ME TOO!)
This one is tough. I consulted my notebook my daughter gave me a few years ago--because I mentioned I was having more difficulty remembering titles, authors, etc. I did notice that STICKS and STONES by Susan Meissner rated a WOW. (Loved this answer, and system!)
*My favorite read in the last few years
Anything by Julie Barnhill
The Note, by Angie Hunt
Five People You Meet In Heaven
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Memory Keeper's Daughter
Bridges of Madison County
The Star Garden by Nancy Turner
Every one of the Harry Potter books
Books by Jamie Langston Turner (I love her, too!)
Mitford Series
Dearest Dorothy series (thanks!)
It's your turn to weigh in about cosmetics. How do we choose them? Are we addicted? Do we even wear make-up? What is your color palette? Who taught you how to apply make-up? In other words, it's all about YOU!
I held another drawing for a free book. This time I decided to draw from the pool of TwinkleGrammers who participated in our last survey. You never know WHAT I might do next, so you better do EVERYTHING!
The winner:
Carol Johnston from Atascadero CA!
As soon as I hear from Carol, the Dearest Dorothy book of her choice will be on its way! |
Not everyone is interested in Dearest Dorothy news, but for those of you who are, check out this simple page of extra info. You might find something interesting there. Who knows! For sure you'll learn about a new audio download for Dearest Dorothy, If Not Now, When?!
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