Charlene Ann Baumbich
TwinkleGram POINTER: 
A Different View
May  2008
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Dear TwinkleGrammers,

If this is your first TwinkleGram, congratulations!  But also please note, as I'm sure my regulars already have, that this is not a usual TwinkleGram. It's a TwinkleGram POINTER. 


And what is that, Charlene?  It's where I just POINT to other things on the internet that I believe you TwinkleGrammers would enjoy.  Yes, it's a new concept for all of us, but I'd like to think we're not your typical stuck-in-our-rutters, right?

So, let the pointing commence.  Rest assured, however, that my next TwinkleGram will actually be one!

Peace and grins,

Charlene's Signature

Today's POINTS! 

*A Different View

What kind of person points to her own self?  ME! But I felt my recent Traveling Laugh called "A Different View," came out as a TwinkleGram in disguise.  TravelingLaughs is written for a different purpose and audience, but this time, I believe "they" are actually YOU. 
If you are already a TravelingLaughs subscriber, thank you.  If not, truly, I'm not just looking to promote it--although I'm not above shameless PR since, HEY!  I believe in what I do.  [SHAMELESS PART:  There's a place to subscribe right on the site.]  It's just that this time, the message is one we all--including me--can benefit from remembering.
Maybe you already heard about it on the news, but IMAGINE the excitement of being in the select group of scientists and astronomers who were tuned in to the right place at the right time--and that place was oh, so very far away! 
For obvious "Twinkle"Gramming reasons, I love stories about stars.   Truly, this one is a BLAST!  (Bwa-ha-ha!)
 A tidbit from the article:  " The star that exploded was only about 10 million years old. It was the same size in diameter as the sun, but about 10 to 20 times more dense."
Man, "only" about 10 million years old?!  And so DENSE! 
So relatable.  ;>)
So there, I hope you've enjoyed my first ever TwinkleGram POINTERS!
Stay well, stay tuned, and KEEP SHINING! 

If you know someone who could use this message, please
If you're the friend who received the forward, SUBSCRIBE!
If you'd like to tell me what you're thinking, please know I LOVE hearing from you.

TwinkleGram Archives!
Just in case you haven't had enough today (or are a newbie subscriber and want to play catch up, or you're bored or too cold or too hot or have to clean your toilet, or you forgot what else you're supposed to do next because your brain is stuck in a scratched groove of your life), go to the TwinkleGram Archives and have at it!
"Forward email," "SafeUnsubscribe," "Update Profile/Email Address," etc. links are available at the bottom of this e-mail.  Those are all hyperlinks for YOU (not me) to do those things.  So, please keep a TwinkleGram handy so you can make changes, like, say, you get a new email address.  The way I've set things up, it's WAAAAAY easier for YOU (not me) to handily manage your own subscription.   Thanks!
And those who just like to "discuss amongst yourselves"
If your book club would like to CLUB the Dorothy books (well, you know what I mean!), you'll find GREAT overviews and discussion questions at

If you don't belong to a book club, hows bouts you gather a group of friends together, give one a read and get to CLUBBING!
After ya'll read at least one of them, send me an email with "BOOK CLUB REQUEST" in the subject line, and we'll see if we can set up a phone interview the next time your club meets!
See My Dreamy Book Tour SelfLISTEN TO ME TALK ABOUT
Diane Eble's walked the publishing road for nearly thirty years.  She's served "as an author (11 books and hundreds of articles, some ghost-written), an editor (magazines and books, fiction and nonfiction), and copywriter."  As you can see, she's experienced the industry from every side of the pages. 
She's now hosting a new show on, and I was blessed to be among her first interviews.  She did an excellent job, and to be honest, after I listened to our chat, if I didn't already know me, I'd want to.  :>\