Dichos y Dichos

Well, the Summer Olympics are over for another four years, and all the world's best athletes who competed will head back to their home countries, where many will begin once again to train for the 2016 Summer Olympics, to be held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.  Whether they won a medal or not, as they return home, their desire for success will continue to drive them to sacrifice thousands of hours over the next four years to have one more chance at a Gold, Silver or Bronze medal.  Let us learn from these athletes and their desire to succeed.  You have an opportunity, starting today, to begin a new life with a new future.  You have it within your power to make the decisions that will make your life better, along with the lives of those around you.  You have a choice of either picking up a book and learn something to help you with your future, or you can try to take the easy way out and wait for that "Lotto" ticket to win for you despite 50 million to 1 odds, which in all probability will never happen!  Make a decision today to set some immediate and long-range goals that will help you reach that which you want out of life.  Take the time to carefully plan out your future and what you must do in order to achieve your goals.  No one is going to do it for you; it's is up to you!  Your future lies in your hands and no one else!  Are you ready to begin?



John A. Flores, MBA - Author

Weekly "Dicho con Caf�" 
"Hasta el mejor cocinero, se le queman los frijoles."

The author's translation is that
"Even the best of cooks, burn the beans." 

What this is referring to is that no one is perfect and that even the most experienced and knowledgeable cooks can make mistakes, such as burning their pot of beans.  This dicho is used when making reference to a person that you might know that makes a mistake in life whether it be with his finances, personal life, or other matters, such as an accountant who makes a mistake with the books, or a decision made by management that was not the best.  The dicho points out that none of us are infallible and can and will make mistakes in life. 
Participate With Us
If you have a favorite dicho or dichos that you want to share with the author, send him a note at dichosydichos@yahoo.com and see if he already has it among the 6,000 plus dichos he has collected from his travels around the world.  If he doesn't, he'll make sure to include it in his upcoming "El Libro de Dichos" which will contain all the dichos he has collected over his lifetime 
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More About John A. Flores


One of the more picturesque visits to Europe that Mr. Flores and his wife had was to the Kingdom of Norway, which is actually its official name.  It is a country where two-thirds of its land is made up of tundra, rock and snowfields, and one-fourth of it covered by forest, leaving only 3% for cultivation.  It is a country of around 5,000,000 people, with has two major cities, the largest being Oslo, its capital with a population of around 600,000, and Bergen, its second largest city with a population of around 260,000. Mr. Flores and his wife traveled there on a cruise ship that was able to enter the beautiful fjords, or inlets bordered by glacial cliffs, which are very common to this country.  With its mainly mountainous terrain, there were waterfalls seen everywhere as they traveled along the Norwegian coast as well as inside the fjords, which made the trip a beautiful experience.  Some of the sights were spectacular and forever etched in the memory of the Floreses.  They were able to shop and purchase some beautiful sweaters that they wear when the weather gets cold in their home town of Fresno, California. One thing that they found most interesting was that they visited the city of Bergen and walked along the waterfront with its many shops and fish markets, they came across a Mexican restaurant!  Mr. Flores talked to the owners, who had been there several years and had found an opportunity in a country where they had migrated to work.  They discovered that there was a popular demand for Mexican food and they took advantage of that need to serve Mexican food dishes not common to that country.  Once it was introduced, they were embraced by the locals and tourists making it a very successful business venture.  It just goes to show that you never know when an opportunity will arise in order for you to take advantage of it at that time!


When he's not writing books, Mr. Flores makes presentations to local, regional and national groups, using dichos to motivate his audiences. You can contact him for speaking engagements at (559) 456-0128 or at his personal email at jaflores1246@comcast.net
I hope that in the coming weeks and months you continue to enjoy this very rich part of our culture which not only has humor, but also provides sound advice as it has to many generation before you.
John A. Flores, MBA 
Dichos Y Dichos / Si Company
Featured Books
Volume 1

Volume 2

Volume 3

Each book contains over 400 dichos and 32 humorous graphics, which give life to the dichos! 
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