Merry Everything! and I do mean EVERYTHING!
December 2006

Dear TwinkleGrammers,

It's almost DECEMBER! GADS! Didn't I just pack up my Christmas stuff and finally get the last of the items put away--or at least stuffed in the closet since the boxes were long ago in the attic by the time I noticed that angel, those two ornaments PLUS purchased a cutsie little Santa on the 75% off clearance table some time in MAY?

But then again, how could it NOT nearly be December when I spent most of November book touring, which is not an easy thing to forget. PLUS, I'm still stuffed to the caruncle (that brightly colored growth on the throat region of a turkey that turns bright red when he or she is upset, or during courtship, according to kid zone) with, um, Thanksgiving turkey--apologies to the gobbling wearer of the caruncle, which I assure you I did not eat. (Clarification: I ate the turkey but not the caruncle.)

But lest I waste more of our valuable time causing us further consternation about caruncles, or perhaps even insite fear that we might one day grow our OWN red-flashing, tell-all caruncle mass (say instead of that third chin I might be growing before the holidays are over!),

Here's what you're gettin' today!
  • Today's TwinkleGram Story highlighting 2006 TWINKLEGRAMMER RESPONSES
  • National Contest Deadline LOOMS, so HURRY!
  • Dearest Dorothy Reading Guides Available Plus a PHONE VISIT to your group from ME!
  • Cruise CANCELED
  • Your Feedback for Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything! has blessed me! Herewith are a few of the responses. THANK YOU!
  • My FIRST EVER TwinkleGram Survey--and it's about the TwinkleGram!

  • National Contest Deadline LOOMS, so HURRY!
    National "Tell Us YOUR 'Dorothy' Story Contest

    THIS IS SO EXCITING ! To celebrate the launch of Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything!, Penguin is sponsoring a national (as in NATIONAL) contest. READ THE RULES

    Enter for the fabulous prize of course (DINNER WITH ME plus airfare plus ...), but write about your "Dorothy" because to do so will give you a chance to savor your own prayer of thanksgiving for that wonderful person in your life. I know: the entire Dear est Dorothy series is based on the zest, spunk and faith of MY Real Dearest Dorothy!

    Entries must be postmarked (no e-mails) by December 22 and received by December 29. Nothing will come to me; it all goes to NYC! Read all about it HERE. And start writing!

    Dearest Dorothy Reading Guides Available Plus a PHONE VISIT to your group from ME!
    Little Curley Haired ME!

    In a book club? Just like to ponder things? Need a starting point? Click on my curly-haired, little-girl self (awwwwww) to go straight to Penguin's WONDERFUL Reading Guides. Whoever writes the recaps and questions for each book is absolutely MASTERFUL!

    If you DO belong to a book club and you're "clubbing" Dearest Dorothy (well, you know what I mean), I'd be happy to arrange a phone call during one of your meetings, barring we can coordinate our schedules. Just send an e-mail to with BOOK CLUB REQUEST in the subject line and we'll see if we can plan a time to chat it up!

    Cruise CANCELED

    I'm seriously bummed to have to announce that the February cruise I've been advertising (Do You Have A Book In You?) has been canceled. I am sorry for any gnashing of teeth this might cause you--AND me! Hopefully we can try it again in the future.

    Linda & me at Woolly Worm Festival

    Check them out if you live in Wisconsin, Illinois or Indiana! Please say "TWINKLGRAMMER!" if you swing by. Everyone who makes a purchase gets a little gift from me as my way of saying MERRY EVERYTHING!

    THANKS to TwinkleGrammer Linda Toft and her George for spending time with us during my tour stop at the Woolly Worm Festival in Beattyville KY! Note the Woolly Worm painted on my cheek. WHAT FUN!

    Hand on Computer Mouse

    I'm still waiting to hear from two of last month's drawing winners whose snail mail addresses I do not have. (If you know Mary-Ellen Noone or Tonya Barker, please get in touch with them and have them e-mail their address to .) Please-- EVERYONE--go to your account information (bottom of this page) and UPDATE YOUR RECORDS! Many of you faithful folks have been subscribers for years and have old or missing info on file. If you didn't subscribe on line within the last few months, it's likely I ONLY have your e-mail address, so please UPDATE so I can FIND you if you're a winner!

    Your Feedback for Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything! has blessed me! Herewith are a few of the responses. THANK YOU!

    1. "You out-did yourself on this one. I absolutely loved it!!!" - Nancy
    2. "I have just finished reading Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything . . . . I have just one question to ask ... when are books 6, 7 and 8 going to be out!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!--Barbara
    3. "I have just finished reading your latest Dearest Dorothy book and I hated to have it end. I enjoy visiting with all the fine folks in Partonville..."-- Ellen
    4. "What a refreshing change to find books that are uplifting and moral. Clean language, good characters that readers come to care about. Continue writing!"- -Lynn
    5. "It's fabulous just like the rest of them!"--Deb
    6. "Hello from New Zealand - I just wanted to say I have fallen in love with Pardon-me-Ville especially dearest Dorothy, who has made me laugh and really bawl my eyes out."--Elspeth (comment on the series)
    7. "Just had to write and say "FANTASTIC JOB"!!! Once again, your amazing talents have shown brightly through "Merry Everything". I loved it!"-- April

    My FIRST EVER TwinkleGram Survey--and it's about the TwinkleGram!

    In order to make the TwinkleGram more eye appealing and easier to navigate, I've upgraded (or have I ?-- which is the nature of the survey) the format over the last few months. (To those of you who have subscribed within the last five months, you don't know what I'm talking about, but please feel free to weigh in on the survey where applicable.)

