Purefrancenow Roannais Restaurant Directory __________________
June Blogs, News, Reviews
PARTNERS: Roanne Chambre de Commerce et Industrie
Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Roannais Tourisme
Office de Tourisme Grand Roanne
Escapades en Roannais
P�le de Promotion Roanne
Auto Europe
The warmest Spring in France since 19OO.
Thisfrenchlife.com features a report on the hottest Spring in France since 1900. Here in the Roannais it has been sizzlingly hot and dry for over 2 months. Temperautures have reached over 30 degrees at 'Le Cuvage', Perreux, Roannais. Read more about it at This French Life: The warmest Spring in France since1900 ________________________________________________ Le Cuvage Story: 'The Finishing Touches'.
One of the salient reasons our Le Cuvage project progressed with such confidence and competence was the planning. We employed a French quantity surveyor, along with an independent project assessor, conducteur/ driver, as our French friends called him. Before we moved a single lump of earth or hacked into any structure, we commissioned a comprehensive build programme assessment, and cost estimate by a specialist building economiste. He organised devis (quotations) from a minimum of three different companies before making any recommendations and final selections. The companies were assessed on experience, quality, reputation and approach, as well as price. Read the full article at: This French Life - Le Cuvage - Finishing Touches
Purefrancenow Blog
From Dubai to Ch�teau de Champlong in the Roannais.

Here at Purefrancenow we always take the chance to emphasise great experiences we have had, especially those we have had with very good friends. This is particularly the case in this instance when they are friends who have travelled all the way from Dubai to visit us here in the Roannais as part of a 2 week French sojourn.

Read all about it: Dubai to Ch�teau de Champlong
Ch�teau de Champlong __________________________________________________
'This French Life' is supported by Purefrancenow. 

Galerie Bernard Ceysson 
The Pure Art Gallery _________________________________________________  Roannais WebTV
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 The Purefrancenow Website is an international activity of Raynstar Limited (UK), administered and marketed by The Edge in the UK and France. |