C.H.A.R.M. 2010 Summer/Fall Newsletter
In This Issue
- Message from David & Kaye
- Message from the Advisory Board
- Important Info Regarding Finanacial Gifts To C.H.A.R.M.
- New Ministry Opportunity
- Volleyball at Carole Young Women's Unit
- "Hoop Dreams" Basketball Behind Bars
- Volunteer Spotlight Jarvis Moore "A Friend In Need Is A Friend In Deed"
- "A True Brother"
- Upcoming Events
Contact C.H.A.R.M.


P.O. Box 55548
Houston, Texas 77255-5548

David Trickett



Kaye Trickett 


Advisory Board 

 Diane Bagby |

R.T. Dukes |

John Eckeberger | john@thesecretswekeep.net

Becky Kiser | beckyjkiser@gmail.com

Jason Melton | jasonpmelton@gmail.com

Malcolm Pierre | m_pierre@sbcglobal.net

Monte Tucker |

Jarret Venghaus | jarret_venghaus@hotmail.com

Jarret Venghaus
Carole Vance Unit Volleyball


For more information on how to make Tax Deductible donations through Houston's First Baptist Church, please see the article to the right entitled,
Important Info Regarding Financial Gifts to C.H.A.R.M".

Carole Vance Unit Volleyball 

Hope Tree Home Loans has launched a new program that enables you to help C.H.A.R.M. fulfill its mission. Through their new initiative, when you get any type of home loan for any amount from Hope Tree, they will make a donation in your name to C.H.A.R.M.  The donation will be calculated as a percentage of the principal amount of your loan.

For example: A $200,000 mortgage would result in a contribution of $500!
  • Rates are at historical lows
  • Hope Tree offers conventional, jumbo, FHA, VA loans
  • No out of pocket expenses on refinances
  •  We want to thank Hope Tree Home Loans President, J. Russell Calvert, for making this program possible.

  • Carole Young VB Volunteers
  • For more information please contact: 
      Tracie Griffith 
    Account Executive 
    Direct (832) 518-3025 
    Main  (713) 600-4444 

  • tracie@hopetreehomeloans.com


    Melvin Adams 
    Former Harlem Globetrotter, Melvin Adams, partnered with us for a
    Basketball Outreach at the
     Darrington Unit. 
    Check out his ministry at: www.melvinadams.org

    Edifying,Encouraging and 
    Enlightening God's People 
    Mista Excelsius 
    Houston Rockets Chaplain
    and Gospel Hip Hop Artist,
    Malcolm Marshall
    AKA "Mista Excelsius",
    from Joined at the Hip Ministries 
    partnered with us for a Basketball Outreach at the
    Carol Vance Unit.
    Check out his ministry
    Coming Soon....

    "Executive Board"


    Christian Recording Artist
    Carole Vance Unit Volleyball 
    in a Benefit Concert for C.H.A.R.M.
    Friday, Sept. 24th
    Houston's First Baptist Church

    To see more photos of other ministry events 
    To see previous newsletters
     Message from David & Kaye
    Dave and Kaye     
             The Alpha and the Omega


         We are experiencing an amazing truth on this Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him.  As we continually come to the end of ourselves we discover in Him new beginnings.  The LORD continues to show Himself to be Our Alpha.  We are constantly reminded whatever plan we find ourselves on-Plan A, Plan B, ...Plan X it is still God's Plan A-Our Alpha! "The First and the Last and The most important."


         This Mighty Fortress is Our GOD and a very present help in time of need.  By looking at past failures or anxiously fretting future outcomes we escape the Power He is in our present time of need.  God has and will "..continue to supply every need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.  To Him be the glory forever and ever." (Phil. 4:19,20)


         Dear Ones, our journey with Jesus grows sweeter and more exciting each day as we meet others of His children along His path and His plan.  The Lord Jesus is taking all of us places we never dreamed we would go and we are discovering more about Him and His plans for our lives along the way. He is in the midst of our journeys "...I was in prison and you came to visit me." (Matt. 25:36)


          His Word says in Psalm 110:3..."Your people will volunteer freely in the day of Your power." We are seeing His Power in His People moving into action all around us.  You are praying, giving and going.  God has surrounded tHis prison ministry with devoted, gifted and talented children.  We are undone by the "likes of you" carrying the Good News to "the least of these." 

    Our prayer for all of you is the entrance into the joy of your Master and to hear the words "Well done, good and faithful servants!"


          Rev. 22:13  states " I Am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last." Farewell for now faithful ones until we meet on this eternal journey again soon.       


