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Dedicated to the  promotion of the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes.
Purefrancenow Newsletter                    April  2012


Great Property  opportunities in the Rh�ne-Alpes.  


Escape to the Roannais with Purefrancenow


Chateau de Champlong   
   Restaurant & Hotel

Pure Art Gallery Montage

 Restaurant de la Loire

Rest la Loire
     Le Petit Prince

Rest la Loire
       Jacques Cœur

Jacques Coeur
        La Rocadine


        Maison Mons

Pure Art Gallery Montage

The Gastronomic Magic of the Roannais!

   Roannais  Directory

Join Our Mailing List
Purefrancenow Roannais Restaurant Directory
Blogs, News, Reviews  


Roanne Chambre de Commerce et Industrie

Manchester Chamber of Commerce

Roannais Tourisme

Office de Tourisme Grand Roanne

Escapades en Roannais

P�le de Promotion Roanne


Auto Europe

Ch�teau de Champlong triumphs again!

Chateau Champlong Celebrations
After yet another visit to Ch�teau de Champlong, this time as part of a business club reunion evening meal, a triumph of excellent cuisine by Olivier Boizet was once again experienced gladly by all!

The Ch�teau de Champlong, located right in the heart of the Roannais region, is set in lush green countryside.

This charming 17th century mansion, converted into a ch�teau during the
18th century and refurbished throughout by its owners, restaurateurs proud of their native region, offers the unique combination of a warm family atmosphere and a restaurant renowned throughout the entire region.

4 Stars Champlong

Chateau de Champlong Triumphs!


Vichy's amazing attractions near the Roannais.


Vichy is one of France's foremost spas which shot to fame in the 1860s when Napoleon III started taking the waters.


The town retains a real 'fin-de-siecle' charm.

The grand old Thermal Establishment built in 1900 has now been transformed
into a shopping mall and the Parc des Sources has a delightful bandstand where afternoon concerts are played.

There are many attractions to visit and experience.

Vichy's Attractions  



The Marvellous Medieval Village of Le Crozet.


Le Crozet 

 We visit the beautiful village of 'Le Crozet' once again!


Only 20 minutes, or so, from Roanne, up the famous 'Nationale 7' autoroute, nestled at the far end of the Monts de la Madeleine, in the C�te Roannaise you arrive at this gem of a medieval village with a colorful history.

A surprise and a delight is in store for anybody who makes the effort to visit this beautiful place.

Le Crozet 2





Bernard Ceysson Gallery, Saint Etienne.


Bernard Ceysson Gallery - Louis Cane 


 Ceysson logo

Louis Cane at Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Saint Etienne



 Art Gallery Logo 


 The Pure Art Gallery




'This French Life' is supported by Purefrancenow.


 This French Life Group




This French Life - Le Cuvage  


Purefrancenow Blog 



Rest la Loire



Roannais WebTV



Purefrancenow Monthly Newsletter Archive

● Our new monthly newsletter is now archived on our website 'Home Page',
so you can easily access the current newsletter and all previous month's.

● Our newsletters are e-mailed direct to a growing number of businesses and
contacts in the UK in order to promote what the Roannais and the
Rh�ne-Alpes has to offer.

Please visit our Purefrancenow Newsletter Archive to access all previous

Chateau de Champlong  nightime

WEBLINK AND ADVERTISE - from only �50 per year!



Opportunities for UK businesses to promote their products and services


in France, and particularly in the Rh�ne-Alpes, are available at special


advertising/weblink rates, with free 'introductory' editorial included.



Contact us direct at:






The unique website dedicated to the promotion of business in the Roannais,  

Rh�ne-Alpes 2.5 million+ potential website visits from UK and Europe per year. 


Roanne Bridge


Visit our website for information on all aspects of the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes.

Events, News, Business, Restaurants, H�tels, G�tes, Property, Gourmet
Week-ends, Weddings, Anniversaries, Special Celebrations, Wine and Food,
Art and History, French Lifestyle.....and much more!

Take a look at our News and Reviews for the latest reports: 
Purefrancenow Editorial
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The Purefrancenow Website is an international activity of Raynstar Limited (UK), administered and marketed by The Edge in the UK and France.