Charlene Ann Baumbich
Weathering Our Spontaneous Storms July 2007
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"Distracting Big Toe" Contest Winners
A TwinkleGrammer Sneak Look at . . .
Audio/Large Print News
The Gift of Partonville
Little Me in a high chair with a spike of hair on top my head.Dear TwinkleGrammers,

Howdy-Doody to both you long-time subscribers and you brave newbies.  No doubt those of you who've been around awhile have wondered where I've been.  (Awwww, please say you missed me!)  The answer to my whereabouts is "lots of places and lots of writing."  In fact, I recently arrived home from Indiana, which I left for 2 days after I came home from Georgia, which I left for 2 days after I got home from MN, during which stay I zoomed to NYC and back . . . .  Obviously, my broken leg is healed!  Well, aside from the times my foot swells up and puffs out the top of my shoe, behaving very much the way I recall my grandmother's foot acting at the end of a long day.

As always, today's message comes to you without exaggeration.  Yes, I am sincerely this nuts.  I hope you enjoy the ride!  As for the cutesy picture of me, some things never change:  spoon in my mouth, funky hair-do, fat thighs!
Charlene's Signature
Today's Message 

Saturday night, July 7
10:30 p.m.


I'm crazed.  I've been home from Minnesota for forty-eight hours and I'm flying out tomorrow morning to engage in three nonstop days of important business in Georgia.  My plane leaves at 7:15 in the morning (or so they say; airline actualities are as crazed as I am), which means I need to set my alarm for at least 4:15 a.m. if I'm to have time to take a shower before I pack last-minute cosmetics, the car, and get to the airport in time to negotiate security lines with all the Sunday vacation travelers.  And believe you me, I need a shower.  But I'm too tired tonight.  Yes, I'm tired, cranky and wondering why I'm always--always--running behind with everything lately.

I yawn--about the 20th yawn in a row--peel off my clothes, slip on my old seersucker nightgown and come downstairs to get a drink of water.  While I'm in the kitchen, I remember I need to grab something out of the downstairs bathroom medicine cabinet.  Flipping on the light, I can't help but get a look at myself in the giant mirror.  Yikes!  I look like a battle-worn old hag.

I pull out the side mirrors for a full view (can anyone explain to me why we torture ourselves like this?!), turn my head to the right and left, then tilt it up and down.  It's my hair.  I've needed a trim for a month.  When my hair gets too long on the sides of my head, it accentuates my jowls.  Great.  I'm reminded of the old Scout song that went something like, "Do your ears hang low, do they wobble to and fro...," but it's my shaggy hair that's making my ears seem larger than normal.  I yawn again.  Turn off the light, then . . . turn it back on to take one more look.  (Masochist!)  I CAN'T STAND IT!  What kind of a Real Woman doesn't manage to get her hair cut before a business trip?!  I simply cannot abide by looking like this.


I storm to the kitchen, grab the sharpest scissors I can find and dig through one of the junk drawers until I spy a pair of thinning shears.  I can't remember why or where I got them and I don't recall ever using them, but it's time they take a test drive through the salt-and-pepper mess on my head.  Hey, the chunky look is in anyway, right?  What's the worst thing that can happen?


I don't have a comb with me so I rake my fingers from my crown to my forehead and again from my crown down to my ears.  I'm frustrated, tired and ticked at myself.  I just need to get this over,  so I furiously start whacking away, first with the scissors, then with the thinning shears, then more scissors.  Picture Edward Scissorhands going berserk and turning on himself.  Hair is flying and falling everywhere.


 "George!" I yelp mid-snip to my La-Z-Boy man.  "I'm going to leave a big mess in the bathroom!  I'm cutting my hair!"  Snip, cut, tug hairs this way and that, cut some more, wads of different lengths of hair hanging on my eyelashes, settling on my shoulders, gathering in the sink, falling to the floor.

"Okay," he hollers back over the roar of the TV.  The man is a saint.  After all these years of marriage and my zany schedule, he expects my hysterics about now.  He has no idea the mess I'm making and which I already know I'll leave for him to clean up tomorrow.  If I want to get any sleep, I know when I'm done I'll need to stumble straight into bed and try not to think about the 4:15 alarm--or what I've done.

No, I'm probably not going to get any sleep.