    Please take a moment to click on the link below which, if I've figured this out correctly, will take you to an easy place to give me your opinions. Well, at least about the TwinkleGram. ;>) IMPORTANT NOTE: Since I'm using the free version of this slick little Zoomerang program, your need to complete the survey by midnight 12/5/06 since I can only read the results for ONE MORE DAY before they vanish.

    Before you take the survey, please know this: The last couple months have been heavied-up with book information because, well, it's new book release time and I've had book tour info and contest info and. . . . Starting next month, it'll be WAY less chaotic and we'll be more back to normal. If any of you know what normal IS, please let me know in a separate e-mail. :)

    Today's TwinkleGram Story highlighting 2006 TWINKLEGRAMMER RESPONSES
    Me, Santa & George

    Traditions are a wonderful thing, and Santa is a Christmas tradition at our house. Me and Big George decided (okay, I decided and Big George relented) to have our picture taken with the jolly guy this year, which is the second time in three years we've done so. Yes, the routine is becoming a tradition, although don't tell George I said so or he'll have to sigh--again.

    I thought I'd launch another new tradition this December by sharing some of your FABULOUS TwinkleGram responses. I love hearing from you, and I'm sure after reading a few of my Top Picks you'll already be looking forward to next December's traditional annual roundup. But remember, to make the 2007 cut, first you'll have to respond, so feel free to let me know what you're thinking as the year marches on.

    I'll start by repeating a topical line or two and/or question(s) from each TwinkleGram then follow up with some of your feedback. So sit back and enjoy your own wisdom and humor, you wonderful TwinkleGrammers, you!

    When do you think YOU got to old to (fill in the blank)? What simple pleasure have you absent mindedly or by choice perhaps errantly left behind? Forgotten about? Given up on? --Patti Responds--"I took my youngest, Colleen, to the park just the other day. The weather has been so glorious we just had to go! (Plus it was the day before her 5th birthday. We were celebrating her last day of being 4...actually I just pretended to celebrate, inside I was somehow very melancholy). Usually I push her on the swing and basically just watch her play. This time she asked me to play follow the leader. I happened to be in work out clothes so I agreed. We climbed *up* the slide, went down the slide...on our back-sides, on our bellies, hands first, feet first, you name it! Then, we headed to the swings. I assumed my regular position behind the swing to lift her on and then push but she said, "No, mommy. You swing too!" We sang "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" at the top of our lungs as we swung side by side! Ahhhhh!"

    What are your favorite gizmos? (One of mine was the Foodsaver.) --Audrey Responds--" projection clock, which I use every day! It always has the correct time since it is one of those atomic clocks, and it projects the time onto the ceiling in our bedroom in red numbers that are about six inches tall and easily visible if I wake up at night." --Kim Responds--"My favorite gadget right now is my sticker maker!!" (Kim, please tell me MORE! cb) --Loreen Responds--"I Love my Kitchenaid, would be sad to go back to mixing cookies and everything else without it." --Vicki Responds--"a Black and Decker scrubber." --Leda Responds--"The best gadget I have ever had is my hubby Ed."

    I sent a TwinkleGram about trying to keep my lips moist during the brief time we couldn't fly with lip balm. I got TONS of responses! --Shelley Responds--"I had a lip scraping at the Dr. and he was wondering if I was kissing palm branches in the south pacific. He then referred to me as Hot Lips. Funny Dr.! He said it was fungus you couldn't see." --Dana Responds--"My husband has complained for years that I got him ?addicted? to lip balm. I claim different." --Debra Responds--"Had to let you know that before I could finish reading your "TwinkleGram" I was running through my house, emptying drawers and purses looking for Chapstick. I almost had to go for the Vaseline, but finally found a stick. I don't think I've every felt more dehydrated in my life!!! Do you realize the power of suggestion your writing has?"

    Can you believe I almost swallowed a bullet? (For those of you who didn't read this, I had it in my MOUTH, mixed in with other pills I take every morning. Thankfully the metallic taste caused me to spit it out before swallowing.) - -Linda Responds--"Okay, now the truth....I confess ...sigh... the same happened to me!!!!(but I have kept it a secret until now!)" --Chris Responds--"Just think--you could have picked up a BUG! I'm also glad for your fast reflexes and that you didn't actually BITE the bullet. It could have had such a nasty outcome--sorry, that came out like a pun and none was intended." --Dana Responds--"Enjoyed your "bullet biting" story! Reminded me of the time my husband (who by the way will be 55; but this happened a few years ago, so no excuse) almost ate a rubber band - a BIG rubber band! I can't remember just what exactly he thought it was that he was eating at the time; but rest assured, every time I see a rubber band that size I hand it to him and tell him to save it for dessert!" --Gundega Responds-- "Me being someone who once swallowed a toy goose made of lead and then washed it down with a bottle of ink, nothing that enters the mouth surprises me! True, I was four years old then -- but when I now make myself switch to reader glasses before I take any pills, it's with the wisdom of experience then and now."

    THANK YOU to everyone who talked back, and thank you also to everyone who merely thought about talking back and/or read the TalkBack. You TwinkleGrammers make my life so much more FUN and I look forward to our continued conversations (even if I'm the only one talking) in 2007. If you have time to spare and missed a few of these stories along the way, go to the TwinkleGram home page (, scroll to the bottom and spend some time in the archives.

    Take me to the TwinkleGram archives!
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