Wine-Tasting Success at the Cour des Loges Hotel in Lyon !
Purefrancenow's wine-tasting event in Lyon this November was a resounding success. The renowned, 5 star, Cour des Loges hotel in Lyon's 'Old Town' area was host to the event, and John Euvrard, one of France's top sommeliers was invited to choose and present all the wines during the evening.
Wine-tasting Event Success in Lyon !  Also read our previous editorial at:
________________________________________________________ Roannais Property Spotlight. 
Property opportunities abound here in the Roannais. With all the rapid, ongoing regional development in the region it seems, despite the current economic malaise, this could certainly be a particularly good time to invest in that holiday home, or permanent residence.
Such opportunities include remarkable, ancient ch�teaux, farmhouses, barns, and medieval village town houses either in the mountains, hillsides, or amongst the forests and rich farmland countryside.
Prices are good. There are absolute bargains and renovation opportunities to be had. Roannais Property Spotlight by Brian Franklin ___________________________________________________________ 'This French Life' is supported by Purefrancenow. This French Life - Le Cuvage Purefrancenow Blog ___________________________________________________________
"If the Black" Exhibition by Fr�d�ric Diart in the Roannais. A special 6-day exhibition of some of Fr�d�ric Diart's amazing paintings and creative installations is scheduled for 9th-15th December, 2011 at Chateau du Bourg, Perreux, Roannais. This unique show is entitled 'Das Schwarz Kommt' (If the Black).
 Our Man from Dubai meets Fr�d�ric Diart
'Colline du Colombier' from Maison Troisgros by Brian Franklin.
We have written several times about Colline du Colombier, and for good reason.
This marvellous rural 'auberge-style' restaurant has been created by Maison Troisgros almost as an antithesis to their more formal and famous 3-star restaurant in Roanne...

September 29, 2011 - January 07, 2012
Galerie Bernard Ceysson 
The Pure Art Gallery ____________________________________________________________

Roannais WebTV ____________________________________________________________
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