Purefrancenow Roannais Restaurant Directory __________________ April Blogs, News, Reviews
Roanne Chambre de Commerce et Industrie
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Office de Tourisme Grand Roanne
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Auto Europe
The Art and Magic of Pralus in the Roannais.

Fran�ois Pralus is an exceptional Master Chocolate Maker because he is one of the few in France to manufacture his own chocolate. Today almost 100 tons of Pralus Chocolate are manufactured and sold each year.
Fran�ois Pralus works with dried cocoa beans that he receives from the very best cocoa plantations all over the world, especially from South America and Indonesia.
From these exceptional beans he produces around fifteen pure varieties and four blends.
"I do everything myself says Fran�ois Pralus, rather than buying from specialised suppliers."
And he has gone even further since he now has his own cocoa bean plantation in Madagascar. ____________________________________________________________ Bernard Ceysson Gallery, Saint Etienne.
 Louis Cane at Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Saint Etienne The Pure Art Gallery ____________________________________________________________________ 'This French Life' is supported by Purefrancenow. 
www.thisfrenchlife.com This French Life - Le Cuvage Purefrancenow Blog ____________________________________________________________

Roannais WebTV ____________________________________________________________
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