Practicing and promoting Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in DuPage County, Illinois
a 501c3 not-for-profit organization dedicated to promoting and
practicing Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) in DuPage County, Illinois. We
believe that TNR is the only effective, humane and long-term solution
to the problem of cat overpopulation.
The Feral Fixers e-Newsletter - Issue #25 - November 2010
Dear Friend,
Its been another very busy month for Feral Fixers. We set another new record for the number of cats we processed in a single month - 154! We're keeping busy, that's for sure... In this newsletter, you can read our President's report, including information about someone who jumped to the wrong conclusions about us (it's all good now) and how we could do even more, if we had more volunteers. And, don't forget, coming up soon is our first annual Feral Fixers Bazaar - Shop For Strays. This event will be happening this Sunday, the 7th, from 10am to 2pm, at the VFW Post 2801 located at 39 E St. Charles Rd., in Villa Park. We've collected a large number of vendors to display their wares at this event - so come out and get some of your Christmas shopping done early! Admission to the event is an item from our Wish List. And, in this newsletter, you can also read about some of the things which go on 'behind the scenes' at Feral Fixers as well as some other ways that you can help us help the cats. Thank you for all of your continued support!
Feral Fixers
Ya Just Never Know... Dealing with so many cats and people, you never know what will happen next. There are so many generous, caring people who are so grateful for the work that we do, they make it easy to keep going on. And then. Today, while trying to trap a mom cat, a caretaker trapped a cat that seemed very friendly. One of our volunteers transported it to me while the caretaker continued to try to trap her target cat. We scanned the cat, found the AVID chip. Called AVID. They had sold the chips to some middle company, who had then sold it to a veterinarian. So, on the third call, the vet's office was able to identify who the cat belonged to and called them to let them know we had their cat. Usual process. The call I got was from someone very upset as they have been letting the cat outside for years, have always let their cat outside and how could we spirit the cat away like this? I tried to explain but they were just too upset. They demanded to come get their cat immediately so I gave them directions. Dreading their arrival, not because we were in the wrong but because we never want to upset anyone and this clearly was not going to go well. By the time they arrived, they had come to realize that if the cat had really been missing for more than an hour or two, if it had been days or weeks, they would have been overjoyed to hear from us! And they gave us a donation and promised to try to keep the cat inside, its just they spoil the dickens out of her and give her anything she wants, even if it is going outside! We hugged and parted company on very good terms. Ya just never know. I may be biased, but I think it shows what an overwhelmingly good thing TNR is. We educate people every day, we save lives and we build relationships. (Oh, and before they thought better of it, they ripped us on Facebook but were going back to correct it - so if you see it, all is good now.) Limited Only By Our ResourcesIn October, we TNR'd 154 cats. That is just amazing, isn't it? This is with a skeleton crew of 7 transporters and 4 people who can trap for those who cannot trap for themselves. And many times these people do both transport and trap (and foster for that matter)... Read more from our President this month here.
Want to help?
Interested in helping Feral Fixers? We are looking for a 'few good volunteers'! Specifically, we're looking for someone to help us transport cats to and from PAWS (the Spay/Neuter clinic we use) in Chicago.
We need transport both in the morning and the afternoon. If you're interested in helping, call us at (630) 881-FXRS (3977) or email us at info@feralfixers.org.
Behind the Scenes It's not always just doing Trap-Neuter-Return, there are a lot of ancillary things that happen at Feral Fixers. For example, this past weekend, we were able to place five kittens for adoption; four at the PAWS-Chicago and one at Felines, Inc. These kittens had been kept and socialized for us by our volunteer fosters. Feral Fixers also received a food donation from Felines, Inc. which was then immediately given to one of our volunteers who takes care of multiple colonies. Feral Fixers also received a donation of Cat litter from PURRS-Naperville, which was also then delivered to one of our volunteers to be passed onto other colony caretakers. So, thank you to PAWS, thank you to Felines, Inc. and thank you to PURRS for helping us out and a big THANK YOU to the volunteers who did all the driving; pick-ups and deliveries - we couldn't do it without you!
How many cats? - 2,304 !!
Feral Fixers was founded in September of 2007. In that abbreviated first year, Feral Fixers had 86 cats spayed / neutered. In 2008, Feral Fixers had 525 cats spayed / neutered and in 2009, Feral Fixers had 868 cats spayed / neutered. So far in 2010, Feral Fixers has had 825 cats spayed / neutered.
This brings us to a total of 2,304 cats. Clicking on the calculator to the right will send you to the Feral Fixers 'Statistics' page where you can see our progress, month-by-month, since we've started work.
Donate to Feral Fixers
Feral Fixers offers its TNR services to all colony caretakers, without charge. While we ask for donations from colony caretakers, we recognize that for some of them, any additional cost is just too much. Therefore we rely on donations from other individuals to make up the difference and allow us to continue our work. These donations allow us to spay/neuter additional cats, keep a 'bank' of traps and trap dividers we loan out for free, hold workshops and provide other educational benefits.