    In His Love and service,

    -Kaye and David Trickett, Co-Founders of C.H.A.R.M.

      From the Advisory Board

         Seven months after the "official" launch of C.H.A.R.M. we have witnessed a tremendous movement of God as scores of volunteers have ministered in a variety of ways among men and women presently incarcerated.   Whether in a Chapel service or on a softball field, the Lord has been exalted as hearts are challenged to know Him and walk faithfully with Him.


         In the first few weeks of 2010 the Advisory Board planned and hoped for at least 30 ministry opportunities over the course of the calendar year.  We surpassed that number by June!  The Lord continues to open new doors for ministry and volunteers, led by David & Kaye Trickett, step through them to face the challenge.  Thank you, volunteers, for your faithfulness to God and the ministry of C.H.A.R.M. 


         Recently I had a conversation with Greg Matte, the Pastor of Houston's First Baptist Church, regarding his thoughts on mission opportunities in general.  His position is very clear and perhaps you have heard his words before.  Paraphrasing, when offered the opportunity to serve in the name of Christ we can either:  (1) Go   (2) Give   (3) Pray  or  (4) Be disobedient.   C.H.A.R.M. is blessed with a number of folks who choose the first three options!


         Speaking of "giving".....we are so thankful for those of you who are able to financially support C.H.A.R.M. on a regular basis.  Thank you for making it possible to invest in the lives of so many precious folks inside and outside the prison wall.  We want to make sure we have an accurate accounting of those who have given to C.H.A.R.M. over the last seven months and would ask, if you have not received a "Thank You" in some form from C.H.A.R.M., to please let us know.  As we have put in to place new systems to process financial gifts it is possible we have overlooked your gift.  We realize you don't give to C.H.A.R.M. for the purpose of recognition but we would like to at least say "Thank You".   So, please let us know if you have not received an acknowledgement of any financial gift given since January.

         Speaking of "gifts" ......we would like to give thanks to God for His gifts He delivered to two of C.H.A.R.M.'s Advisory Board Members.
    James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights..."
         CONGRATULATIONS to Jason & Tiffany Melton and Chris & Becky Kiser in the births of their son and daughter.
    We pray God's peace and blessings over the lives of both of these babies.
     Isaiah 54:13   ".....great shall be the peace of thy children."
    Carole Young VB VolunteersKaris Jannette Kiser

           James Dean Melton                  Karis Jannette Kiser 

        We also want to welcome Jarret Venghaus to the AB as of August.  Jarret is a longtime volunteer and is passionate about the work of God through C.H.A.R.M. 

          These are exciting days for C.H.A.R.M. and there are even greater days ahead!  Thank you for your assistance in this critical ministry.

    C.H.A.R.M. Advisory Board       


     Important Info Regarding Financial Gifts to C.H.A.R.M.


        As C.H.A.R.M. continues the process of securing our own non-profit 501C-3 status we have partnered with the Missions Office at Houston's First Baptist Church to process financial gifts so that donors receive the proper tax deductions. 


        If you write a personal check intended as a donation to C.H.A.R.M. please:


    (1)  make the check payable to Houston's First Baptist Church


    (2)  write on the "memo line" of the check ---- CHARM Prison Ministry


        We also have offering envelopes labeled specifically for CHARM which we can make available to you.


        If you would prefer to donate online you can conveniently do so from the CHARM website OR by clicking the "DONATE  NOW" button in the column to the left.  When using the website, go to:


    (1)  www.charmprisonministry.org


    (2)  locate the box on the left side of the page that reads -DONATE NOW - and click there


    (3)  you will be connected to the HFBC page for "Online Mission Trip Contributions"


    (4)  following the section for your personal information you will come to a statement that reads"Which missionary journey would you like to contribute to?"  In the selection box to the right, click on the "down arrow".  A window will open and options are listed alphabetically.  Click on C.H.A.R.M. Prison Ministry.


    (5)  at this site you can make one time gifts as well as set up monthly bank drafts for regular gifts



         Thank you for your continued financial support of C.H.A.R.M.  The funds you supply yield eternal dividends.

          NEW MINISTRY 
    Indigent Supply  Drop-Off and Distribution
    Carole Vance Unit Volleyball

         Recently, C.H.A.R.M. was presented with a new ministry opportunity at the Carole Young Women's Unit in Dickinson.   Between 60 and 70 women each month go without proper hygiene items.  The State does not provide them with items we would consider as essentials like toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo & conditioner.   If their families cannot provide those items for them through the unit commissary, these women simply go without.  They are labeled as "Indigent". 


