For Immediate Release

Contact: Brighid O'Keane

Advocacy Advance Program Manager

Alliance for Biking & Walking

202.621.5442, [email protected] 


Advocacy Advance Awards $25,000 in Grants

Funded efforts will increase biking in Mississippi and Arizona 

Washington, D.C. - June 20, 2012 - With $25,000 in grants, Advocacy Advance will boost the growth of young advocacy organizations and dramatically increase biking and walking in Mississippi and Tucson, Arizona.


Since 2009, Advocacy Advance -- a partnership of the Alliance for Biking & Walking and the League of American Bicyclists -- has awarded more than $750,000 in direct grants to 40 state and local advocacy organizations that have used those dollars to achieve powerful improvements for biking and walking in their communities.  


In 2012, the grants program specifically targets capacity building efforts and will help grow and professionalize two energetic and promising organizations: Bike Walk Mississippi and Living Streets Alliance in Tucson, Ariz.


"Receiving this grant is a real game-changer for Living Streets Alliance," says Emily Yetman, Founder and President of Living Streets Alliance. "It will provide us with the resources we need to expand our programs and reach out to entirely new audiences in the greater Tucson region and beyond. Our Pedestrian Safety & Comfort Campaign will make our city a safer, more enjoyable and more convenient place to walk."


"Although a state typically ranked high in obesity and low in bicycle friendliness, Bike Walk Mississippi believes that local communities have both the drive and passions to do their part to transform Mississippi into a healthier, happier and more bicycle friendly state," says Melody Moody, Executive Director of Bike Walk Mississippi. "With the help of the Advocacy Advance matching grant, Bike Walk Mississippi will launch a grassroots movement to connect citizens in the public, private and voluntary sector to the resources and tools needed to take action toward becoming more livable communities." 


Advocacy Advance received 47 applications with project proposals requesting a total of $560,000. Capacity Building Grants in 2012 are made possible with generous funding by Planet Bike.  


2012 Capacity Building Grants


Bike Walk Mississippi (BWM) will receive a $10,000 matching grant to hire a second staff person to increase their effectiveness throughout the state with targeted campaigns. The new campaign manager will work with communities to develop action plans to increase bicycle friendliness. BWM will create a toolkit of resources leading to increased infrastructure, policy and programs on the local level while increasing representation on and ownership of Mississippi's statewide Bike/Ped Plan. Learn more about Bike Walk Mississippi.


Living Streets Alliance (LSA) will receive a $15,000 matching grant to hire their first full-time executive director to strengthen bicycle and pedestrian advocacy in Tucson. With 23 pedestrian fatalities in the region in 2011, LSA aims to address pedestrian safety through grassroots mobilization to galvanize support for their 2012-2013 Pedestrian Safety & Comfort Campaign. The goal of this multi-tiered campaign is to make walking a safer and more desirable transportation choice through the inclusion of a $25 million county bond package to create "safe neighborhood streets" in 2013. LSA will also supplement their successful bicycle programs and events with Cyclovia Tucson, the city's open-streets event. Learn more about Living Streets Alliance.



About Advocacy Advance
Advocacy Advance is a dynamic partnership of the Alliance for Biking & Walking and the League of American Bicyclists to boost local and state bicycle and pedestrian advocacy efforts. With support from SRAM, Advocacy Advance provides targeted trainings, reports, grants and assistance to equip advocates with the specific tools they need to increase biking and walking in their communities. 
Ongoing Grants
In addition to the new round of Capacity Building Grants, Advocacy Advance also continues to support local groups through Model and Rapid Response Grants.


Rapid Response Grants 

In addition, Advocacy Advance will grant $25,000 in

throughout the year to help state and local organizations take advantage of unexpected opportunities to win, increase, or preserve funding for biking and walking. Apply now!

Model Grants

This year sees continued support for Advocacy Advance Model Grantees. These three-year grants, awarded in 2011, support advocacy organizations for strategic efforts to significantly increase federal investment for biking and walking at state, regional, and/or local levels.

Bike Pittsburgh is receiving $40,000 per year to leverage partnerships and associations, identify key bicycle and pedestrian projects and get them funded. 

Atlanta Bicycle Coalition is receiving $35,000 per year to double federal funding to bicycle and pedestrian projects and programs in the Atlanta region and to triple the bicycle mode share. 

To meet these ambitious goals, both organizations are working with their cities, regional metropolitan planning organizations and State Departments of Transportation to tap into federal funding streams currently underutilized for bicycle and pedestrian projects.