American Bicyclists Update Archives
November 08, 2010


Well, we were looking for something completely different for the 2011 National Bike Summit...and it looks like we got us a completely different Congress. Even more dramatically, it's a Congress that's missing our biggest champion on the all-important transportation Committee, Representative Jim Oberstar. His loss, after 36 years of service, makes it imperative that we make some new friends - and we need your help!

National News
Big Changes in Congress
The November 2 mid-term elections created a major upheaval in Congress and close to 80 new Members of Congress will take the oath of office when the 112th Congress convenes on January 3, 2011. The bicycling movement lost its biggest champion, Chairman James Oberstar (D-MN) and more than 30 members of the Congressional Bike Caucus in the House. See who lost in the House and Senate. Representatives Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and Peter DeFazio (D-OR), other leading bicycling supporters, both retained their seats.
So...Register for the Summit NOW!
The new Congress will have lots of new members and face tremendous pressure to "do something" to fix the National Bike Summit budget and pass a transportation bill. Having a strong voice in Washington at the Summit next March is going to be absolutely critical - and replacing the influential voice of Congressman Oberstar after 36 years is going to a massive collective effort. So the first 100 people to register for the Summit (at any level) will receive a $36 discount and special recognition at the Summit, March 8-10. To take advantage of this offer, register for the Summit here - remember to login if you are a League member - and on the payment page type in OBERSTAR in the Promotion Code box and your registration will be automatically reduced by $36.
SRAM Partners with Advocacy Advance to Double Federal Funding on Bicycling by 2013
The League and the Alliance for Biking and Walking's Advocacy Advance team has set a three-year campaign to double federal funding for bicycling and walking by 2013. The Advocacy Advance initiative is backed by renewed support from SRAM. The partnership has been awarded up to $1.2 million from SRAM over the next three years to unite active transportation advocates across the nation and give them tools and resources to secure increased funding from existing federal transportation programs for critical bicycle and pedestrian projects. Read more on the Bike League Blog.
$1 Billion Allocated to Bike/Ped Projects in 2010
For the second year in a row, federal spending on bicycle and pedestrian projects exceeded $1 billion. According to the Federal Highway Administration's Financial Management Information System (FMIS), U.S. states "obligated" - that's FHWA's way of saying spent - $1.04 billion of federal funds on bicycle and pedestrian projects in fiscal year 2010. As in FY 2009, just more than a third ($337 million) came from American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) stimulus funds. Read more on the Bike League Blog.
LEED Rating System Open to Public Comment
The U.S. Green Building Council has opened the first public comment period for the next update to the LEED rating system. Visit the LEED Rating System Development site to access the proposed drafts.
National Obesity Rates to Hit 42 Percent
The nation is growing larger, literally. A study by Harvard University disproves previous predictions that the U.S. would level off at a 34 percent obesity rate. The Harvard researchers predict that 42 percent of our country will be obese in 40 years. Furthermore, they hypothesize that having overweight friends is one of the factors. Source Reuters.
State & Local News

Seattle BFB Steps Up Bike/Ped Improvements
The gold-level Bicycle Friendly Community (BFC) Seattle is no stranger to bicycle-friendliness in its area. Even the city's Bicycle Friendly Businesses (BFB) bike/ped improvements overlap into the community. Recently, bronze-level BFB Seattle Children's Hospital committed $2 million toward biking and walking infrastructure in the northeast section of Seattle. "...we see this as furthering our health care mission," says the hospital's transportation director. Read more here.
State Advocacy Updates
Advocating for bicycling on the local and state level is a great way to influence your leaders to make a larger push for bicycling in your area. The Virginia Bicycling Federation retreat is November 12-14. To learn more about the Weekend, click here.

Connecticut will have their first statewide summit this November 13 to help improve the state's bike-friendliness -- the state is currently ranked 40th in the Bicycle Friendly State rankings.

Maryland's bicycle advocacy group has changed its name from One Less Car to Bike Maryland. Check out their new Web site.
Petition Grows for Felony Charges Against Colo. Driver
An internet campaign is underway to persuade an Eagle County, Colo. prosecutor to bring felony charges against a hit-and-run driver who seriously injured a cyclist in the resort town of Vail. What has cyclists upset - other than the crash, of course - is that lesser, misdemeanor charges have been filed against the prominent driver because a felony might adversely affect his employment status. See the League's comments on this and other cases.
League News

Essential Tool Giveaway
The Leagues' membership card is your tool for improving biking across the country. We're also helping you gear up with the other tools you need to bike safely. Register for our essential tool giveaway before November 19, 2010, and you could be one of five lucky winners of the nifty Eleven81 Flat 8 pocket tool. Register today.
Job Opportunities

Alliance for Biking and Walking
The Alliance for Biking & Walking seeks a full-time Advocacy Advance Program Manager. Based in Washington, D.C., the manager will report to the Alliance President and work closely with League of American Bicyclists' staff to coordinate multiple components of the Advocacy Advance program, including training coordination, grant management and organizing outreach.

Click here for the full job description.
The League of American Bicyclists promotes bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation, and works through advocacy and education for a bicycle-friendly America. The League represents the interests of America's 57 million bicyclists, including its 300,000 members and affiliates. For more information or to support the League, visit
In This Issue
Changes in Congress
The Summit Needs You
Advocacy Advance & SRAM
$1B to Bike/Ped
LEED Public Comments
Obesity Rates
Seattle BFB
Va. Advocates Wkend
Colo. Petition
Job Opening

Smart Cycling the BookThe League's new book Smart Cycling is the perfect tool to educate new and returning riders.
All proceeds support
the League.
Buy a copy today!
Rainy Day BikingBicycle City Link

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