You can help us continue our work by clicking on the Donate button, above. This will take you to the PayPal website where you can donate to Feral Fixers via PayPal or credit card. Feral Fixers is a registered 501c3 charitable organization and all donations are deductible to the fullest amount allowed by law.
We greatly appreciate any amount you can afford to give - Thank You!
Another new monthly record! This past month, October of 2010, Feral Fixers set a new record for the number of cats we had spayed/neutered in a single month - 154! This easily blew away our previous record of 137. It takes a volunteer network and it takes a Spay/Neuter clinic committed to spay/neuter and to TNR to do this kind of number. We are once again very grateful to our volunteers and to the PAWS-Chicago Spay/Neuter clinic and we'll say it again - WE COULDN'T DO WHAT WE DO WITHOUT YOU - THANK YOU! |
Calendar of Upcoming Events
Sunday, November 7, 2010 - Feral Fixers is hosting its first annual Feral Fixers Bazaar - " Shop for Strays!" This event will be held from 10am to 2pm at the VFW Post 2801, 39 E St Charles Rd. in Villa Park IL. At the event will be a wide variety of home party consultants in one place and one time for your convenience! Shop early, avoid the rush and get a head start on your Holiday shopping! Admission: Wish List item. December 14th, 2010 - Another Sweet Tomatoes Fun-raiser! We have booked another event at the Sweet Tomatoes Restaurant located at 2820 Highland Avenue in Lombard (630-932-5009). If you come for a meal between 5:00pm and 8:00pm on December 14th, please give a copy of this flyer to the person collecting your money. Sweet Tomatoes will donate 20% of all proceeds collected from people bringing that flyer to Feral Fixers! The first time we had one of these, in October, it proved to be a huge success, so come out and join us for a great dinner and help Feral Fixers!
Other ways to help Feral Fixers
Jewel-Osco stores are now giving away "Reward Stickers" to shoppers who use the Jewel-Osco 'Preferred Card' during their purchase. Shoppers receive one sticker for each $10 spent on eligible purchase (more details about this program can be found here). These "Reward Stickers" can be redeemed for Thomas Professional Cookware. If shoppers would mail these coupons to Feral Fixers (PO Box 1416, Lombard, IL. 60148) instead, we would use them to purchase this Cookware and then make these items as part of the baskets we sell at Silent Auctions. This is a great way for you to help us without costing you a dime! These stickers must be redeemed by January 26, 2011.  You can also help us by simply shopping at Gordon Food Services (GFS) and mentioning our name during checkout. If you shop at GFS, when they ask if your purchase is for a business or charity, all you have to do is say Feral Fixers - you don't need a card or anything and a percentage of your purchase goes to FF at the end of the year. Feral Fixers is on file, they just type it in and that is all you have to do. Pass the info on to anyone you know who shops there, anyone can help us raise funds in this way with no added expense! GFS has some great and convenient products - check out what they have to offer! It's like a warehouse club without the membership fee and they have similar large packaging and prices. And if you don't see something in the store, look online and you can order it for pickup at the store, and Feral Fixers still benefits! Thank you Gordon Food Services!
Kittens, kittens and more kittens... Feral Fixers continues to be inundated with calls about "I found some kittens - can you take them for me?" Even though we are not a shelter, we still get these calls.
The situation is simple; there are just too many kittens and it's overwhelming the shelters and the fosters. It's SO important to 'TNR that mom' BEFORE she has her next litter. We're now in the position of usually having to ask people who call about this to 'step up' and socialize and foster these kittens on their own.
And, if everyone who is thinking of adopting a kitten or a cat would adopt TWO of them, rather than just one, this could make a significant dent in the problem. It's better for the cats anyway, to have some companionship when their owner / caretaker is not home. It's OK to adopt from any shelter, even from Craigslist as this is where many caretakers are trying to place their cats.
Shop for Feral Fixers
 Want to purchase something purr-fect for your cat-lover friends and help out Feral Fixers at the same time? Just visit our Café Press store and Buy Something! In addition to the Performance Jacket shown to the right (perfect for cat lovers!), we have T-shirts, sweatshirts, aprons, hoodies, Mouse Pads, gym bags, messenger bags, coffee mugs, tote-bags, pet food bowls, etc. A portion of each sale goes to help us in our TNR efforts. To visit the store, just click on the Performance Jacket or visit our website and click on the ' Buy Something' button at the top - Thank you! |
Visit us on the Web
Visit our website at www.feralfixers.org. There you can donate to us (via PayPal or credit card), visit our store, read the latest news, and learn more about feral cats. If this newsletter has been forwarded to you, you can also sign up to be on our mailing list so you don't miss a thing!
What is Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR)?
 TNR is a full management plan in
which stray and feral cats already living outdoors in cities, towns, and
rural areas are humanely trapped, evaluated, vaccinated, and sterilized
by veterinarians. When space is available, adoptable cats and kittens are transferred to
sheltering organizations to be adopted into good homes. Healthy adult
cats unsocialized to humans are returned to their familiar habitat under
the lifelong care of their original caretakers.
Feral Fixers, NFP, is a certified 501c3 corporation - EIN Number 13-4364615 |