McCain bw


  The Cobb Republican

     Lead, Encourage and Recruit!


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In the finals days of the 2008 campaign, no words are more appropriate than those of Republican president Calvin Coolidge:

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.  Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.  Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.  Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.  Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."  
This certainly seems to be 'pile-on' time for those casting dispersions on all things Republican.  The media has a near choke hold on America's neck, waiting for our country to turn blue.  The truth is that the Republican party has put forward excellent candidates, many of whom serve the good citizens of Cobb County.  Time is short and tempers are fraying.  As voices and headlines become more shrill with each passing day, remember:  regardless of the pollsters and pundits, it's those who show up on election day that will make the difference for our party.  All the 'hope' in the universe will mean nothing for Republicans or Democrats on November 4th.  It is only those who care enough to get involved, to work for our principles and support our candidates who will carry the day for America.
Hope is not enough.  America was not built on the 'hope' of big government managing our lives and coddling us with the best of intentions.   America is a great nation because its people care enough to take action and shape destiny.  Do your part this week: support your Republican candidates and then demand that they honor our principles of limited government, personal responsibility and the equitable application of law.  An election is not about pollsters, it's about persistence.  Republicans ask you to do more than 'hope'.  We need you to care.
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Spread The Word About Cobb Republican Candidates!
Our website, is your best resource for information on Republican candidates with Cobb County constitiuencies.  Our site has been updated to display all Republican candidates on the ballot and includes website links to candidate and elected office websites.  Until election day, our site will open to one of two candidate pages rather than our home page in order to hi-lite Republican campaigns.  Click the 'home' link when visiting our site for the latest Cobb GOP information.  Tell your friends and neighbors to check us out and to VOTE REPUBLICAN!
              Cindye Coates         Hunter Hill 
    Bob Ott
       Matt Dollar


Get Involved With a Campaign!
Vice-Chair Fred Elrod has created Republican 'walking lists' for Cobb County neighborhoods.  The lists identify likely Republican voters in each precinct.  Contact Fred [email protected].   
  We need volunteers to work with candidates in Cobb County neighborhoods, to help with mailers and make calls from our office for candidates between now and election day.  Contact us at 770-421-1833 to get involved with a campaign! 

Poll Watchers Needed!

Voting Box

  Interested to do more than vote on Election Day? Do you feel strongly about the importance of a fair and accurate vote count?
If so, the Cobb Republican Party has an opportunity for you:

 Be A Poll Watcher

If you are interested in becoming a poll watcher for this year's election, the Cobb GOP will host a training class on Thursday, October 23rd from 6PM to 7PM at our office on Powers Ferry Commons.  A second training session will be scheduled in the next couple of days. Click here for a map to our office!

Click the Volunteer! link on our website to sign up! 

Cobb GOP Meetings In October
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Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, October 23rd, 7PM
Cobb GOP Office
1234 Powers Ferry Commons
Marietta, GA 
Click here for map and directions
County Committee Meeting

Thursday October 30th, 7PM
Marietta City Hall
205 Lawrence Street
Click Here for map and directions
Cobb County GOP Committee meetings are open to all Republicans 

October CCRWC Meeting


CCRW logo

Marietta Conference Center
500 Powder Springs Street 
Friday October 24, 2008
Sue Everhart
Sue Everhart
Chair, Georgia Republican Party
11:30 a.m. Networking Session
12:00 p.m. Lunch
RSVP: 770-785-2522
Click Here To Register
Sue Everhart was elected the first woman Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party in May of 2007.  Prior to being elected Chairman, she was the First Vice Chairman of the Party as well as the Party's former 6th District Chairman. Chairman Everhart was named the Georgia Republican Party's Volunteer of the Year in 2000 and received their Pioneer Award in 2005 for her long and continued service to the Party.  Also in 2000, Chairman Everhart was selected by CNN to be the delegate in 2000 that most represented grassroots in America and was interviewed by CNN from the convention floor.  In 1997, Chairman Everhart received the Cobb Republican Women's Club Mary Aven Award and the Women of the Year Award in the same year. That had not been done before, nor achieved by anyone since. Chairman Everhart was selected in 2007 as one of the 100 Most Influential Georgians. She is a former banker and currently serves on the Advisory Board for the Cobb County Symphony and a member of the Cultural Arts Board of Cobb County.  She is the past Chairman of the Cobb Board of Elections and former Board Member of the Cobb County Convention and Visitors Bureau. 
Chairman Everhart said it was a distinct honor to answer roll call for Georgia at the 2008 Republican National Convention and to give all 72 of Georgia's votes for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Chairman Everhart has been invited to speak throughout the country as the keynote speaker at many venues over the past two years including speaking to the National Educators of America at their National Convention this past August.
 Come to the Veterans' Celebration Lunch and GET OUT THE VOTE!
The Cobb GOP, Cobb Republican Womens' Club, Cobb Regional Republican Women and the Georgia Federation of Republican Women are coordinating a precinct walk and neighborhood calling effort immeditely following the Veterans' Celebration Brunch.
The Cobb GOP will not hold a breakfast meeting at Williamson Bros. BBQ in November.  Instead, come celebrate our veterans and then join us as we distribute campaign materials, knock on doors and phone voters across Cobb County in support of our Republican candidates.  We'll have walking and phone lists available and some of our candidates will be on hand to organize the precinct teams.  Don't miss the last, big weekend push to support Republicans!   
Vets Brunch

For more information, visit


Campaign Hi-Lite Events This Week

In addition to the following events, Republican candidates need your support walking precincts this weekend.  Check out the candidate links on our website, contact a candidate team and get involved! 

