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April 2011


In This Issue
Redbud - a Sign of Spring
Crabgrass Preventer
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The trees are here!  Truck loads  have started rolling in!  If you want the widest selection you'll have all season, stop by soon to get the best choice of our new arrivals.  Perhaps you are not the "patient gardener" and you'd rather start off with a nice, big tree instead of waiting for years as your new tree grows.  Well . . . .we've got just what you need . . . . . BIG TREES !

     Looking for shade trees?  'Autumn Blaze' Maple provides a long-lasting orange-red fall color.  Maple 'Red Sunset' has a bright crimson fall color. 'Sun Valley', a newer maple introduction, has long-lasting red fall color and is SEEDLESS.  Like Oaks? We have White, Swamp White, Bur, Chinquapin, and Northern Red.  We also carry Birch, Katsura, Hawthorn, Linden, Tuliptree, Bald Cypress, Black Gum, Bald Cypress, and many other shade trees.

     Need an ornamental tree?  How about Flowering Pear, Redbud, Crabapple, Magnolia, Serviceberry, Dogwood, Weeping Cherry, Japanese Maple, Stewartia, or Japanese Tree Lilac?
     We have the largest selection of trees, and ours are guaranteed to grow in Northwest Indiana.  In fact, we guarantee all shade, evergreen, and ornamental trees and shrubs for 2 years.
Forest Pansy Redbud

Forest Pansy
  Redbud in bloom


Redbud - a Sign of Spring
Redbuds are a spring favorite with their bright pink blooms that gracefully line the tree's limbs before the heart-shaped leaves appear.  Dr. Michael Dirr calls them "a breath of fresh air after a long winter." This native is frequently found as a smaller understory tree in mixed forests in the wild and is quite evident along highway edges in the spring.  It grows well in full sun to light shade and prefers moist, well-drained, deep soils.
Many new varieties have become available in recent years, and we are carrying quite a few of them.  'Forest Pansy' has been the standard for redbuds with red leaves, but this year we will also have a new red-leafed one called 'Burgundy Hearts'. It is supposed to retain it's red leaf color throughout the summer, rather than turning a bronzy green. It is also known for its resistance to summer leaf scorch.  'Lavender Twist' is a weeping, green-leafed form with contorted branches that form an arching umbrella shape.  'Silver Cloud', another weeping Redbud, has green leaves with patches of white variegation and is best grown in some shade.  It should never be allowed to dry out in summer, and will probably be a smaller tree than other redbuds, but will be very showy in the spring. If you like a deeper red-pink flower try 'Appalacia Red', which is already  a stand-out in our Garden Center this spring.
 FL Crabgrass PreventerSo What's The Big Deal With Crabgrass Preventer? 
Last year was a banner year for crabgrass; and because crabgrass is an annual grass that comes up from seed produced the previous year, it means there are millions of seeds just waiting to spring to life in your lawn as soon as the ground warms up. The best course of action is to prevent the seed from germinating by applying a pre-emergent Herbicide such as Ferti-lome Crabgrass Preventer + Lawn Food.  This also provides a slow-release fertilizer for your lawn and must be applied BEFORE the crabgrass seed germinates, usually up until about Mother's Day.  You will not be able to sow grass seed in treated areas for 8 weeks, because it, too, will not germinate.

Four Seasons Landscaping Nursery                                   Open:    9 - 5:30 Mon-Sat

1 mile East of State Road 49 on US Highway 6                              10 - 4:00 Sunday

between Chesterton and Valparaiso, IN                        Phone:  219.464.4941

Website:  FourSeasonsValpo.com                                    Email:   Info@FourSeasonsValpo.com