August 1, 2012 / Issue 117


Mrs. Green's World  

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We've Been Fracked

(But it's not too late)


I am clearly, proudly a self-proclaimed Drama Queen. Not only that, I think the world would be very boring without us. So what's a Drama Queen to do when it comes to something so serious, so dramatic, so on-purpose and important that I've got to get your attention and ask you to read on? I guess I simply ask you to trust me, read this, and then think for yourself. When it comes to fracking and our planet, my emotions almost overwhelm me. I believe fracking poses one of the biggest public health threats to our country - ever. It's a big issue, an important issue and most people don't have a clue what it is and why it should matter so very much to all of us. Hopefully you will become inspired to learn more and become active so we aren't all totally fracked.


Fracking, aka hydraulic fracturing, is a process in which fractures in rocks below the earth's surface are opened and widened by injecting chemicals and liquids at high pressure - used especially to extract natural gas or oil. Just re-read this one time. Phrases like "fracture rocks below the earth's surface" and "by injecting chemicals" might jump out at you. I invite you to remember we are talking about Mother Earth here - the same earth that gives us life.


At the risk of totally overwhelming you with content (as in FACTS), outlined below are some of the most critical pieces of information needed to make an informed decision about where you stand on fracking.

  • The natural gas industry is increasingly using a type of drilling that is contaminating drinking water and threatening our health and safety. Hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking," injects millions of gallons of fracking fluids - a mixture of nearly 600 chemicals, water and sand - into a well to create pressure that cracks open rocks underground, releasing natural gas. (Mrs. Green's note: among other things, where do you think those chemicals go once the fracking begins? And ends?
  • The process of fracking can deplete and contaminate local water, damage the environment and, as stated above, threaten public health. It is especially dangerous because of the rapid acceleration of drilling without adequate assessment of the safety risks, (like URANIUM being extracted with it!) and the lack of government oversight, including a specific exemption from federal regulation, including the Safe Drinking Water Act. (SPECIFIC EXEMPTION from the Safe Drinking Water Act. Can someone explain that to me?)
  • Fracking a SINGLE shale well requires MILLIONS of gallons of water. Widespread shale development would compete with (and already IS competing with) essential water need in regions prone to water shortages (Has anyone noticed the mid-west is drying up? Corn crops are at serious risk? Has anyone noticed we are experiencing severe water shortages globally?)
  • Now about those chemicals...Scientists have found that about 25% of fracking chemicals could cause cancer; 37% could disrupt the endocrine system; 40-50% could affect the nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems and more than 75% could impair sensory organs and the respiratory system. (Mrs. Green's two cents: I know they say "could" but I have done a great deal of research, suffered through several well respected documentaries - even on network TV - so trust me. Not "could" but "do".)
  • Miscellaneous carnage? Impact on livestock? Devastating. Waste water storage pits? Can leak and treatment plants not designed to handle this kind of waste - ya think? And the bad beat goes on.
  • Miscellaneous myths? Job creation for Americans? More like slam, bam, frack you ma'am. Gas companies come in, take what they want and are gone. Short term, not sustainable, and you can challenge me on that. Prove me wrong. Clean energy for our country? Many sources report that the gas extracted is being stored and shipped to China. Want to hear from an internationally known and well- respected expert on fracking? Meet Wenonah Hauter. After I interviewed her, I took the day off. Not drama - simply shut me down for the day.  

Mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, ordinary citizens like you and me, landowners in targeted areas and landowners where fracking has occurred are finding each other and our voices are getting louder. I urge you to take ONE SMALL STEP, take one little call to action and join the globalfrackdown.  Here's to finding our voices on behalf of a planet that needs us to take a stand.


p.s. Is all fracking bad? Nope! Are there ways to extract the gas more safely? Yup. Does it cost more money? What do you think? Anything is okay with many big corporate giants unless it impacts earnings per share.


If you really want to think and not be told what to think, contribute to your own continuing education and read this white paper because hopefully, you can handle the truth.


Ooops! (Times Two)

I actually find it refreshing when public figures or companies make mistakes, admit them and genuinely say they are sorry. Now, I am not talking about BIG mistakes like the BP oil spill but you know what I mean. That being said, there isn't a person on the Mrs. Green team who likes it when it is us that makes those mistakes. So two apologies being put out there by us. One to Pima Association of Governments for not switching out your ad in our last newsletter. We hope we "made good" because we thoroughly enjoy this partnership. And to Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona for not announcing that they are a Mrs. Green sponsor once again (not an advertiser) and for not moving them up to the sponsor area in our last two newsletters. Good catch. We are all kind of Goodwill freaks and stories among us and our friends abound so we will be making good on that one too! We strive for perfection, never want to mess up and appreciate your calling us on it when we do!
The Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen
Mrs. Green talks about the Environmental Working Group's Clean 15 and Dirty Dozens lists and the dangers of pesticides.


