JAX FAX Magazine's Top 10 Reasons to Use a Travel Agent |
(Copied with permission from Douglas Cooke, Publisher JAX FAX Magazine)
- Convenient One-Stop-Shopping. Travel agents can handle every aspect of your trip from airline tickets to lodging, transfers, activities, tours, etc.
- Consumer Advocate. If a problem occurs during a trip, travel agents can act on your behalf to see that proper restitutions are made.
- Expert Guidance. Travel Agents are experts in helping travelers get where they need to go and in presenting ideas most people would never have dreamed were possible.
- Save Time. Let the travel agent call around and do all the time-consuming work of planning a complex itinerary.
- Updated Information. Travel agents are constantly communicating with travel community, giving you the most up to date info on airlines, hotels, car rental agencies, travel visas and other travel services to consider.
- Customer Service. Travel agents offer that "personal touch" to your travel planning experience, offering help and advice that a website cannot provide.
- Travel Documentation. Travel agents can help prepare and organize any documents you may need to travel outside the country. They can direct you to the local passport office, and they know where you need a visa, as well as other documentation.
- Travel Expertise. Many travel agents are considered experts in the area you are traveling to and probably already been to your chosen destination.
- Industry Access. Travel agents have access to tour operators, air consolidators and other suppliers who won't work directly with consumers.
- Best Value for Your Money. Travel agents can help you make your dollars go further while you are away. They have access to finding all sorts of deals, ranging from flights to hotels to dinner recommendations.
Please note: Dream Destinations has limited ability to provide airline reservations.
We are European & Cruise travel experts--we can make your trip special--call on us to help you find your Dream Destinations!
Where Do Americans Love to Travel to Worldwide?
"If you could spend a vacation in any country in the world outside the United States and you would have not to worry about the cost, what one country would you choose?
Wow-what a great question! Based on poll results from 1997 to 2011 (most recent poll), can you guess what where the top 10 countries? Ok, times up-here are the top 10: 1) Italy, 2) Great Britain, 3) Australia, 4) Ireland, 5) France, 6) Greece, 7) Spain, 8) Germany, 9) Japan, and 10) Canada (source: Vacation Agent Magazine, September 2011, page 12).
These results are not a surprise to us 7 of the top 10 are in Europe! This is one of the many reasons we are European Destination Specialists! Let us use our expertise to help plan you next European vacation! |
Call us now, so we can help you find the perfect Europe Trip for YOU! |
 Feature Photo
Hank in front of Britian's Smallest House (72 inches wide; 122 inches tall) Conwy Wales Photo Anne Schrader |
Hank's Europe Geo Quiz #1 |
I am a former high school world geography and AP human geography teacher. Ok, class is in session--Good Luck!
1) Most of us remember the oldie song "Ferry Cross the Mercy". So if you rode this ferry, what city would you be in?
2) The Danube River starts in Germany and flows to the Black Sea. It also flows through the capitals of four nations-the most of any other river in the world. Name the four capital cities.
3) There are 2 countries in Europe that have both Atlantic Coast and Mediterranean coasts and beaches. Can you name them?
4) Great Britain is comprised of 4 countries-England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Which country does not have its own official flag?
5) One of my favorite train rides is through the Brenner Pass. Can you name the two countries on either side of the Brenner Pass?
Each question is worth 20 points. In question #2 each capital you correctly name is worth 5 points. In questions #3 & #5 each country correctly name is worth 10 points.
90-100 You are a smart Europe Geo genius!
70-85 You know a lot!
60 or less You spent too much time in the Pub with Hank, but this quiz will boost your Geo IQ!
Answers are at the bottom of this newsletter!
Why Use Us? | Anne & Hank on the Celebrity Silhouette 2011 The value we add to our customers: 1. It costs you nothing for us to plan your travel. 2. We have 16 years experience--we help you get the best value for your dollar --saves you time & money! 3. Book it yourself & you are on your own--we can help you avoid problems & help resolve disputes. 4. We are small enough to give you personalized service, yet big & experienced enough to get you the right trip. 5. We are honest, hard working with one goal--to serve you--we will do what is best for you not us. |
Our Gold Medal Ideas for a Visit in England |
Photo Anne Schrader 2012 at British Museum
The British Isles are some of the most fascinating places we have ever visited! Where else in the world can you visit castles, tour royal palaces, see top flight theater plays, learn more about Shakespeare and see one of his famous plays, tour the Tower of London, visit acres and acres of gardens, learn more about the Beatles and then meet in a pub for an ale or beer and lively conversation in English? There is something for all-from the great urban cities of London and Edinburgh to the natural beauty of the Cotswolds and the Lake District, dramatic coasts, castles, gardens, art, royalty and rock and classical music-almost too much. That's where we come in -both Anne & I are Brit Agents United Kingdom Destination Specialists with multiple trip experience.
Click here to see a slideshow about our recent visit to England. |
Our Newly Designed Website Contest--3 lucky Winners! |
We promise you--you will like our new desgn. You can quickly learn about cruising and all Euopean Destinations--we are your cruise and Euoprean Destination Speciaists! To make it more fun, we are holding a contest--name the location of the 3 pictures (all taken by Anne) and win a prize. Contest ends 8/15/2012!
Answers to Hank's Geo Quiz # 1 |
- Liverpool, England.
- Vienna, Austria; Budapest, Hungry; Bratislava, Slovakia & Belgrade Serbia.
- France & Spain.
- Northern Ireland
- Austria and Italy
90-100 You are a smart Europe genius!
70-85 You know a lot!
60 or less You spent too much time in the Pub with Hank, but this quiz will boost your Geo IQ!