 Warren Tailgate Party

Golf Tournament to Support
Senator Chip Rogers

Thursday, October 23, 2008
Eagle Watch Golf Club
3055 Eagle Watch Drive
Woodstock, GA 30189
$1500 Contribution per Team
$ 500 Contribution to Sponsor a Hole
$400 Contribution per Golfer
To reserve your place or for more information,
please contact Laura Dunaway at 770-855-9565 or
[email protected]

WSJ Reprint: America Will Remain The Superpower  

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OCTOBER 14, 2008
America Will Remain the Superpower
When the tide laps at Gulliver's waistline, it usually means the Lilliputians are already 10 feet under.
Bret Stephens

AP:  So it's a safe bet that the era of American dominance will not be brought to a close by credit default swaps, mark-to-market accounting or (even) Barney Frank.
Not that there's a shortage of invitations to believe otherwise. Almost in unison, Germany's finance minister, Russia's prime minister and Iran's president predict the end of U.S. "hegemony," financial and/or otherwise. The New York Times weighs in with meditations on "A Power That May Not Stay So Super." Der Spiegel gives us "The End of Hubris." Guardian columnist John Gray sees "A Shattering Moment in America's Fall From Power."
Much of this is said, or written, with ill-disguised glee. But when the tide laps at Gulliver's waistline, it usually means the Lilliputians are already 10 feet under. Before yesterday's surge, the Dow had dropped 25% in three months. But that only means it had outperformed nearly every single major foreign stock exchange, including Germany's XETRADAX (down 28%) China's Shanghai exchange (down 30%), Japan's NIKK225 (down 37%), Brazil's BOVESPA (down 41%) and Russia RTSI (down 61%). These contrasts are a useful demonstration that America's financial woes are nobody else's gain.
On the other hand, global economic distress doesn't invariably work at cross-purposes with American interests. Hugo Ch�vez's nosedive toward bankruptcy begins when oil dips below $80 a barrel, the price where it hovers now. An identical logic, if perhaps at a different price, applies to the petrodictatorships in Moscow and Tehran, which already are heavily saddled with inflationary and investor-confidence concerns. Russia will also likely burn through its $550 billion in foreign-currency reserves faster than anticipated -- a pleasing if roundabout comeuppance for last summer's Georgian adventure.
Nor does the U.S. seem all that badly off, comparatively speaking, when it comes to its ability to finance a bailout. Last month's $700 billion bailout package seems staggeringly large, but it amounts to a little more than 5% of U.S. gross domestic product. Compare that to Germany's $400 billion to $536 billion rescue package (between 12% and 16% of its GDP), or Britain's $835 billion plan (30%).
Of course it may require considerably more than $700 billion to clean out our Augean Stables. But here it helps that the ratio of government debt to GDP in the U.S. runs to about 62%. For the eurozone, it's 75%; for Japan, 180%.
It also helps that the U.S. continues to have the world's largest inflows of foreign direct investment; that it ranks third in the world (after Singapore and New Zealand) for ease of doing business, according to the World Bank; and that its demographic trends aren't headed toward a tall and steep cliff -- as they are in the EU, Russia, Japan and China.
Above all, the U.S. remains biased toward financial transparency. I am agnostic as to whether mark-to-market accounting is a good idea; last month's temporary ban on short-selling financials seemed a bad one.
But a system that demands timely and accurate financial disclosure and doesn't interfere with price discovery will invariably prove more resilient over time than a system that does not make such demands. If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were financial time bombs of one kind, then surely China's state-owned enterprises are time bombs of another. Can anyone determine with even approximate confidence the extent of their liabilities?
This isn't to say that the abrupt failure of the SOEs would be in anyone's interests, including the U.S.'s. But one of the unremarked ironies of the present crisis is that America's financial vulnerabilities came fully into view months before Europe's (or the rest of the world's) did. That's one reason the dollar has rallied in recent months. It's also why the U.S. is likely to come through the crisis much more quickly than, say, Japan, which spent the better part of the 1990s hiding its own banking crisis from itself.
Exactly how -- and how quickly -- the U.S. does come through is anyone's guess. Recessions are periodic facts of economic life that tend to last anywhere between six and 16 months. Severe recessions or depressions are fundamentally political events that can last a decade or longer -- however long economic policy remains bad.
If the next administration is wise, it will do what it can to help the markets clear, let the recession take its course, and do what it can to preserve intact a financial system that has served us splendidly. If it is unwise, it will embark on several years of grandiose social experimentation. Either way, the United States will eventually regain its economic footing and maintain its place.

Distributed by 
The Cobb County Republican Party

PO Box 1542

Kennesaw, GA  30156


visit our website at

Click Here for a map and directions to our office