 Purefrancenow visits this exceptional museum in the heart of Roanne in the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes.
This remarkable place on the site of a chateau is dedicated to Art and Archaeology.
Built at the end of the 18th century, and nestling in the centre of the bustling township of Roanne, the museum is named after Joseph D�chelette, a locally renowned man from a large, successful, local family, and now an internationally famous figure of archaeology.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 10.am - 12 noon, 2.00pm - 6.00pm
Saturday : 10.00am - 6.00pm
Sunday :2.00pm - 6.00pm
entrance fee: 4€, free Wednesday afternoon
Le Mus�e des Beaux Arts - editorial

Spring Arrives!
In this month's Purefrancenow Newsletter we present even more new information concerning our promotion of the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes.
Including our Gourmet Weekends at Chateau Champlong, and an introduction to an internationally famous museum of Art and Archaeology in Roanne.
Purefrancenow Monthly Newsletter Archive
● Our new monthly newsletter is now archived on our website 'Home Page', so you can easily access the current newsletter and all previous month's.
● Our newsletters are e-mailed direct to a growing number of businesses and contacts in the UK in order to promote what the Roannais and the Rh�ne-Alpes has to offer.● Our newsletter (French version) is also e-mailed to our partners, businesses, and contacts in the Roannais and Rh�ne-Alpes to provide information on our new editorial coveraged, links to our 'Blog, News and Reviews', new content and services offered on www.purefrancenow.com, and to demonstrate that we are pro-active in developing access to many opportunities in the Roannais and the Rh�ne-Alpes for UK businesses, families, and individuals. Please visit our Purefrancenow Newsletter Archive to access all previous newsletters.
WEBLINK AND ADVERTISE - from only �50 per year! Opportunities for UK businesses to promote their products and services in France, and particularly in the Rh�ne-Alpes, are available at special advertising/weblink rates, with free 'introductory' editorial included. Contact us direct at: info@purefrancenow.comwww.purefrancenow.comThe unique website dedicated to the promotion of business in the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes

www.purefrancenow.comVisit our website for information on all aspects of the Roannais, Rh�ne-Alpes. Events, News, Business, Restaurants, H�tels, G�tes, Property, Gourmet Week-ends, Weddings, Anniversaries, Special Celebrations, Wine and Food, Art and Histoiry, French Lifestyle.....and much more!
Take a look at our News and Reviews for the latest reports: Purefrancenow Editorial
 The Purefrancenow Website is an international activity of Raynstar Limited (UK), administered and marketed by The Edge in the UK and France.