         Kaye was asked if C.H.A.R.M. could step in and provide these much needed items on a regular basis and without hesitation she responded as she sensed the Lord would if the request was made of Him.   Kaye & David will be delivering the first batch of items for 70 women this week.  A good portion of the items were provided by another ministry

    Kaye and BB
    Carole Vance Unit Volleyball

    and the Tricketts will be shopping for the rest.


         If you know of someone who has connections with a retailer or wholesaler who carries such products and you believe they might be interested in helping to supply this need, please contact them on behalf of C.H.A.R.M. or direct us to do so.  As you can imagine, if C.H.A.R.M. has to purchase these items on a regular basis through a retailer our limited budget will be deleted quickly.


        If you would like to help provide for this need personally, we would welcome you to designate your donation as "Indigent".   We will see that your funds are used appropriately.Carole Vance Unit Volleyball


        Can you imagine how God will use these simple gifts to open the hearts and souls of these needy women?  To God be the Glory!

    Volleyball at the Carole Young Unit 
    Volleyball at Carole Young Unit 
        Having never been inside a prison, let alone played a full day of volleyball with women who are incarcerated, I had no frame of reference for the life-changing event that took place on Saturday, July 10th with C.H.A.R.M.!
    C.H.A.R.M. Volunteers
     Thank You Ladies!!
    Carole Young VB Volunteers
         It was a bit sobering to see the prison in the distance as we were pulling up, especially after lighthearted car conversations that we just came from during the hour long drive to the Carole Young Unit in Dickinson.  The reality of this broken world can hit like a ton of bricks.  Yet after walking past guards, getting signed in, entering the gates and hearing the loud clang behind me, I heard music!  Loud praise music! 
    Belinda Moreno and her Friends keep the Praise and Worship music coming
    Carole Young VB Volunteers
    Welcomed with hugs and huge smiles
    Carole Young VB Volunteers
    As we walked up to the court these women threw their arms out ready to hug each of us with a huge smile.  I have rarely been so instantly accepted!  We praised God together, we joked around, we made conversation about our lives.
    Kelley Kirby and her New Friend
    Carole Vance Unit Volleyball
         When we started playing volleyball, the true genius of this ministry struck me.  Sports are an instant ice breaker; and team sports foster encouragement as well as an instant connection beyond words.  We were connecting with these ladies because we were sweating and working hard together.  The common denominator of sports started to supersede any insecurity of our differences all players might have been feeling, so that when we were done sweating and praising God through volleyball, the connection remained for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be shared!
    D'Ann Palazzo and her New Friend
    D'Ann And New Friend
    Touching Future Generations
    Carole Young VB Volunteers
    Three people that I know of came to salvation in Christ that day after a time of worship and hearing   the  testimonies of people from C.H.A.R.M. 
    Being able to play
    Jamie Brewer and her New Friend
    Carole Young VB Volunteers
    volleyball and connect with women who are living in a reminder of the consequences of a broken world was life-changing enough, but being able to then pray with women who accepted Christ that day was a forever shift in my spirit.  I will always pray for the women I met that day.
    Meagan Stillwell
    Meagan Stilwell
       I cannot wait to go back as soon and as often as I can to play more volleyball and share Christ's love!
         Thank you C.H.A.R.M. for being a vessel of God's pure love! 
         -  Meagan Stilwell, Volunteer
    "Hoop Dreams"   
    Time for Tip-Off
    Basketball at Darrington Unit

         What do you enjoy?  Reading, watching movies, cooking, baseball.....obviously the list is endless.  As you think about  that, wouldn't it be great to use your "hobby" for the glory of  God?  The answer is a resounding YES!  I love sports, I always have and I guess I always will.  Sports have a way of bringing people together in a way which few things do.  While playing them you are just a ballplayer...everyone is equal and that's always a good thing.

         Basketball is my first love.  While my skills are fading fast  with age, the desire to play is still there.  I've played basketball with David Trickett for years and I was extremely excited when he mentioned that he was adding basketball to C.H.A.R.M's sports program.  I had participated in volleyball outreach events and knew that the men and women were very competitive.  I was expecting the same thing to be true with basketball.  Fortunately, we have a great group of guys at Houston's First Baptist Church and Second Baptist Church that are also good basketball players.  Not only do they "walk the walk" but they also "have game". 

