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Dedicated to the  promotion of the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes.
Purefrancenow Newsletter                       August  2009
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Australians at Chateau de Champlong!Pure Art Gallery Montage

By the courtesy of Purefrancenow a group of Australians experienced the culinary delights of Olivier Boizet during  a special evening dinner. "Absolutely marvellous!" was their unanimous response afterwards.
Chateau de Champlong Restaurant, Hotel,
Le Cuvage

Paradise at Chateau de Champlong - Review

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Bastille Day
 Celebrations and Fireworks !

July in the Roannais was full of events, activities, and celebrations. Of course the French 'Fete' Nationale' on the 14th July is particularly poignant, and every township and village throughout France makes a special effort to celebrate 'Bastille Day'.
The Roannais is a great place to be during this time, and Roanne, in particular, puts on a fantastic firework display.
This August is set be just as unforgettable!
Pure Art Gallery Montage

Purefrancenow Roannais Restaurant Directory
Blogs, News, Reviews


Roanne Chambre de Commerce et Industrie

Manchester Chamber of Commerce

Roannais Tourisme

Office de Tourisme Grand Roanne

Escapades en Roannais

P�le de Promotion Roanne


Auto Europe

Summer Images

Summer is here again in the Roannais!

And during this summer Purefrancenow continues to recommend the Roannais, and its many attractions, f�tes, villages, shops, and restaurants to
all our guests, holidaymakers, and business contacts who are staying in this superb and varied region.

Purefrancenow is active every day in promoting the best of the Roannais in the Rh�ne-Alpes, and the most interesting places to visit.

Many of our listed and featured restaurants and business have already been  recommended to many British and Overseas visitors to the Roannais during June and July in order to to sample the wide variety and exceptional quality of their cuisine, products, and services.

                                                                          � JEAN GUY LATHUILI�RE 2009 All rights reserved.

Jean Guy Lathuili�re at the Pure Art Gallery

The remarkable and highly creative photographic images of Jean Guy Lathuiliere are now being presented at the Pure Art Gallery.

Internationally renowned, and with an exceptionally successful and award-winning career in photography, Jean Guy's thought-provoking work is on show at the Pure Art Gallery.

This includes beautiful, moody landscapes, graphic black and white portraits from around the world, and specially themed 'movie' features presenting a selection of his work in a sequential, and impactful style.

Jean Guy Lathuiliere endeavours in his remarkable pictures to discover an essence of truth reflected in everyday life and the world around him.
So,take a look!

The Pure Art Gallery

Purefrancenow Monthly Newsletter Archive

● Our new monthly newsletter is now archived on our website 'Home Page', so you can easily access the current newsletter and all previous month's.

● Our newsletters are e-mailed direct to a growing number of businesses and contacts in the UK in order to promote what the Roannais and the Rh�ne-Alpes has to offer.

Please visit our Purefrancenow Newsletter Archive to access all previous newsletters.

Chateau de Champlong  nightime

WEBLINK AND ADVERTISE - from only �50 per year!

Opportunities for UK businesses to promote their products and services in France, and particularly in the Rh�ne-Alpes, are available at special advertising/weblink rates, with free 'introductory' editorial included.

Contact us direct at: info@purefrancenow.com

The unique website dedicated to the promotion of business in the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes

Roanne Bridge


Visit our website for information on all aspects of the Roannais,

Events, News, Business, Restaurants, H�tels, G�tes, Property, Gourmet Week-ends, Weddings, Anniversaries, Special Celebrations, Wine and Food, Art and History, French Lifestyle.....and much more!

Take a look at our News and Reviews for the latest reports:  Purefrancenow Editorial
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The Purefrancenow Website is an international activity of Raynstar Limited (UK), administered and marketed by The Edge in the UK and France.