September 12, 2012 / Issue 120


Mrs. Green's World  

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Three VERY Exciting Happenings in Mrs. Green's World


It comes as no surprise that we here in Mrs. Green's World really do like to spread the good, green word about all news green and beautiful going on in the world. And we also like to share good news with you about what's going on in OUR world because you are a part of our community in every sense of the word. And so we shall for this issue. No rants, no great green tips, just some wonderful green news.

Exciting Green Happening #1 - this past Monday, the Mrs. Green's World Radio network expanded - greatly! Our Saturday show has been picked up by Dreamvisions 7 Radio based in Boston, Massachusetts. We are out of the box, over the top, extremely excited because we have a strong intention to become an ever-increasing, ever-expanding voice of green for the planet.

Here is an excerpt from the press release:

According to DV7N founder and owner, Deborah Beauvais, the Boston-based radio network features eclectic hosts in the holistic genre who raise awareness to live with a higher consciousness, caring for all people and the Planet. "I reached out to Gina (Mrs. Green) to help expand our audience," said Beauvais. "Mrs. Green's World is not only credible, but entertaining, and will be an important voice in attracting new green advocates." Currently, DV7N engages over 500,000 national and global listeners through its internet network and terrestrial broadcasts on 1500AM Revolution Boston. Mrs. Green's World weekly show and most popular archived shows will air four times weekly via the Dreamvision 7 Radio Network.

More exposure for our great guests and the educational content they share each week, more exposure for our sponsors who believe in our mission and vision and more opportunities to invite people from all over the world to think, not tell them what to think. We've only just begun!

Exciting Green Happening #2
- on Thursday, September 27th, we will be releasing a short YouTube video called The Silent Killer. Guess what it's about? PLASTIC BAGS because they are, indeed, the silent killer. We are hosting a launch party that night to thank the wonderful team of people from Bookmans Entertainment Exchange for making this video possible - starting with the award winning, creative, and talented Harrison Kressler. We will also be thanking the "stars" of the show who gave up an entire day out of their busy lives for the filming. We decided to celebrate the release of this video with a party and we will be asking everyone in attendance to spread the word about the video in the hopes of a "viral spread" miracle. Why might you ask? Because we can imagine a world without plastic bags. We can imagine them not growing on trees, trashing our landscape, maiming, killing fish and animals and polluting our oceans. Ooops! No rants. Glad I caught myself. We hope you will join us on yet another Mrs. Green excellent adventure and help us move the planet forward once we share the link. Three hundred eighty billion (number of plastic bags consumed in the USA each year) is a big number. We've got work to do.

Exciting Green Happening #3 - in early October, we are launching our THIRD annual Arizona's Greenest Workplace challenge. Our last two challenges were VERY successful and celebrated two outstanding businesses - Golden Eagle Distributors in year one and in year two. Why do we do this?
  •  because we believe it is so important to put the spotlight on what businesses are doing to become more sustainable in their everyday operations.  
  • by highlighting what companies are doing to lower their carbon footprint, we hope it will inspire other businesses to join them to move in a direction that is beneficial to their employees, to their community and ultimately to the planet. The past two winners have gone the distance to create work environments that follow the "reduce, reuse, recycle" philosophy in every conceivable way.  
Here's what the CEO of has to say about why they entered and why you should consider entering your business or nominating a green or going green business.
  •  by letting you know about businesses you can choose to support because of their green practices - and lastly, because we want to engage all of you, get your input in selecting the "People's Choice Award" and keep you excited about everything that's going on in Mrs. Green's World - a world filled with hope, possibility and change.

 YOU make it all worthwhile to all of us!

Mrs. Green visits Chapman Automotive & "BOB"!
Join Mrs. Green for a visit to Chapman Automotive and her UBERSTAR Michael for a look at "BOB"!

What's Going On at Sea of Green?

Mrs. Green's words re: Sea of Green this edition? Because of a major construction project resulting in street closures in Tucson, businesses in certain areas of the city are hurting. Sea of Green's 4th Avenue store is one of those businesses. Don't want to fight the construction? They have another location in Tucson and you can place orders for your gardening needs online.  


Gardening Tips for Your Reading Pleasure

Find the best size to wattage ratio for your indoor grow space

-- Brought to you by Sea of Green     

Mrs. Green says "Check It Out!"

One of our team members, Deb Filkins, surprises us with "green finds" almost daily. Have to admit, this one takes the cake - or better yet - the healthy candy. Read the entire story. You will thank Deb like we do. UNREAL is right!

Upcoming Shows    
Sandra Steingraber

September 15

Raising Elijah: Meet the Author 


Sandra Steingraber, author of Raising Elijah 
From Congressional briefings to the European Parliament to the President's Cancer Panel, Ms. Steingraber is an advocate for and protector of our children and our planet beyond measure. She is both deeply thoughtful, boldly honest, and a beacon of hope for all of us. Sandra will talk about her book that combines fierce love and hard science and convince us, beyond a shadow of any doubt, why protecting our children from the poisons that surround them must become our society's highest collective priority. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.

Paul Sellew  

September 22

Harvest Power: Recycling Energy and Nutrients


Paul Sellew, CEO, Harvest Power, Inc.  

Named as one of the top 100 "Emerging Companies of the Year" by the New England Clean Energy Council, Harvest Power's mission is to build strong communities through organics recycling, energy generation and soil revitalization. How? By harnessing the carbon, energy and nutrient value in organic materials, they are providing sustainable solutions for the planet. How could you not want to join me in learning more? This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Sasha Lyutse  

September 29

Antibiotics in Foods: What You Need to Know


Sasha Lyutse (political analyst), Natural Resources Defense Council, Antibiotics in Animals and in the Food Supply  

Get ready for yet another informative, educational show from the treasure trove of people and programs coming from within the NRDC. I often write that to know better is to do better. I have a feeling that this show will inspire us to do better when it comes to what we are eating and ways to make our voices be heard by people making critical decisions about our health and the health of the planet. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.




October 6

Turn Your Old Gadgets into Green $


Derrick Mains, Executive Vice President, youchange
Oh the places we go in Mrs. Green's World. Ready for this one? youchange is an electronics collection company that utilizes fundraisers, collection events and an online portal to purchase electronics and prevent them from going into our landfills. Aside from collecting electronics, youchange has a presence in schools teaching students about current sustainability challenges around the world. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.

Natura Water
October 13

Natura Water: A Breakthrough Approach to Pure H2O

Eric Fine, Regional Director of Sales at Natura Water 
Greenest water on the planet? Such is their claim. Invented by Italians and engineered in America, Natura Water is the only water purification system of its kind. Their patented system removes of significantly reduces contaminants from water like heavy metals, pesticides and chemical impurities such as mercury, lead and arsenic. Good to know right? Please join me as we find out how Natura is taking the restaurant industry by storm with their cutting edge system and to hear about their plans for bringing this revolutionary purification system into our homes. The show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.

Amy Kalafa
October 20

Two Angry Moms. It's a movie. It's a movie. It's a book.  

Amy Kalafa 
Amy Kalafa (one of those angry Moms) was stewing for years, packing her kids lunches from home and trying to get her community to pay attention to what kids are eating in school. When news of a national child health crisis began making headlines, Amy, an award-winning documentary filmmaker, decided to take the fight to film. Two Angry Moms is Amy's quest to learn what she and other parents need to know and do to get better food in their kids' schools. Are you ready for this one? I know I am. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson
Mrs. Green's World 
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 


Spread the Green Word!

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Mrs. Green welcomes your comments and feedback:

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