    Kevin Kuklis and his New Friends
    Kevin Kuklis and IFI Friends

         Our first adventure took place in May at the Carol Vance unit in Sugarland.  Of course, there was some good natured  trash talking as we began but our incarcerated brothers didn't realize how good we were and we stole the day.  But that wasn't what was important; we played good clean games, we bonded, ate chow together and worshipped together. 

    Malcolm Marshall (Mista Excelsius) and the Men of IFI(Innerchange Freedom Initiative) unite in Worship
    Carole Young VB Volunteers

     Basketball was the vehicle God used to bring men on the outside together with men on the inside to share life. Malcolm Marshall AKA "Mista Excelsius" led the men in a time of worship and then challenged them not to just wear the title of Christian but live it out and  to be real men of God.  It was great.

         Our second adventure took place in June at the Darrington Unit near Rosharon.  Again we had a group of guys that play or had played at Houston's First and Second Baptist Church. 

    Brought together through Basketball held together in CHRIST
    Carole Young VB Volunteers


    It was definitely a talented group and we needed every ounce of talent because the men we played at the  Darrington unit were very good.  We fielded a team made up of guys like me, past our prime, guys that were in their prime and guys that were still in college.     

         Our ability to compete with our brothers immediately opened the lines of communication and any anticipated barriers between us were non-existent.  Another  barrier breaker was the presence of Melvin Adams, the former Globetrotter. 

    Shedrick and Melvin Adams, Old Rivals to Good Friends

    Carole Young VB Volunteers


     Not only did Melvin wow everyone with his  amazing tricks with the basketball, his ability to play the game but also with his ability to communicate God's love in a funny and challenging way.  Along with Melvin we all bonded and worshipped the Lord.  It was another great day.


    Malcolm Pierre and his New Friend

    Malcolm Pierre


    Our mutual love for a game allowed us to interact in a way that ministered to all of us.  God is truly good and has provided us with the opportunity to minister while doing something we love. I can't  wait for the next opportunity to play, even if it's just for a few minutes. 

     - Malcolm Pierre, Advisory Board Member & Volunteer



    Event Photos

    Jarvis and I in San Antonio celebrating his Homecoming
    Jarvis and I in San Antonio/Homecoming

    Volunteer Spotlight

     Jarvis Moore-
     A Friend in need, a Friend indeed.

     (Proverbs 17:17, Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) 


       I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was a new believer and I wanted so much to follow the Lord wholeheartedly. I just didn't know what that looked like. I needed someone to give practical application to the scriptures. Just a few months before from the floor of my cell in the Harris County jail, in a puddle of my own tears, full of guilt and shame for all the wrongs that I had done, I came to the end of myself and I cried out to God "if you're out there and you're real, come into my heart and change my life". He did just that. He met me right where I was. There was an overwhelming sense of peace and joy that was unexplainable. I was very familiar with jailhouse religion but this was something different.  A fews years prior I myself had walked an isle for salvation(Fire Insurance) but never allowed the Lord His rightful place on the throne of my life thus resulting in no change.

            The transformation I experienced that night reminds me of the passage from Isaiah 61:1-4,7...."The Spirit of the Lord God was upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion-to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that HE may be glorified. They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations.... Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy."


        Immediately, the scriptures went from black and white to living color.  The Lord had set me free spiritually and delivered me but I still was facing a 35 year prison sentence and physical freedom was still a long ways off. I vowed to the Lord no matter how long I had to serve I was going to use the time to draw close to Him, learn to hear His voice and find out what His plan for my life was and how to walk it out. The Lord was merciful in that He saw fit that instead of a 35 years I would only have to do 2 ten year sentences and they would be served concurrent. (Meaning just 1 ten year sentence) Still along time, but I was very thankful. 


       Spring forward a few months and I was off to prison to serve out my time. I had always been a fighter and one of the first things God began to deal with me on was that I was not going to fight anymore. (I really thought He was joking) How was I going to make it in prison without fighting? After all I had served a little over four years off and on prior to this and I fought almost everyday. (Kindness means weakness in prison) God was putting me to the test early to see if I would really trust Him. Over the next four years God proved faithful again to His promise and I didn't have one fight. He went before me in everything I did. I felt so much  like Joseph in that the favor of God followed me everywhere I went. I pleaded with God to show me how to live like Christ and the first day I arrived at the prison unit He was faithful to send that person to show me the way. He was my Paul and I was his Timothy. This brother met me there as I came into the dorm and began to speak truth into my life from the very beginning. He was the man of peace in that dorm and it was obvious. They called it "The God Pod". My prayers had been answered. The Lord had sent someone who truly modeled the life of Christ.


