Shaving Corners, Right? Never Hurry
September 2006

Dear TwinkleGrammers,

What a ride, this crazy whirligig called life! I can barely keep up with myself. I've been on the road and back again, on airplanes and back again (Howdy HO, you wild PA ladies!)--and again (a shout out to Omaha LitFest folks), and that's the way it'll go here for the next couple months since Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything! is just around the corner and I'll be book touring. So hop on my TwinkleGram ride. Yes, it's a LONG one this time, but with the new book about to roll, the launch of a national contest (KEEP READING FOR DETAILS) to celebrate, my new travel blog and an upcoming cruise, there's lots of info to dispense. Pick and choose what you want to read, but just DON'T MISS TODAY'S TWINKLEGRAM STORY - - which is the Real Point of this e-mail!

Get Ready, Get Set, START READING!
  • Today's TwinkleGram Story
  • National "Tell Us YOUR 'Dorothy' Story" CONTEST
  • Do You Have A Book in YOU? Do you like to CRUISE?
  • Traveling Laughs, my new blog for travelers
  • Dont forget to . . .

  • National "Tell Us YOUR 'Dorothy' Story" CONTEST
    National "Tell Us YOUR 'Dorothy' Story Contest

    THIS IS SO EXCITING and YOU, Dear TwinkleGrammers, are getting a head start! To celebrate the launch of Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything!, Penguin is sponsoring a national (as in NATIONAL) contest. READ THE RULES

    Enter for the fabulous prize of course (DINNER WITH ME plus airfare plus ...), but write about your "Dorothy" because to do so will give you a chance to savor your own prayer of thanksgiving for that wonderful person in your life. I know: the entire Dearest Dorothy series is based on the zest, spunk and faith of MY Real Dearest Dorothy!

    Entries must be postmarked (no e-mails) by December 22 and received by December 29. Nothing will come to me; it all goes to NYC! Read all about it HERE. And start writing!

    Do You Have A Book in YOU? Do you like to CRUISE?
    Picture YOU on a SHIP

    On February 4 I will leave New Orleans on a ship called the Norwegian Sun. I will relax, eat and visit exotic places I've never seen before. I will also eat and teach/speak on the topic: Do You Have a Book In You? My friend Jan Long Harris, senior acquisitions editor and author extraordinare, will co- teach/speak with me. We intend to (with lots of GOOD FUN!) instruct and encourage you in your writing aspirations. Whether you want to write for your family or aim for the best sellers' list, we've got first-hand, viable, insider info. So cruise, learn, write, eat, sight see and BE HAPPY!

    See My Dreamy Book Tour Self

    The book tour stops are in place. Now all I need is

    1. I get there
    2. You show up
    3. We say hi
    4. I tell you stories behind the stories
    5. You ask questions
    6. You take pictures with me, if you want
    7. I sign books
    8. You read books
    9. You tell others how wonderful Dearest Dorothy is
    10. We all have happy dreams about the events!
    SEE WHERE I'LL BE (poet and know it)

    Traveling Laughs, my new blog for travelers

    Whether you're traveling from the couch to the refrigerator, or from your office to the limo to the airport to the rental car to the meeting (yet again), stop by HER E and pick up a Traveling Laugh ?to go.? As a seasoned whirligig of a traveler I?ve learned the most important thing I can pack (that cannot be confiscated by a three-year-old or the TSA) is a sense of humor.


    As of midnight October 20, all TwinkleGram subscribers will be eligible for a drawing to win one of TEN of the fifth book in the Dearest Dorothy series, Dearest Dorothy, Merry Everything. Winners will be notified in the next TwinkleGram. If you know anyone who might enjoy a subscription, NOW is the time to forward this e-mail. (link below)

    The official Welcome to Partonville website for the Dearest Dorothy series opens the front page of the Partonville Press. By golly, it's worth a read since as of yesterday, new articles and editorials are in print. You'll learn a few things about the CHAOS (more than usual) in Partonville and tidbits about a couple town characters which will hopefully whet your whistles.

    Dont forget to . . .

    If you haven't already done so (with the LAST TwinkleGram) PLEASE, oh PLEASE scroll to the VERY TOP of this page and push CONFIRM to make sure you stay on the TwinkleGram list. THANK YOU!

    If for whatever reason (like you're on dialup and this took WAY too long to load) you'd rather not receive this colorful html version, scroll to the bottom of this page, click on "update profile/e-mail address" then put a check in the box that says you'd like to receive the text only version. (lower left) VOILA!

    Today's TwinkleGram Story
    Razor pic

    When I?m not in a hurry, I have all the time in the world. When I?m in a hurry, all things (traffic lights, hairdos, ringing phones, grocery store lines, technical support, dry cleaning, hair appointments, Novocain, fast food, airlines, typing fingers, sunsets, sunrises, elevators . . . ) are either desperately slow, come too fast--so fast that I miss them--or don?t work at all.

    Case in point. Recently I was in a hurry and I was hurrying. Sometimes I?m in a hurry, but by grace (or injury) I am not hurrying. But this time I was. I hopped in the shower, lathered up, grabbed my razor -- my brand new never tried before razor ? and went to town shaving my pits and legs.

    WOW! Talk about a fabulous GLIDE factor! I barely felt the disposable implement skating over my skin. Now THIS, I thought to myself, is how it?s supposed to be! I think I?ll buy another pack of these while they?re still on sale and before I throw the bag away and forget what brand they are.

    And then I ran my hand over the top of my right leg. (Remember, I was hurrying so therefore wasn?t checking results along the way.) Stubble. ?Huh. Must have missed this swipe.? I grab the razor, swipe a few times more. Stubble check: stubble. I set the razor down to check both legs and both pits. Stubble. Doesn?t feel like a single rowdy hair was removed.

    Hurrying (Hear the clock ticking? I should be DRESSED already!), I step out of the shower and drip my way across the bathroom floor to scrounge in the cabinet for my old razor. Hurrying, I nearly fall on my keister since I?m slipping through my own drippings. Safely back in the tub, I zip-zap shave. A few scratches later (and now I am LATER than late) I leave the tub, towel dry my body and my blood, wing around getting dressed while applying a few dabs of makeup and head out. Damp hair, scalped skin, dialing my cell phone to explain why I?m not there yet.

    Upon my return home, I grab that useless razor out of the shower area. Before tossing it, I don my glasses and check the brand to make sure I NEVER buy another dud like that. Amazing what you can discover when you?re wearing your glasses, like that while I was hurrying I didn?t realize the razor blades were capped by a plastic (very glide-y) safety shield. And before that, while I was hurrying to rip open the bag and toss one in the shower, I didn?t notice the safety cap. And before that, while I was hurrying I did about a hundred other stupid things.

    You know that old motto, Better safe than sorry? Well how about this one? Better slow than dumb and hairy.

    When I slow down, I ultimately go faster since no do-overs are necessary. When I slow down the ignition on my temper, I don?t need to SCREAM at other things (like inanimate objects that work perfectly fine without SAFETY SHIELDS), people or situations. When I'm cruising instead of wrecklessly hammering down, I'm also going slow enough to remember my own doofusness, which helps me offer grace to others.

    When I slow down, I don?t get ahead of me, sanity or God. Amen.

    Where I'm gearing up to hurry (although I'll try to be on time)
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