Standing By |
November 2007 | |
Dear TwinkleGrammers,
Heeeeeeere come the HOLIDAYS! And hey, didn't I just say that about a month ago? Honestly, the older I get, the older I get--in oh, so many ways. Aside from the fact that my face is slipping down onto my neck, and my neck is crinkling down into my D�colletage, the second proof positive of my Older Status is how very quickly time zings by. Unless I'm on hold with any one of a number of communications companies, and then it stands still for hours. (And then I get disconnected.)
Big George and I are once again preparing to go on a cruise during the second week in December. If you've been with me for a while (and THANK YOU if you have), you know that earlier this year, we were scheduled to take a cruising vacation. Then, we fell down. (I'm told the recount of That Incident is one of the funniest things I've ever written. Pain is inspiring, ey?) But alas, we're up and running (HUGE exaggeration) again, and if we don't want to have to repay to use our previously canceled airline tickets--which I procured with frequent flier miles, for which they want to charge me to "put back in the system" if I don't use them soon--it's time to hit the ocean. So we're booked, and walking carefully. When we return, Christmas! (OHMY!)
Did you notice the way I zoomed right by Thanksgiving? That, Dear TwinkleGrammer, is the topic of today's message, so let's get to it.
Peace and grins,
Today's Message
There used to be a small but lovely ranch house on the large lot across the street from us. Bulldozers, giant trucks, smashing and thrashing, and then ... there was nothing.
Until the next round of equipment arrived, and shortly thereafter there were two big holes in the ground. The next day, we awakened to the Big Digger playing King of the Hill. (Where would YOU park a Big Digger for the night?)
It was, and still is, difficult for me to concentrate on my writing since All This Action is visible through my office window. I love watching big diggers, always have. Cement trucks, more hauling trucks, a waterproofing guy, utilities trucks . . . . It's very exciting. So far, I've taken dozens of pictures of the progression of two large houses appearing where, throughout the years, one small home that housed four sets of our friends now remains--in memory only.
Progress. Possibilities. (Annihilation.) Potential. (Absent old friends.) Double the potential for new friends. Change. (Uneasiness. Stirred longings for things to be the way they used to be.) Newness. New hope.
Waiting. Wondering. Eager. Sad.
After several melancholy moments of viewing this photo, it occurred to me how many "things" were standing by when I snapped the shot, waiting. Digger (waiting to move on), mailbox (waiting for Christmas cards to move in), "for sale" sign (waiting to be removed), outhouse (waiting for ... a movement). BWAAAAA-hahahahaha!
Waiting. Standing by. Waiting.
When I am quiet within myself, which doesn't seem often these days, I realize that I, too, am waiting. Waiting to regain my sense of Self. Waiting for the best sale on that spendy Christmas gift I want to buy for my granddaughter. Waiting for that e-mail announcing the deal is finally sealed. Waiting for the headache medicine to kick in, my phone to ring, my memory to return, my jaw to unclench, the right inspiration for our annual Christmas letter. (Gads! Two knee replacements and a broken leg this year . . . . Who wants to read all THAT?!)
Waiting. While waiting. Still waiting.
Hey! What excellent opportunities to give thanks, ey?
Thanksgiving Day. Thanks-giving Day. Giving Thanks Day. Waiting for the turkey to thaw, waiting for the guests to arrive, waiting for the traffic to move again, waiting for the thermometer thingie to pop up . . . . (If you're reading this after Thanksgiving, let's move right along to waiting in lines, waiting for delayed airplanes, waiting for SANITY!) Wonderful waiting opportunities to give thanks for all the Good Things for which we expectantly wait. 
God is always waiting, ready to listen to a firestorm of thanksgiving for all that is right in our lives.
Dearest Dorothy BOOK CLUB, Audio and Large Print News
Dearest Dorothy, If Not Now, When Reading Group Guides! Go Get Them! Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything! is available in audio. Go Get It!
Dearest Dorothy, Help! I've Lost Myself! available in large print. Go Get It!