        Still a baby in Christ I thought life had dealt me a bad hand and even though I was born again I still struggled with a lot of the desires of the flesh and being content with where God had me. Over the next two years this brother was faithful to rebuke and reprove me in the love of Christ and more importantly walk out what he talked. He was the "living epistle" Paul talks about in 2 Corinthians 3:3. I was the friend in need and he was the friend indeed. We became great friends and God, over the time we were together, grew us both in our walks with Him and with one another. God then began to birth visions for ministry for both of us and now over ten years later He has brought many of those visions to pass. One of those visions came to pass last month we were able to walk into a prison together and minister to those we once did time with. You go God!!!


    A Grateful and Indebted friend,

    David Trickett


    Introducing my Dear Friend and Brother Jarvis Moore..........

    "A True Brother" 
    Back inside ministering together !
    God has been so faithful to His Promises 
    Jarvis Moore & David Trickett
        I first met David Trickett in early 1999 at the Garza West Unit.  Hungry to grow in his new life with Christ and yet struggling with his old identity, the Lord placed me in David's life to encourage and challenge him.  Interestingly, I discovered David was placed in my life to do the very same thing for me.


          The Lord allowed us to serve together in ministry to the men of the Garza West Unit not only in meeting spiritual needs but also physical needs.  David came to me one night and asked what he could do specifically to assist the fellowship.  As deodorant and toothpaste is always a great need for those incarcerated, we prayed for God's provision in that area and God began to faithfully meet that need.  Even after David was released from prison in 2002, he continued to personally send funds for this need among his brothers still behind bars.


          While together at Garza West, I challenged David to begin taking a leadership role in our Bible Study opportunities.  I watched as the Lord matured him by leaps and bounds and the lives of countless men were touched by his sincerity and openness. 


          When I was released from prison in September of 2009, David and Kaye were on hand in San Antonio to welcome me home.  We dreamed of serving together again behind bars and this past July had the opportunity to do so as I joined David in an outreach event at the Carol Vance Unit in Richmond.   Looking into the faces of the men at Carol Vance my prayer was that they would find a true friend and brother as I did in David.  I realized, in fact, they HAVE found a true friend and brother in David.

    Bentrae and Jarvis meet face to face after months of mail coorespondence

    Carole Vance Unit Volleyball


          I am truly encouraged and my heart is warmed as I think about how God is using C.H.A.R.M. among the men and women incarcerated in Texas. 


    Always a Good Soldier of

    Jesus Christ,       
    Jarvis Moore of InsideOut Ministry
    Event Photos

    Upcoming Events for 2010

    August 6th: Church Service - Star of Hope (Houston, TX)

    August 8th: Church Service- IFI Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)

    August 10th: Indigent Supplies Delivery- Carole Young Women's Unit (Dickinson,TX)
    August 12th: Prison Tour- Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)

    August 14th: Sports Ministry Event (Softball) Darrington Unit TC (Rosharon,TX)

    August 15th: Church Service- Dempsie Henley Unit (Dayton, TX)

    August 20th: Radio Show-"The Prison Show"

    September 4th: Sports Ministry Event (Basketball) - Darrington Unit (Rosharon, TX)

    September 9th: Prison Tour- Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    September 11th: Sports Ministry Event (Basketball) - IFI carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    September 12th: Church Service -IFI Carol Vance Unit  (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    September 24th: Heather Layne Benefit Concert- HFBC Chapel (Houston,TX)
    September 25th: Sports Ministry Event(Volleyball)-Carole Young Women's Unit (Dickinson,TX)
    October 9th: Sports Ministry Event (Basketball) - Darrington Unit (Rosharon, TX)
    October 10th: Church Service - IFI Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    October 14th: Prison Tour- Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)

    October 17th: Church Service - Dempsie Henley Unit (Dayton, TX)

    October 23rd: Sports Ministry Event (Softball) Darrington Unit TC (Rosharon,TX)
    November 5th: Church Service - Star of Hope (Houston,TX)
    Novenber 11th: Prison Tour- Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    Novenber 14th: Church Service - IFI Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    December 4th: Sports Ministry Event (Basketball) - IFI Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    December 9th: Prison Tour- Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    December 12th: Church Service - IFI Carol Vance Unit (Richmond/Rosenberg, TX)
    December 19th: Church Service - Dempsie Henley Unit (Dayton, TX)
            Stay updated with the website calendar for future events and date changes
        Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation, namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
                                                          2 Corinthians 5:17-21  (NASB)