But getting the vacuum sweeper out at this hour is unacceptable.


Next comes the back of my head and my neckline.  Since I didn't wash or even wet my hair first, the giant cowlick on the back of my crown is living a pinwheel life of its own and I try to cut around it--at the very least not get it too short, which stylists often do.  Even though for a brief time during my senior year in high school I attended Roberts School of Beauty , I don't have a clue what I'm doing, but one thing is guaranteed:  I'm looking better--perkier--and I've definitely, most definitely, got the chunky look, or the chop crop, or one of many things I've heard the latest trend called!


And just like that, I'm done.  I can't take it any more.  I'm done.


Although I go right to sleep (a miracle!), I occasionally wake up and think, MY HAIR!  Then I doze off into another fitful sleep.  Soon my alarm is ringing.  It's time to get crackin' and . . . face the mirror.  On my way to the bathroom, however, I decide to make no determinations until after I've washed and fluffed my crowning glory--at least I hope there is enough left to fluff.


When I'm done with my shower, a quick comb, a little tugging at the hair with my fingers and a quick spray, Magic!  I cannot believe how good I look for a maniac.  Funny thing:  a woman at one of my appointments, one who's met me several times before, makes note of my hair and enthusiastically talks about how much she likes it.

The moral of this story?  Sometimes we need to just be brave and take things into our own hands.  Either that, or we need to be desperate enough to risk style, reputation and flunking a sanity test.


On a related note, storms were rolling through our area last night and the channel we were watching broke in to show us the fast-moving (our direction), dangerous swirling and colorful masses on their "Live Power Doppler."  In a direct quote, as the woman highlighted the dangerous area and blew it up full screen, she said, "We'll take this Live Power Doppler to the max."


They've got nothing on me.

Distracting Big Toe Contest Winners
Thanks to everyone (48 of you!) who entered my "Ways to Distract Your Big Toe" contest.  You can't IMAGINE how much fun I had reading your entries!  Selections were difficult.  Prizes will come within the next two months.  I'm sorry for the delay, but I want to make sure they're deserving of your genius!  (If I can remember where I saw the "mood toe ring," one of you will be getting THAT!)
If you simply cannot imagine why I'd hold a contest to distract a big toe, please click here to read the story.  If THIS story is already posted, look for the May 2007 archived edition at the bottom of the page (or one close to that date).
"I don't know which TwinkleGram had me laughing harder:  this one or the one about distracting your toe!  Maybe you could distract your toe by reading both TwinkleGrams to it!"
     Hey, I'm a sucker for my own work.


"Even though my toes are married, nothing distracts my big toe like a good-looking, well-dressed man toe.  They got that from their grandma's toes."
     She got me with the "grandma's toes" part.
SECOND PLACE:  Yvonne Greer
"You can distract a big toe by taking it shopping at 'Toes R Us' and buying it a toey."
     Now that is creative!
FIRST PLACE:  Christina Berry
"See, there's this big toe, see, and he wants to go to the market, but I want to stay home, so I send my best friend out to meet him when he's leaving and she offers him some roast beef, but my friend's husband yells at him that it tastes nasty and he didn't have any himself, so now I'm resigned to a shopping trip, but little Piggy--he's our son--rides up on his bicycle a few blocks from our house and then Daddy has no choice but to turn around, commandeer the bike, put Piggy on the handlebars, and pedal all the way home.  The whole time I hear Piggy 'wheeling,' all I can think is how glad I am that I don't have to go to the market!"
     The rules said one or two sentences, and by golly, she wins on two counts:  creative story and causing us to hold our breath between sentences while we read!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thank you again, Dear TwinkleGrammers!  And stay tuned for a new contest announcement next month!  I'll be giving away a set of books, including the new release!
DD #6 cover
Dearest Dorothy, If Not Now, When?!
Dearest Dorothy Audio and Large Print News
Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything! is available in audio.  Go Get It! 
Dearest Dorothy, Help! I've Lost Myself! available in large print.  Go Get It!
If these items are out of your budget, perhaps you can talk your library into stocking them.  Better yet, maybe they already have them.  Check it out!
Buy the entire Dearest Dorothy series for a deal!
Need a gift for someone special on your list--like you?  Simple as pie through  They sell the entire set (you don't have to spend time ordering five individual books) at a 26%  discount! 
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