If the Audio and Large Print items are out of your budget, perhaps you can talk your library into stocking them. Better yet, maybe they already have them. But the Reading Group Guides are FREE! WAHOO! |
TwinkleGrammer Survey Says
This survey stuff is SO FUN! The "HOW WE SLEEP" results are in, and oh, baby! You made me laugh out loud, taught me there's such a thing as a water pillow, made me blush (do tell!), informed me as to how many of you let pets rule your beds, and made me feel cozy enough to want to take a nap. Right now. But I won't.
THANK YOU, you chatty bunch. I read every single response and can hardly wait to dig into your brilliant opinions/thoughts for next month's survey.
--On my stomach with my face pointed to the right and my right leg drawn up. [Charlene says: Hokey Pokey gone wild!]
--what ever does not disturb the cats
--3 fat pillows. My husband is afraid he'll slide off if we raise the head.
--mystery stuffing
WHY DIDN'T YOU ASK US ABOUT (fill in the blank here) BECAUSE IT'S THE FAVORITE THING ABOUT MY BED?! (146 answers!)
--quilts, my mother quilted many years ago and I have just started. I like to sleep with afgans and quilts (homemade) because of the memories associated with them
--Which pets prefer the bed (or under it) to being on it with his/her people: our male dog likes to sleep at my wife's feet (to her eternal chagrin) and our other dog has a mattress with her own down comforter
--I like to sleep in a cold room and I like the sheets to be cold so when I do get so blasted hot and sweaty and sticky I can move to a cool spot! This is a problem since the other occupant of the bed sleeps under 42 blankets (!!) with the electric one turned to HIGHER than high! Exaggeration only slight, honest! Summer is a problem!
--That I have one and a home to put it in. So many are not so fortunate. Please pray for them. [Charlene says: Yes, may we all pray!]
--how many people sleep with one leg swung out from under the covers and folded over to rest on top of the covers..because it's 'too' warm to keep both legs under the sheet..and too cold to go w/o the sheet...( i think i'm pre 'hot flashing' being as when i'm not arranging my leg i'm busy flipping my pill back and forth looking for the cool spot
--My favorite thing about my bed is that it's where I say my prayers the most and that it is a bed, because I love to sleep!
--Does my nightstand count? I love my antique table, lamp made from a Ball jar filled with costume jewelry and a stack of library books. When I go to bed, I roll towards it a smile and a sigh then begin reading.
--Is there someone in it? Mine's empty now and I miss my "cozy" husband. He made my bedtime fun!!! YIPPEEEE!!!! Oh, well, I have lots of great memories. You can hug memories with your heart!!!
--Why didn't you ask about how often we get kicked out of bed and have to sleep in the living room recliner because our snoring bothers our dear husband? (Please tell me I'm not the only one!) [Charlene says: Lots of people commented on their snoring husbands. WAY TO BE HONEST!]
--my is a pillowtop and I adore it. Sometimes at night when I am so exhausted I flop onto my bed, hug (or try to) my mattress and utter, "Oh darling, where have you been all of my life??!!!!" Soooo comfy!!!!!
And speaking of the next survey, this month I'm curious about how many, and what types of, "THINGS WE FORGET." Why? Because I honestly just e-mailed a friend to ask her, "At lunch today, what was I talking about when I said, 'Oh! THAT would be a good TwinkleGram topic!'?"
So please, IF YOU CAN REMEMBER to do so, GO TO THE NEXT SURVEY and let us discuss what we forget--if we can remember!
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Thanksgiving Drawing Winners
I'm so thankful for you TwinkleGrammers that I held a random drawing for THREE TGers to receive a copy of my Christmas book, which is best to read NOW. If you see your name here, please e-mail me your snail mail address. You cannot receive your book if you don't do this!
Elaine Harcourt, KS
Tammy Underwood, OR
Linda King, IL
Congratulations! |
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Start Your Christmas Shopping
The Dearest Dorothy books are a great--and safe*-- gift to give to anyone who loves to read.
*Nothing objectionable to the "Uptight Auntie" on your list.
THE LATEST RELEASE (#6) in the series:
Dearest Dorothy, If Not Now, When?
Dearest Dorothy, Are We There Yet?
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