What's Going On at Sea of Green?

In addition to news from Sea of Green staff, I just wanted to add that I bumped into Justin Cosgrove, one of the owners of Sea of Green, at Native Seeds Search the other day. Proof positive that this man walks the walk on many levels including having his own garden and purchasing seeds from a local non-profit. More on that partnership coming soon.

Mrs. Green says "Check It Out!"

Of course I would LOVE the numbers of live listeners to my show to spin out of control. Still happy to report continued growth but we haven't crashed twitter yet. This week I would like to ask you to check out last week's guest. The show was content rich. My guest is intelligent, big picture, a highly successful human being whose organization is doing work on our behalf. Meet Rich Fuller from the Blacksmith Institute and check out what they are doing to eliminate toxins on the planet. (More of a threat to our world than HIV.)

Upcoming Shows 

Caroline Lewis August 4

Caroline Lewis, Education Strategist,

Founder & Director The CLEO Institute

Their mission: to advance environmental literacy and civic engagement by developing transformative initiatives that can be scaled and replicated. Their vision? A world in which people, communities and organizations are engaged and literate about our environment. According to my research, The CLEO Institute supports and promotes promising initiatives aligned with their organization's mission, developing programs that attract and connect untapped audiences. Sounds like a fit for Mrs. Green's world. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.


Debra Lynn Dadd August 11

Debra Lynn Dadd 

Imagine someone researching and writing about how toxic chemicals affect our health for OVER thirty years. Imagine someone informing people how to make healthier choices for over thirty years. And imagine someone who has written a book about how to protect your body from the sun without using sunglasses or sunscreen. Imagine Debra Lynn Dadd. And then plan to join us for an exciting, educational, illuminating and fun conversation. Out of the box bonus? A call in from Miraval's very own Leigh Weinraub - a young thought leader doing amazing work at Miraval. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.


MindDrive August 18

Linda Buchner, Contemporary Communications Mentor and Steve Rees, Automotive Design Instructor - Minddrive

Learning by Doing. This is almost one of those "you've got to hear it to believe it" and I saw it. What is it? MINDDRIVE is a non-profit, after school program for at-risk high school students that utilizes experiential learning methods administered by instructors and mentors. The real green skinny is what this program does to change the world. People passionate about building cars, car racing, the environment and at-risk kids got together and made something happen. By the time we are on the air, we will hear about how they built and drove an electric car from San Diego to Florida and so much more. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies.

USDA BioPreffered August 25

Kate Lewis, USDA BioPreferred Program

Say what? In their own words and I sooo get it: " The purpose of the USDA BioPreferred� program is to promote the increased purchase and use of biobased products. The program is expected to promote economic development, creating new jobs and providing new markets for farm commodities." If they achieve their goals, the increased purchase of biobased products will reduce petroleum consumption, increase use of renewable resources and might even help to reduce the never-ending adverse environmental and health impacts. Care to join me? Hope so. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.


Sally Bingham September 1

Rev. Canon Sally Bingham,

Interfaith Power and Light

I have always believed in the power of one person to make a difference. Meet Sally. She has brought widespread attention to the link between religious faith and the environment - put into action through her work with The Regeneration Project and the Interfaith Power and Light campaign. Sally is one of the FIRST faith leaders to fully recognize global warming as a CORE moral issue and has mobilized thousands of religious people to put their faith into action through energy stewardship. I am so very much looking forward to hearing from Sally and talking about her accomplishments. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.


Colin Beavan September 8

Colin Beavan - No Impact Man talking about The No Impact Project!

If EVER there was a show we can all relate to, this would be the one. Following the success of his blog, book and film, which chronicles his family's YEAR-LONG experiment living a zero-waste lifestyle in New York City, Colin conceived the No Impact Project. He believes that deep-seated individual behavior change leads to both cultural change and political engagement. So get ready for your clear entry point into the environmental movement if you are not already engaged. I am so ready to talk with Colin and let the questions begin! This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.  


Sandra Steingraber September 15 
Sandra Steingraber - author of Raising Elijah 
From Congressional briefings to the European Parliament to the President's Cancer Panel, Ms. Steingraber is an advocate for and protector of our children and our planet beyond measure. She is both deeply thoughtful, boldly honest, and a beacon of hope for all of us. Sandra will talk about her book that combines fierce love and hard science and convince us, beyond a shadow of any doubt, that protecting our children from the poisons that surround them must become our society's highest collective priority. This show sponsored by Goodwill Industries of Southern Arizona.

Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show
Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. 
Spread the Green Word!

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