Purefrancenow Roannais Restaurant Directory __________________ March Blogs, News, Reviews __________________
Roanne Chambre de Commerce et Industrie
Manchester Chamber of Commerce
Roannais Tourisme
Office de Tourisme Grand Roanne
Escapades en Roannais
P�le de Promotion Roanne
Auto Europe
Speciality olive oils, vinegars, and mustards in the Roannais.

For more than 120 years, in the southernmost corner of Burgundy, near the Roannais region, has been the home to the cultivation of a range of culinary oils with an authentic fruity flavour.
Through the generations, the LEBLANC family has handed down its trade secrets based on the watchwords of authenticity, tradition and nature, flavour, gastronomy and sophistication.
Is it the stone mill that has been grinding the seeds and fruits since 1878, or is it the age-old techniques passed from father to son? It's probably a beautiful combination of the two that guarantees the quality and special identity of every precious trickle of oil that emerges from the press.
The famous J.Leblanc oils in the Roannais - by Lucy Franklin
Maison Fomagerie Mons Revisited.

The French are passionate about most things!
Never more so than with their cheeses, and if there is one extremely successful, family-run business that exemplifies this then it has to be Fromagerie Mons.
Today, Maison Mons has 22 people working at its caves in the Roannais, 155 clients in France, and many clients in 19 countries, 130 individual producers in France, 4 cheese shops, and about 190 different cheeses aging throughout the year.
'Affinage' cheese aging will always be the heart of their operation.
Visit their new website for more information about this excellent establishment, and, of course, where to buy their wide range of top quality cheeses: Maison Mons
Purefrancenow Food and Drink
Purefrnacenow Cheese News and Blogs

 Jean-Marc Cerino March 10 - May 15, 2010

Chrstian Jaccard March 20 - September 5, 2010
Galerie Bernard Ceysson

The Pure Art Gallery

Roannais WebTV
Purefrancenow Monthly Newsletter Archive

www.purefrancenow.comVisit our website for information on all aspects of the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes. Events, News, Business, Restaurants, H�tels, G�tes, Property, Gourmet Week-ends, Weddings, Anniversaries, Special Celebrations, Wine and Food, Art and History, French Lifestyle.....and much more!
Take a look at our News and Reviews for the latest reports: Purefrancenow Editorial
 The Purefrancenow Website is an international activity of Raynstar Limited (UK), administered and marketed by The Edge in the UK and France.