Girl Talk on Green Talk Radio?
(Warning: This One is Really Out There!)
If you regularly open my newsletter, it won't surprise you that I love writing it. I have broken the rules of social media on this one, and this is more about me than it is you. But I felt strongly that I had to share it. That's what makes me tick - I have to get some things out and make space for the plethora of great, new green things wanting to come in.
Sometime last week after a long discussion with my friend Cindy, I decided I had to write about fracking again and that the title of the newsletter would be "What the Frack." Well, here I sit, hours after I started writing, with many distractions and interruptions in between, finally deciding that fracking will keep and I have to write about how green ties in with girl talk - as in sustaining your soul/spirit. I don't mean that in a sexist way. I have male friends who fit the description of girlfriends - they are open, they listen, they don't feel the need for chest pounding, have the courage to offer totally different ways of looking at things, call me out, challenge me. I have jokingly thanked many of them for being in touch with their feminine side.
When I finally stopped trying to finish the fracking topic and wrote a random thoughts blog on how great it would be to either create a venue or join an ongoing conversation about sustaining your soul, it took me less than 15 minutes to complete. So I am serious about this question. Is there a place on our planet for girl talk on a green talk radio show? Green Soul Food? Green Soul Searching? Sharing Your Inner Green? Gluten Free Talk for the Green Soul?
Here's what started this rant. I just returned from what amounted to 48+ hours in what I am sure is close to heaven on earth. I went with a group of women from an amazing networking group I am blessed to be a part of called Women at The Top. Yes, it was at Miraval, and yes, Miraval is one of the most magical, peaceful, mindful places you could ever want to visit, providing sustainable nourishment for our bodies, minds and spirits; a place where ideas are born.
I couldn't help but wonder if there isn't a solid place in our world for women who simply want to share, talk about, and engage in ongoing conversations about what feeds their souls. I don't always want to talk about fracking or reducing, reusing and recycling. I don't always want to talk about healthier eating and climate change or healthy cleaning products. It does, however, strike me, that I am always interested in hearing from other women (and men) about how they sustain their souls - be it their passion for what they do, their deepest fears, their thoughts on how they sustain themselves, pamper themselves, protect themselves from the demands of everyday life. What Miraval provided this past weekend was a safe and supportive place for all of us to get out of the fast lane and focus on ourselves -- on living our lives in balance. But we all can't live at Miraval.
Am I simply crazy or is the world ready for a talk show that provides this kind of forum on a regular basis? I am not talking touchy feely, airy fairy, woo-woo here. I am talking about being willing to take a deeper cut about lots of stuff and being willing to share it on the airwaves. I am talking about creating a safe place to engage in conversations that feed the part of us that we neglect the most and probably need to focus on the most these days - our spirit, our soul, our connection with each other.
Thanks for letting me share. I don't know where this will go but I know that in a world of communicating without really talking to each other (email, FB, twitter, blogging, texting, voicemail), there's a need out there. Here's to talking to each other using our actual voices. Stay tuned. |
The Clean 15 and the Dirty Dozen
Mrs. Green talks about the Environmental Working Group's Clean 15 and Dirty Dozens lists and the dangers of pesticides.
Mrs. Green says "Check It Out!"
Want a simple, easy way to make a difference today? And get a little disturbed about what's really going on while we were sleeping? Educate yourself about the farm bill. Too bad big money and lobbying seem to rule.
Upcoming Shows
July 21
Jon Devine & Ed Osann (Senior Policy Analyst) Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) Jon and Ed will share with us important information about NRDC's Annual Beach Report. America's beaches saw the third-highest number of closing and advisory days in more than TWO decades last year, confirming the nation's seashores continue to suffer from stormwater runoff and SEWAGE pollution that can make people sick and harm coastal economies in a big way. Can we do anything about it? Where are the clean beaches? Which ones are the dirtiest? What can we do in our homes to help? Please join me This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. July 28
Richard Fuller, President Blacksmith Institute Did you know that toxic pollution poses health risks to over 100 MILLION PEOPLE, particularly children, in low- and middle-income countries? The Blacksmith Institute works in some of the world's worst polluted places, sharing resources and expertise with local group and agencies to solve pollution problems, clean up polluted sites and save lives. Sound important? Interesting? I know that I can't wait to let the questions begin and I can't wait for you to join me. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson. August 4
Caroline Lewis, Education Strategist, Founder & Director The CLEO Institute Their mission: to advance environmental literacy and civic engagement by developing transformative initiatives that can be scaled and replicated. Their vision? A world in which people, communities and organizations are engaged and literate about our environment. According to my research, The CLEO Institute supports and promotes promising initiatives aligned with their organization's mission, developing programs that attract and connect untapped audiences. Sounds like a fit for Mrs. Green's world. This show sponsored by The Fairfax Companies. August 18
Linda Buchner, Contemporary Communications Mentor and Steve Rees, Automotive Design Instructor -Minddrive Learning by Doing. This is almost one of those "you've got to hear it to believe it" and I saw it. What is it? MINDDRIVE is a non-profit, after school program for at-risk high school students that utilizes experiential learning methods administered by instructors and mentors. The real green skinny is what this program does to change the world. People passionate about building cars, car racing, the environment and at-risk kids got together and made something happen. By the time we are on the air, we will hear about how they built and drove an electric car from San Diego to Florida and so much more. This show sponsored by Chapman Tucson.
Mrs. Green's World GREEN TALK RADIO Show Please remember to tune in to Mrs. Green's World every Saturday at 12:00 pm PST, live streaming on the Internet. Spread the Green Word!
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